require "log4r" require "vagrant/util/platform" require "vagrant/util/which" module VagrantPlugins module SyncedFolderSSHFS class SyncedFolder < Vagrant.plugin("2", :synced_folder) def initialize(*args) super @logger ="vagrant::synced_folders::sshfs") end # This is called early when the synced folder is set to determine # if this implementation can be used for this machine. This should # return true or false. # # @param [Machine] machine # @param [Boolean] raise_error If true, should raise an exception # if it isn't usable. # @return [Boolean] def usable?(machine, raise_error=false) return true #for now end # This is called after the machine is booted and after networks # are setup. # # This might be called with new folders while the machine is running. # If so, then this should add only those folders without removing # any existing ones. # # No return value. def enable(machine, folders, pluginopts) # Check to see if sshfs software is in the guest if machine.guest.capability?(:sshfs_installed) if !machine.guest.capability(:sshfs_installed) can_install = machine.guest.capability?(:sshfs_install) if !can_install raise VagrantPlugins::SyncedFolderSSHFS::Errors::SSHFSNotInstalledInGuest end"vagrant.sshfs.actions.installing")) machine.guest.capability(:sshfs_install) end end # Iterate through the folders and mount if needed folders.each do |id, opts| # If already mounted then there is nothing to do if machine.guest.capability(:sshfs_is_folder_mounted, opts) I18n.t("", folder: opts[:guestpath])) next end # If the synced folder entry has host information in it then # assume we are doing a normal sshfs mount to a host that isn't # the machine running vagrant. Rely on password/ssh keys. # # If not, then we are doing a slave mount and we need to # make sure we can find the sftp-server and ssh execuatable # files on the host. if opts.has_key?(:ssh_host) and opts[:ssh_host] # Check port information and find out auth info check_host_port(machine, opts) get_auth_info(machine, opts) else opts[:ssh_exe_path] = find_executable('ssh') opts[:sftp_server_exe_path] = find_executable('sftp-server') end # Do the mount"vagrant.sshfs.actions.mounting")) machine.guest.capability(:sshfs_mount_folder, opts) end end # This is called after destroying the machine during a # `vagrant destroy` and also prior to syncing folders during # a `vagrant up`. # # No return value. # # @param [Machine] machine # @param [Hash] opts def cleanup(machine, opts) end protected # Check if port information was provided in the options. If not, # then default to port 22 for ssh def check_host_port(machine, opts) if not opts.has_key?(:ssh_port) or not opts[:ssh_port] opts[:ssh_port] = '22' end end # Function to gather authentication information (username/password) # for doing a normal sshfs mount def get_auth_info(machine, opts) prompt_for_password = false ssh_info = machine.ssh_info # Detect the username of the current user username = `whoami`.strip # If no username provided then default to the current # user that is executing vagrant if not opts.has_key?(:ssh_username) or not opts[:ssh_username] opts[:ssh_username] = username end # Check to see if we need to prompt the user for a password. # We will prompt if: # - User asked us to via prompt_for_password option # - User did not provide a password in options and is not fwding ssh agent # if opts.has_key?(:prompt_for_password) and opts[:prompt_for_password] prompt_for_password = opts[:prompt_for_password] end if not opts.has_key?(:ssh_password) or not opts[:ssh_password] if not ssh_info.has_key?(:forward_agent) or not ssh_info[:forward_agent] prompt_for_password = true end end # Now do the prompt if prompt_for_password opts[:ssh_password] = machine.ui.ask( I18n.t("vagrant.sshfs.ask.prompt_for_password", username: opts[:ssh_username]), echo: false) end end # Function to find the path to an executable with name "name" def find_executable(name) error_class = VagrantPlugins::SyncedFolderSSHFS::Errors::SSHFSExeNotAvailable # Save off PATH env var before we modify it oldpath = ENV['PATH'] # Try to include paths where sftp-server may live so # That we have a good chance of finding it if and Vagrant::Util::Platform.cygwin? cygwin_root = Vagrant::Util::Platform.cygwin_windows_path('/') ENV['PATH'] += ';' + cygwin_root + '\usr\sbin' else ENV['PATH'] += ':/usr/libexec/openssh' # Linux (Red Hat Family) ENV['PATH'] += ':/usr/lib/openssh' # Linux (Debian Family) ENV['PATH'] += ':/usr/libexec/' # Mac OS X end # Try to find the executable exepath = Vagrant::Util::Which.which(name) raise error_class, executable: name if !exepath # Restore the PATH variable and return ENV['PATH'] = oldpath return exepath end end end end