File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
Async.hpp [code]
Audio.hpp [code]Contains all the classes of Gosu's audio system
AutoLink.hpp [code]Contains pragmas that make MSVC link against all the necessary libraries automatically
Bitmap.hpp [code]Interface of the Bitmap class
ButtonsMac.hpp [code]
ButtonsWin.hpp [code]
ButtonsX.hpp [code]
Color.hpp [code]Interface of the Color class
Directories.hpp [code]Access to a small set of system paths
Font.hpp [code]Interface of the Font class
Fwd.hpp [code]Contains declarations of all of Gosu's available classes
Gosu.hpp [code]Umbrella header for lazy people with fast compilers, or pre-compiled headers
Graphics.hpp [code]Interface of the Graphics class
GraphicsBase.hpp [code]Contains general typedefs and enums related to graphics
Image.hpp [code]Interface of the Image class and helper functions
ImageData.hpp [code]Interface of the ImageData class
Input.hpp [code]Interface of the Input class
IO.hpp [code]Contains everything related to input and output
Math.hpp [code]Contains simple math functionality
Platform.hpp [code]Macros and utility functions to facilitate programming on all of Gosu's supported platforms
RotFlip.hpp [code]Interface of the undocumented RotFlip class
Sockets.hpp [code]Interface of the three socket classes, MessageSocket, CommSocket and ListenerSocket
Text.hpp [code]Functions to output text on bitmaps
TextInput.hpp [code]Interface of the TextInput class
Timing.hpp [code]Functions for timing
Utility.hpp [code]General purpose utility functions
Window.hpp [code]Interface of the Window class
WinUtility.hpp [code]Contains some functions which are used to implement Gosu on Windows and might be useful for advanced users who try to integrate Gosu in a Win32 application

Generated on Fri Sep 12 21:50:23 2008 for Gosu by  doxygen 1.5.5