require "app_store/base" require "app_store/company" require "app_store/user_review" require "app_store/artwork" require "app_store/list" require "app_store/link" # Represents an application in the AppStore. # = Available attributes: # * average_user_rating: average rating from all user_reviews. # * user_rating_count: user_reviews count. # * release_date: release date on the AppStore for the application. # * description: application description. # * screenshots: array of Image objects for screenshots. # * item_id: application id. # * version: application version. # * company: a Company object, the one which submit the application. # * title: application title. # * price: price of the application on the Apple AppStore. # * icon: Image object of the application icon. # * size: size of the application in byte. # = Examples # === Simple search # @applications ='upnp') # @applications.class # => Array # @applications.length # => 8 # @applications.first.title # => "PlugPlayer" # @applications.first.price # => 4.99 # # === Find an application by id # @fontpicker = AppStore::Application.find_by_id(327076783) # @fontpicker.class # => AppStore::Application # @fontpicker.title # => "FontPicker" # @fontpicker.price # => 0.0 # # => "Etienne Segonzac" # # === Medias # @fontpicker.screenshots # => [# "" # @fontpicker.icon.url # => "" # # === User reviews # @remote = AppStore::Application.find_by_id(284417350) # @remote.title # => "Remote" # @remote.user_reviews.length # => 10 # # @review = @remote.user_reviews.first # # @review.user_name # => "Ebolavoodoo on Aug 27, 2009" # @review.average_user_rating # => 1.0 # @review.text # => "Simply amazing. My new favorite app. Instantly responds. Easy to navigate and control. For those who say it doesn't work. Stinks to be you." class AppStore::Application < AppStore::Base ApplicationURL = "" attr_reader :company, :price, :size, :artworks, :icon, :icon_thumbnail, :screenshots plist :accepted_type => 'software', :mapping => { 'average-user-rating' => :average_user_rating, 'user-rating-count' => :user_rating_count, 'release-date' => :release_date, 'description' => :description, 'item-id' => :item_id, 'version' => :version, 'title' => :title } # Search an Application by its id. Accepts only one id and returns an Application instance. def self.find_by_id(id) plist = AppStore::Caller.get(AppStore::Caller::ApplicationURL, :id => id) # TODO : Check if everything was right before instancianting new :plist => plist['item-metadata'] end # Search an Application by a text. # Returns an array with matching application or an empty array if no result found. def plist = AppStore::Caller.get(AppStore::Caller::SearchURL, :media => 'software', :term => text) :list => plist['items'] end def initialize(attrs = {}) @screenshots ||= [] super end # Returns an AppStore::List of UserReview objects. def user_reviews if @user_reviews.nil? plist = AppStore::Caller.get(@raw['view-user-reviews-url']) @user_reviews = => plist['items']) end @user_reviews end def itunes_url "#{ApplicationURL}?id=#{item_id}" end def icon if @icon.nil? parsed = AppStore::Caller.itunes_get(AppStore::Caller::ApplicationURL, :id => item_id) @icon = =>'PictureView[@height="100"][@width="100"]').first) end @icon end protected def custom_init_from_plist(plist) # Set size and price @price = plist['store-offers']['STDQ']['price'] @size = plist['store-offers']['STDQ']['size'] # Seek for company @company = => plist['company']) # Parse artwork @artworks = plist['artwork-urls'].collect do |plist_artwork| # OPTIMIZE : handle default_screenshot if plist_artwork['image-type'] and plist_artwork['default'] artwork = :plist => plist_artwork @icon_thumbnail ||= artwork.default if artwork.is_icon? @screenshots << artwork.default unless artwork.is_icon? artwork end end @artworks.compact! end end