class Menu
Public Class Methods
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Calls superclass method
# File UI/Menu.rb, line 30 def initialize() super(:vertical, 0) @builder = #@racine = racine self.afficheDemarrage() end
Public Instance Methods
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# File UI/Menu.rb, line 243 def AfficherAide() @aide = end
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# File UI/Menu.rb, line 37 def afficheDemarrage() if(@window != nil) then @window.destroy() end @builder.add_from_file("../glade/") # --- GET_OBJECT # --- WINDOWS --- @window = @builder.get_object("windowMenu") # --- BTN --- @btnQuitter = @builder.get_object("btnQuitter") @btnJouer = @builder.get_object("btnJouer") @btnAide = @builder.get_object("btnAide") @btnRegles = @builder.get_object("btnRegles") @btnAstuces = @builder.get_object("btnAstuces") # --- TGL --- @tglMNormal = @builder.get_object("tglNormal") @tglAventure = @builder.get_object("tglAventure") @tgl77 = @builder.get_object("tgl77") @tgl1010 = @builder.get_object("tgl1010") @tgl1515 = @builder.get_object("tgl1515") @tglFacile = @builder.get_object("tglFacile") @tglNormal = @builder.get_object("tglNorma") @tglDiff = @builder.get_object("tglDifficile") # -- LABEL @lbTaille = @builder.get_object("lbTaille") @lbTaille.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_LABEL_MENU, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @lbDiff = @builder.get_object("lbDiff") @lbDiff.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_LABEL_MENU, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @lbTaille = @builder.get_object("lbTaille") @lbTaille.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_LABEL_MENU, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @lbPseudo = @builder.get_object("lbPseudo") @lbPseudo.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_LABEL_MENU, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @btnQuitter.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BTN_BOTMENU, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @btnJouer.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BTN_BOTMENU, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @btnAide.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BTN_TOPMENU, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @btnRegles.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BTN_TOPMENU, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @btnAstuces.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BTN_TOPMENU, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) # --- ENTRY @pseudo = @builder.get_object("entryPseudo") # --- CSS @window.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BG_MENU, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @tglMNormal.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BUTTON_ACTIVE, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @tglAventure.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BUTTON_ACTIVE, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @tgl77.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BUTTON_ACTIVE, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @tgl1010.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BUTTON_ACTIVE, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @tgl1515.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BUTTON_ACTIVE, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @tglFacile.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BUTTON_ACTIVE, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @tglNormal.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BUTTON_ACTIVE, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) @tglDiff.style_context.add_provider(@@CSS_BUTTON_ACTIVE, Gtk::StyleProvider::PRIORITY_USER) # --- SIGNAUX --- # --- WINDOWS --- @window.signal_connect('destroy') { |_widget| Gtk.main_quit } # --- BTN --- @btnQuitter.signal_connect('clicked') { |_widget| Gtk.main_quit } @btnJouer.signal_connect('clicked') { |_widget| valide() } @btnAide.signal_connect('clicked') { |_widget| AfficherAide() } @btnRegles.signal_connect('clicked') { puts "--- Affichage des règles"; } @btnAstuces.signal_connect('clicked') { puts "--- Affichage des astuces"; } # Appel de la gestion des signaux self.gestionTgl() Gtk.main() end
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# File UI/Menu.rb, line 299 def afficheLabel(label) pack_start(@label =, :expand => true, :fill => true) show_all end
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# File UI/Menu.rb, line 307 def afficheRegles @fenetreRegles.show_all end
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# File UI/Menu.rb, line 253 def commencerPartie(grille,nomCompte) @fenetreScroll.hide @jeu =, grille,nomCompte,@window) end
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# File UI/Menu.rb, line 112 def gestionTgl() #Gestion des paramètres selon [Mode], [Taille] et [Difficulté] #1-Mode de jeu : Normal OU Aventure @tglMNormal.signal_connect('toggled') { if (@@mode != 1) && = false; = true; @@mode = 1; puts "Mode : Normal - #{@@mode}"; else if !( && !( = true; @@mode = 1; puts "Mode : Normal - #{@@mode}"; end end } @tglAventure.signal_connect('toggled') { if (@@mode != 2) && = false; = true; @@mode = 2; puts "Mode : Aventure - #{@@mode}"; else if !( && !( = true; @@mode = 2; puts "Mode : Aventure - #{@@mode}"; end end } #2-Taille de grille : 7*7, 10*10 OU 15*15 @tgl77.signal_connect('toggled') { if (@@taille != 7) && ( || = false; = false; = true; @@taille = 7; puts "Taille grille : 7*7 - #{@@taille}"; else if !( && !( && !( = true; @@taille = 7; puts "Taille grille : 7*7 - #{@@taille}"; end end } @tgl1010.signal_connect('toggled') { if (@@taille != 10) && ( || = false; = false; = true; @@taille = 10; puts "Taille grille : 10*10 - #{@@taille}"; else if !( && !( && !( = true; @@taille = 10; puts "Taille grille : 10*10 - #{@@taille}"; end end } @tgl1515.signal_connect('toggled') { if (@@taille != 15) && ( || = false; = false; = true; @@taille = 15; puts "Taille grille : 15*15 - #{@@taille}"; else if !( && !( && !( = true; @@taille = 15; puts "Taille grille : 15*15 - #{@@taille}"; end end } #3-Difficulté de la grille : Facile, Normal OU Difficile @tglFacile.signal_connect('toggled'){ if (@@difficulte != 1) && ( || = false; = false; = true; @@difficulte = 1; puts "Difficultée : Facile - #{@@difficulte}"; else if !( && !( && !( = true; @@difficulte = 1; puts "Difficultée : Facile - #{@@difficulte}"; end end } @tglNormal.signal_connect('toggled'){ if (@@difficulte != 2) && ( || = false; = false; = true; @@difficulte = 2; puts "Difficultée : Normale - #{@@difficulte}"; else if !( && !( && !( = true; @@difficulte = 2; puts "Difficultée : Normale - #{@@difficulte}"; end end } @tglDiff.signal_connect('toggled'){ if (@@difficulte != 3) && ( || = false; = false; = true; @@difficulte = 3; puts "Difficultée : Difficile - #{@@difficulte}"; else if !( && !( && !( = true; @@difficulte = 3; puts "Difficultée : Difficile - #{@@difficulte}"; end end } end
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# File UI/Menu.rb, line 247 def removeChild(fenetre) fenetre.each_all do |c| remove(c) end end
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# File UI/Menu.rb, line 258 def retourMenu() each_all do |c| remove(c) end pack_start(@titre, :expand => true, :fill => true) pack_start(@choixNom, :expand => true, :fill => true) pack_start(@choixTaille, :expand => true, :fill => true) pack_start(@choixDifficulte, :expand => true, :fill => true) pack_start(@surBoxValide, :expand => true, :fill => true) end