##################################################################### # test_wc.rb # # Test case for the File.wc method. This test should be run via # the 'rake test_wc' task. ##################################################################### require 'test-unit' require 'ptools' class TC_FileWC < Test::Unit::TestCase def self.startup Dir.chdir('test') if File.exist?('test') File.open('test_file1.txt', 'w'){ |fh| 25.times{ |n| fh.puts "line#{n+1}" } } @@test_file = 'test_file1.txt' end def setup @test_file = 'test_file1.txt' end test "wc method basic functionality" do assert_respond_to(File, :wc) assert_nothing_raised{ File.wc(@test_file) } end test "wc accepts specific optional arguments" do assert_nothing_raised{ File.wc(@test_file, 'bytes') } assert_nothing_raised{ File.wc(@test_file, 'chars') } assert_nothing_raised{ File.wc(@test_file, 'words') } assert_nothing_raised{ File.wc(@test_file, 'lines') } end test "argument to wc ignores the case of the option argument" do assert_nothing_raised{ File.wc(@test_file, 'LINES') } end test "wc with no option returns expected results" do assert_kind_of(Array, File.wc(@test_file)) assert_equal([166,166,25,25], File.wc(@test_file)) end test "wc with bytes option returns the expected result" do assert_equal(166, File.wc(@test_file, 'bytes'), "Wrong number of bytes") end test "wc with chars option returns the expected result" do assert_equal(166, File.wc(@test_file, 'chars'), "Wrong number of chars") end test "wc with words option returns the expected result" do assert_equal(25, File.wc(@test_file, 'words'), "Wrong number of words") end test "wc with lines option returns the expected result" do assert_equal(25, File.wc(@test_file, 'lines'), "Wrong number of lines") end test "wc requires at least on argument" do assert_raises(ArgumentError){ File.wc } end test "an invalid option raises an error" do assert_raises(ArgumentError){ File.wc(@test_file, 'bogus') } end def teardown @test_file = nil end def self.shutdown File.delete(@@test_file) if File.exist?(@@test_file) end end