module HQMF2 # Represents an HQMF population criteria, also supports all the same methods as # HQMF2::Precondition class PopulationCriteria include HQMF2::Utilities attr_reader :preconditions, :id, :hqmf_id, :title, :aggregator, :comments # need to do this to allow for setting the type to OBSERV for attr_accessor :type # Create a new population criteria from the supplied HQMF entry # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Element] the HQMF entry def initialize(entry, doc, id_generator) @id_generator = id_generator @doc = doc @entry = entry setup_derived_entry_elements(id_generator) # modify type to meet current expected population names @type = 'IPP' if @type == 'IPOP' || @type == 'IPPOP' @comments = nil if comments.empty? # MEAN is handled in current code. Changed since it should have the same effect @aggregator = 'MEAN' if @aggregator == 'AVERAGE' @hqmf_id = @type unless @hqmf_id # The id extension is not required, if it's not provided use the code handle_type(id_generator) end # Handles how the code should deal with the type definition (aggregate vs non-aggregate) def handle_type(id_generator) if @type != 'AGGREGATE' # Generate the precondition for this population if @preconditions.length > 1 || (@preconditions.length == 1 && @preconditions[0].conjunction != conjunction_code) @preconditions = [, conjunction_code, @preconditions)] end else # Extract the data criteria this population references dc = handle_observation_criteria @preconditions = [, nil, nil, false,] if dc end end # Handles extracting elements from the entry def setup_derived_entry_elements(id_generator) @hqmf_id = attr_val('./*/cda:id/@root') || attr_val('./*/cda:typeId/@extension') @title = attr_val('./*/cda:code/cda:displayName/@value').try(:titleize) @type = attr_val('./*/cda:code/@code') @comments = @entry.xpath('./*/cda:text/cda:xml/cda:qdmUserComments/cda:item/text()', HQMF2::Document::NAMESPACES) .map(&:content) handle_preconditions(id_generator) obs_test = attr_val('./cda:measureObservationDefinition/@classCode') # If there are no measure observations, or there is a title, then there are no aggregations to extract return unless !@title && obs_test.to_s == 'OBS' @title = attr_val('../cda:code/cda:displayName/@value') @aggregator = attr_val('./cda:measureObservationDefinition/cda:methodCode/cda:item/@code') end # specifically handles extracting the preconditions for the population criteria def handle_preconditions(id_generator) # Nest multiple preconditions under a single root precondition @preconditions = @entry.xpath('./*/cda:precondition[not(@nullFlavor)]', HQMF2::Document::NAMESPACES) .collect do |pre| precondition = Precondition.parse(pre, @doc, id_generator) precondition.reference.nil? && precondition.preconditions.empty? ? nil : precondition end # Remove uneeded nils from the array @preconditions.compact! end # extracts out any measure observation definitons, creating from them the proper criteria to generate a precondition def handle_observation_criteria exp = @entry.at_xpath('./cda:measureObservationDefinition/cda:value/cda:expression/@value', HQMF2::Document::NAMESPACES) # Measure Observations criteria rely on computed expressions. If it doesn't have one, # then it is likely formatted improperly. fail 'Measure Observations criteria is missing computed expression(s) ' if exp.nil? parts = exp.to_s.split('-') dc = parse_parts_to_dc(parts) @doc.add_data_criteria(dc) unless dc.nil? # Update reference_ids with any newly referenced data criteria dc.children_criteria.each { |cc| @doc.add_reference_id(cc) } unless dc&.children_criteria.nil? dc end # generates the value given in an expression based on the number of criteria it references. def parse_parts_to_dc(parts) case parts.length when 1 # If there is only one part, it is a reference to an existing data criteria's value @doc.find_criteria_by_lvn(parts.first.strip.split('.')[0]) when 2 # If there are two parts, there is a computation performed, specifically time difference, on the two criteria children = parts.collect { |p| @doc.find_criteria_by_lvn(p.strip.split('.')[0]).id } id = "GROUP_TIMEDIFF_#{@id_generator.next_id}" id, title: id, subset_operators: ['DATETIMEDIFF', nil)], children_criteria: children, derivation_operator: HQMF::DataCriteria::XPRODUCT, type: 'derived', definition: 'derived', negation: false, source_data_criteria: id ) else # If there are neither one or 2 parts, the code should fail fail "No defined extraction method to handle #{parts.length} parts" end end def create_human_readable_id(id) @id = id end # Get the conjunction code, ALL_TRUE or AT_LEAST_ONE_TRUE # @return [String] conjunction code def conjunction_code case @type when HQMF::PopulationCriteria::IPP, HQMF::PopulationCriteria::DENOM, HQMF::PopulationCriteria::NUMER, HQMF::PopulationCriteria::MSRPOPL, HQMF::PopulationCriteria::STRAT HQMF::Precondition::ALL_TRUE when HQMF::PopulationCriteria::DENEXCEP, HQMF::PopulationCriteria::DENEX, HQMF::PopulationCriteria::MSRPOPLEX, HQMF::PopulationCriteria::NUMEX HQMF::Precondition::AT_LEAST_ONE_TRUE else fail "Unknown population type [#{@type}]" end end # Generates this classes hqmf-model equivalent def to_model mps = preconditions.collect(&:to_model), hqmf_id, type, mps, title, aggregator, comments) end end end