class ::RSpec::Core::Example def core_block_run example_promise = Promise.value(@example_group_instance.instance_exec(self, &@example_block)) example_promise.then do |result| result end.rescue do |ex| ex ||= 'Async promise failed for unspecified reason' ex = ex unless ex.kind_of?(Exception) ex end end # TODO: Use subject! to create a before hook on the fly, might be cleaner than this # Might be a better way to do this, but then you end up with promises around the expectation handlers, which could get ugly def resolve_subject begin subj = example_group_instance.subject if subj.is_a? Promise return subj.then do |resolved_subject| # This is a private method, but we're using Opal example_group_instance.__memoized[:subject] = resolved_subject end end rescue # Exception occurred while checking the subject, might be that the example group had a described class, was not intending on using it as the subject, # and the initializer for that described class failed end Promise.value end def run_after_example, :example, self).then do verify_mocks assign_generated_description if RSpec.configuration.expecting_with_rspec? end.rescue do |e| set_exception(e, "in an `after(:example)` hook") end.ensure do @example_group_instance.teardown_mocks_for_rspec end end def run(example_group_instance, reporter) @example_group_instance = example_group_instance RSpec.current_example = self start(reporter) Pending.mark_pending!(self, pending) if pending? Promise.value.then do Promise.value.then do if skipped? Pending.mark_pending! self, skip elsif !RSpec.configuration.dry_run? with_around_example_hooks do Promise.value.then do run_before_example.then do resolve_subject end.then do core_block_run end.then do if pending? Pending.mark_fixed! self raise Pending::PendingExampleFixedError, 'Expected example to fail since it is pending, but it passed.', [location] end end end.rescue do |e| # no-op, required metadata has already been set by the `skip` # method. unless e.is_a? Pending::SkipDeclaredInExample set_exception(e) end end.ensure do run_after_example end end end end.rescue do |e| set_exception(e) end.ensure do @example_group_instance.instance_variables.each do |ivar| @example_group_instance.instance_variable_set(ivar, nil) end @example_group_instance = nil end end.then do finish(reporter) end.ensure do |result| RSpec.current_example = nil # promise always/ensure do not behave exactly like ensure, need to be explicit about value being returned result end end end