# frozen_string_literal: true module Floe class ContainerRunner class Kubernetes < Floe::Runner include Floe::ContainerRunner::DockerMixin TOKEN_FILE = "/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token" CA_CERT_FILE = "/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt" RUNNING_PHASES = %w[Pending Running].freeze FAILURE_REASONS = %w[CrashLoopBackOff ImagePullBackOff ErrImagePull].freeze def initialize(options = {}) require "active_support/core_ext/hash/keys" require "awesome_spawn" require "securerandom" require "base64" require "kubeclient" require "yaml" @kubeconfig_file = ENV.fetch("KUBECONFIG", nil) || options.fetch("kubeconfig", File.join(Dir.home, ".kube", "config")) @kubeconfig_context = options["kubeconfig_context"] @token = options["token"] @token ||= File.read(options["token_file"]) if options.key?("token_file") @token ||= File.read(TOKEN_FILE) if File.exist?(TOKEN_FILE) @server = options["server"] @server ||= URI::HTTPS.build(:host => ENV.fetch("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST"), :port => ENV.fetch("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT", 6443)) if ENV.key?("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST") @ca_file = options["ca_file"] @ca_file ||= CA_CERT_FILE if File.exist?(CA_CERT_FILE) @verify_ssl = options["verify_ssl"] == "false" ? OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE : OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER if server.nil? && token.nil? && !File.exist?(kubeconfig_file) raise ArgumentError, "Missing connections options, provide a kubeconfig file or pass server and token via --docker-runner-options" end @namespace = options.fetch("namespace", "default") @pull_policy = options["pull-policy"] @task_service_account = options["task_service_account"] super end def run_async!(resource, env, secrets, context) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid resource" unless resource&.start_with?("docker://") image = resource.sub("docker://", "") name = container_name(image) secret = create_secret!(secrets) if secrets && !secrets.empty? execution_id = context.execution["Id"] runner_context = {"container_ref" => name, "container_state" => {"phase" => "Pending"}, "secrets_ref" => secret} begin create_pod!(name, image, env, execution_id, secret) runner_context rescue Kubeclient::HttpError => err cleanup(runner_context) {"Error" => "States.TaskFailed", "Cause" => err.to_s} end end def status!(runner_context) return if runner_context.key?("Error") runner_context["container_state"] = pod_info(runner_context["container_ref"]).to_h.deep_stringify_keys["status"] end def running?(runner_context) return false unless pod_running?(runner_context) # If a pod is Pending and the containers are waiting with a failure # reason such as ImagePullBackOff or CrashLoopBackOff then the pod # will never be run. return false if container_failed?(runner_context) true end def success?(runner_context) runner_context.dig("container_state", "phase") == "Succeeded" end def output(runner_context) if runner_context.key?("Error") runner_context.slice("Error", "Cause") elsif container_failed?(runner_context) failed_state = failed_container_states(runner_context).first {"Error" => failed_state["reason"], "Cause" => failed_state["message"]} else runner_context["output"] = kubeclient.get_pod_log(runner_context["container_ref"], namespace).body end end def cleanup(runner_context) pod, secret = runner_context.values_at("container_ref", "secrets_ref") delete_pod(pod) if pod delete_secret(secret) if secret end def wait(timeout: nil, events: %i[create update delete]) retry_connection = true begin watcher = kubeclient.watch_pods(:namespace => namespace) retry_connection = true if timeout.to_i > 0 timeout_thread = Thread.new do sleep(timeout) watcher.finish end end watcher.each do |notice| break if error_notice?(notice) event = kube_notice_type_to_event(notice.type) next unless events.include?(event) runner_context = parse_notice(notice) next if runner_context.nil? if block_given? yield [event, runner_context] else timeout_thread&.kill # If we break out before the timeout, kill the timeout thread return [[event, runner_context]] end end rescue Kubeclient::HttpError => err raise unless err.error_code == 401 && retry_connection @kubeclient = nil retry_connection = false retry ensure begin watch&.finish rescue nil end timeout_thread&.join(0) end end private attr_reader :ca_file, :kubeconfig_file, :kubeconfig_context, :namespace, :server, :token, :verify_ssl def pod_info(pod_name) kubeclient.get_pod(pod_name, namespace) end def pod_running?(context) RUNNING_PHASES.include?(context.dig("container_state", "phase")) end def failed_container_states(context) container_statuses = context.dig("container_state", "containerStatuses") || [] container_statuses.filter_map { |status| status["state"]&.values&.first } .select { |state| FAILURE_REASONS.include?(state["reason"]) } end def container_failed?(context) failed_container_states(context).any? end def pod_spec(name, image, env, execution_id, secret = nil) spec = { :kind => "Pod", :apiVersion => "v1", :metadata => { :name => name, :namespace => namespace, :labels => {"execution_id" => execution_id} }, :spec => { :containers => [ { :name => name[0...-9], # remove the random suffix and its leading hyphen :image => image, :env => env.map { |k, v| {:name => k, :value => v.to_s} } } ], :restartPolicy => "Never" } } spec[:spec][:imagePullPolicy] = @pull_policy if @pull_policy spec[:spec][:serviceAccountName] = @task_service_account if @task_service_account if secret spec[:spec][:volumes] = [ { :name => "secret-volume", :secret => {:secretName => secret} } ] spec[:spec][:containers][0][:env] << { :name => "_CREDENTIALS", :value => "/run/secrets/#{secret}/secret" } spec[:spec][:containers][0][:volumeMounts] = [ { :name => "secret-volume", :mountPath => "/run/secrets/#{secret}", :readOnly => true } ] end spec end def create_pod!(name, image, env, execution_id, secret = nil) kubeclient.create_pod(pod_spec(name, image, env, execution_id, secret)) end def delete_pod!(name) kubeclient.delete_pod(name, namespace) end def delete_pod(name) delete_pod!(name) rescue nil end def create_secret!(secrets) secret_name = SecureRandom.uuid secret_config = { :kind => "Secret", :apiVersion => "v1", :metadata => { :name => secret_name, :namespace => namespace }, :data => { :secret => Base64.urlsafe_encode64(secrets.to_json) }, :type => "Opaque" } kubeclient.create_secret(secret_config) secret_name end def delete_secret!(secret_name) kubeclient.delete_secret(secret_name, namespace) end def delete_secret(name) delete_secret!(name) rescue nil end def kube_notice_type_to_event(type) case type when "ADDED" :create when "MODIFIED" :update when "DELETED" :delete else :unknown end end def error_notice?(notice) return false unless notice.type == "ERROR" message = notice.object&.message code = notice.object&.code reason = notice.object&.reason logger.warn("Received [#{code} #{reason}], [#{message}]") true end def parse_notice(notice) return if notice.object.nil? pod = notice.object container_ref = pod.metadata.name execution_id = pod.metadata.labels["execution_id"] container_state = pod.to_h[:status].deep_stringify_keys {"execution_id" => execution_id, "runner_context" => {"container_ref" => container_ref, "container_state" => container_state}} end def kubeclient return @kubeclient unless @kubeclient.nil? if server && token api_endpoint = server auth_options = {:bearer_token => token} ssl_options = {:verify_ssl => verify_ssl} ssl_options[:ca_file] = ca_file if ca_file else context = kubeconfig&.context(kubeconfig_context) raise ArgumentError, "Missing connections options, provide a kubeconfig file or pass server and token via --docker-runner-options" if context.nil? api_endpoint = context.api_endpoint auth_options = context.auth_options ssl_options = context.ssl_options end @kubeclient = Kubeclient::Client.new(api_endpoint, "v1", :ssl_options => ssl_options, :auth_options => auth_options).tap(&:discover) end def kubeconfig return if kubeconfig_file.nil? || !File.exist?(kubeconfig_file) Kubeclient::Config.read(kubeconfig_file) end end end end