#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Ruby beautifier, version 2.1, 09/11/2006 # Copyright (c) 2006, P. Lutus # Released under the GPL # Changes # Craig Williams # 12/26/2011 # Modified (very minor) to work with a Sublime Text 2 plugin # indent regexp tests @indentExp = [ /^module\b/, /^if\b/, /^\@{0,2}[\w\.]*[\s\t]*\=[\s\t]*if\b/, /(=\s*|^)until\b/, /(=\s*|^)for\b/, /^unless\b/, /^\@{0,2}[\w\.]*[\s\t]*\=[\s\t]*unless\b/, /(=\s*|^)while\b/, /(=\s*|^)begin\b/, /(^| )case\b/, /\bthen\b/, /^class\b/, /^rescue\b/, /^def\b/, /\bdo\b/, /^else\b/, /^elsif\b/, /^ensure\b/, /\bwhen\b/, /\{[^\}]*$/, /\[[^\]]*$/, /\([^\)]*$/ ] # outdent regexp tests @outdentExp = [ /^rescue\b/, /^ensure\b/, /^elsif\b/, /^end\b/, /^else\b/, /\bwhen\b/, /^[^\{]*\}/, /^[^\[]*\]/, /^[^\(]*\)/ ] def makeTab(tab) (tab < 0) ? "" : @tabStr * @tabSize * tab end def addLine(line,tab) line.strip! line = makeTab(tab)+line if line.length > 0 line + "\n" end def beautifyRuby(contents) commentBlock = false programEnd = false multiLineArray = Array.new multiLineStr = "" tab = 0 source = contents dest = "" source.split("\n").each do |line| if(!programEnd) # detect program end mark if(line =~ /^__END__$/) programEnd = true else # combine continuing lines if(!(line =~ /^\s*#/) && line =~ /[^\\]\\\s*$/) multiLineArray.push line multiLineStr += line.sub(/^(.*)\\\s*$/,"\\1") next end # add final line if(multiLineStr.length > 0) multiLineArray.push line multiLineStr += line.sub(/^(.*)\\\s*$/,"\\1") end tline = ((multiLineStr.length > 0)?multiLineStr:line).strip if(tline =~ /^=begin/) commentBlock = true end end end if(commentBlock || programEnd) # add the line unchanged dest += line + "\n" else commentLine = (tline =~ /^#/) if(!commentLine) # throw out sequences that will # only sow confusion while tline.gsub!(/'.*?'/,"") end while tline.gsub!(/".*?"/,"") end while tline.gsub!(/\`.*?\`/,"") end while tline.gsub!(/\{[^\{]*?\}/,"") end while tline.gsub!(/\([^\(]*?\)/,"") end while tline.gsub!(/\/.*?\//,"") end while tline.gsub!(/%r(.).*?\1/,"") end tline.gsub!(/\\\"/,"'") @outdentExp.each do |re| if(tline =~ re) tab -= 1 break end end end if (multiLineArray.length > 0) multiLineArray.each do |ml| dest += addLine(ml,tab) end multiLineArray.clear multiLineStr = "" else dest += addLine(line,tab) end if(!commentLine) @indentExp.each do |re| if(tline =~ re && !(tline =~ /\s+end\s*$/)) tab += 1 break end end end end if(tline =~ /^=end/) commentBlock = false end end STDOUT.write(dest) # uncomment this to complain about mismatched blocks # if(tab != 0) # STDERR.puts "#{path}: Indentation error: #{tab}" # end end tab_or_space = ARGV.first path = ARGV.last path.gsub!("\\", "/") if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ contents = IO.read(path) if tab_or_space == 'space' @tabSize = 2 @tabStr = " " else @tabSize = 1 @tabStr = "\t" end beautifyRuby(contents)