require '../ET_Client.rb' begin stubObj =, false) NewListName = "RubySDKList" ## Example using AddSubscriberToList() method ## Typically this method will be used with a pre-existing list but for testing purposes one is being created. # Create List p '>>> Create List' postList = postList.authStub = stubObj postList.props = {"ListName" => NewListName, "Description" => "This list was created with the RubySDK", "Type" => "Private" } postResponse = p 'Post Status: ' + postResponse.status.to_s p 'Code: ' + postResponse.code.to_s p 'Message: ' + postResponse.message.to_s p 'Result Count: ' + postResponse.results.length.to_s p 'Results: ' + postResponse.results.inspect if postResponse.status then newListID = postResponse.results[0][:new_id] # Adding Subscriber To a List p '>>> Add Subscriber To a List' AddSubResponse = stubObj.AddSubscriberToList("", [newListID]) p 'AddSubResponse Status: ' + AddSubResponse.status.to_s p 'Code: ' + AddSubResponse.code.to_s p 'Message: ' + AddSubResponse.message.to_s p 'Result Count: ' + AddSubResponse.results.length.to_s p 'Results: ' + AddSubResponse.results.inspect # Delete List p '>>> Delete List' deleteSub = deleteSub.authStub = stubObj deleteSub.props = {"ID" => newListID} deleteResponse = deleteSub.delete p 'Delete Status: ' + deleteResponse.status.to_s p 'Code: ' + deleteResponse.code.to_s p 'Message: ' + deleteResponse.message.to_s p 'Results Length: ' + deleteResponse.results.length.to_s p 'Results: ' + deleteResponse.results.to_s end rescue => e p "Caught exception: #{e.message}" p e.backtrace end