::Instana.logger.warn "Starting background Ruby on Rails #{Rails::VERSION::STRING} application on port 3205" require "rails" require "active_record/railtie" require "active_model/railtie" require "action_controller/railtie" require "active_model/railtie" require 'rack/handler/puma' if Rails::VERSION::STRING >= '6.0' require_relative 'models/block6' else require_relative 'models/block' end ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(ENV['DATABASE_URL']) unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists? 'blocks' if Rails::VERSION::STRING < '4.0' CreateBlocks.migrate(:up) else ActiveRecord::Migration.run(CreateBlocks) end end class RailsTestApp < Rails::Application routes.append do get "/test/world" => "test#world" get "/test/db" => "test#db" get "/test/db_lock_table" => "test#db_lock_table" get "/test/db_raw_execute" => "test#db_raw_execute" get "/test/db_raw_execute_error" => "test#db_raw_execute_error" get "/test/error" => "test#error" get "/test/render_view" => "test#render_view" get "/test/render_partial" => "test#render_partial" get "/test/render_collection" => "test#render_collection" get "/test/render_file" => "test#render_file" get "/test/render_nothing" => "test#render_nothing" get "/test/render_json" => "test#render_json" get "/test/render_xml" => "test#render_xml" get "/test/render_rawbody" => "test#render_rawbody" get "/test/render_js" => "test#render_js" get "/test/render_alternate_layout" => "test#render_alternate_layout" get "/test/render_partial_that_errors" => "test#render_partial_that_errors" get "/test/raise_route_error" => "test#raise_route_error" get "/api/world" => "socket#world" get "/api/error" => "socket#error" get "/api/raise_route_error" => "socket#raise_route_error" end # Enable cache classes. Production style. config.cache_classes = true config.eager_load = false # uncomment below to display errors # config.consider_all_requests_local = true config.paths['app/views'].unshift(File.join(__dir__, 'views')) config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr config.middleware.delete Rack::Lock config.middleware.delete ActionDispatch::Flash # We need a secret token for session, cookies, etc. config.secret_token = "doesntneedtobesecurefortests" config.secret_key_base = "blueredaquarossoseven" end class TestController < ActionController::Base def world if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR > 4 render :plain => "Hello test world!" else render :text => "Hello test world!" end end def db white_block = Block.new(:name => 'Part #28349', :color => 'White') white_block.save found = Block.where(:name => 'Part #28349').first found.delete if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR > 4 render :plain => "Hello test db!" else render :text => "Hello test db!" end end def db_raw_execute ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT 1") if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR > 4 render :plain => "Hello test db!" else render :text => "Hello test db!" end end def db_raw_execute_error ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("This is not real SQL but an intended error") if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR > 4 render :plain => "Hello test db!" else render :text => "Hello test db!" end end def db_lock_table ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('LOCK blocks IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE') ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT 1") end if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR > 4 render :plain => "Hello test db!" else render :text => "Hello test db!" end end def render_view @message = "Hello Instana!" end def render_partial @message = "Hello Instana!" end def render_partial_that_errors @message = "Hello Instana!" end def render_collection @blocks = Block.all end def render_file @message = "Hello Instana!" render :file => '/etc/issue' end def render_alternate_layout @message = "Hello Instana!" render :layout => 'layouts/mobile' end def render_nothing @message = "Hello Instana!" render :nothing => true end def render_json @message = "Hello Instana!" render :json => @message end def render_xml @message = "Hello Instana!" render :xml => @message end def render_rawbody @message = "Hello Instana!" render :body => 'raw body output' end def render_js @message = "Hello Instana!" render :js => @message end def error raise Exception.new("Warning: This is a simulated Error") end def raise_route_error raise ActionController::RoutingError.new('Simulated not found') end end if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR > 4 class SocketController < ActionController::API def world if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR > 4 render :plain => "Hello api world!" else render :text => "Hello api world!" end end def raise_route_error raise ActionController::RoutingError.new('Simulated not found') end def error raise Exception.new("Warning: This is a simulated Socket API Error") end end end RailsTestApp.initialize! # Initialize some blocks so we have stuff to test against. Block.new(:name => :corner, :color => :blue).save Block.new(:name => :floor, :color => :green).save Thread.new do Rack::Handler::Puma.run(RailsTestApp.to_app, {:Host => '', :Port => 3205}) end sleep(1)