Alchemy CMS =========== [![Build Status](]( About ----- Alchemy is a powerfull Content Management System (CMS) with an extremly flexible content storing architecture. Features -------- - Highly flexible Templating: - Content is stored in small parts not as a complete, monolithic page - The designer chooses the template structure, not the CMS! - Every Design is possible, no templating, or theming restrictions - Even Flash® Content Management is possible - Gorgious End-User centric interface: - No markup editors - Multilingual: - Create as many (complete independent) language trees as you want - URL based language switching - SEO - Every Part of SEO is manageable by the user - Human readable urls (multilingual) - automatic XML Sitemap generation - Access Control: - Rolebased Authentification (RBAS) - Protect pages for restricted access - Fulltext Search - RSS Feeds - Contactforms - Attachments and downloads - Powerfull image rendering - Resizing - Image Cropping via an graphical Userinterface! - Borders, Text, Rotation - and much more via Imagemagick processing (polaroid effect, etc.) - and all this gets cached! - Extendable: - Flexible Plugin DSL allows you to add custom plugins into Alchemy - Integrates in exsiting Rails Apps - Caching - Completely free: - BSD License - No Enterprise Licences, or Community Editions - Hostable on any Server that supports RubyOnRails and ImageMagick ([Software Requirements]( Rails Version ------------- This version of Alchemy runs with Rails 3.0.10. If you are looking for a Rails 2 compatible version check the rails-2 branch. A Rails 3.1 compatible beta version can be found in the next_stable branch. Ruby Version ------------ Alchemy runs with REE, Ruby 1.8.7, Ruby 1.9.2 and Ruby 1.9.3. Installation ------------ Use the installer (recommended): gem install alchemy_cms alchemy new my_magicpage Start the local server: rails server Then just switch to your browser and open `http://localhost:3000` Add to existing Rails project ----------------------------- In your Gemfile: gem 'alchemy_cms' Run in terminal: bundle install rake alchemy:prepare rake db:migrate rake db:seed Tipps ----- 1. This generator creates all necessary folders and files needed for creating your own page layouts and elements for your website: rails generate alchemy:scaffold 2. If you use the ferret full text search (enabled by default), then please add a job to your crontab that reindexes the ferret index. cd /path/to/your/alchemy && RAILS_ENV=production rake ferret:rebuild_index > /dev/null 3. You can easily create your element files (for view and editor) depending on the `elements.yml` with this generator: rails generate elements Resources --------- * Homepage: * Live-Demo: * Wiki: * API Documentation: * Issue-Tracker: * Sourcecode: * User Group: Authors --------- * Thomas von Deyen: * Robin Böning: * Marc Schettke: * Carsten Fregin: License ------- * BSD: