module Padrino module Generators module Components module Orms module DatamapperGen DM = (<<-DM).gsub(/^ {10}/, '') module DatabaseSetup def self.registered(app) app.configure { DataMapper.logger = logger } app.configure(:development) { DataMapper.setup(:default, "sqlite3://" + Padrino.root('db', "development.db")) } app.configure(:production) { DataMapper.setup(:default, "sqlite3://" + Padrino.root('db', "production.db")) } app.configure(:test) { DataMapper.setup(:default, "sqlite3://" + Padrino.root('db', "test.db")) } rescue ArgumentError => e logger.error "Database options need to be configured within 'config/database.rb'!" if app.logging? end end DM def setup_orm require_dependencies 'dm-core', 'dm-validations' create_file("config/database.rb", DM) empty_directory('app/models') end DM_MODEL = (<<-MODEL).gsub(/^ {10}/, '') class !NAME! include DataMapper::Resource # property , property :id, Serial !FIELDS! end MODEL def create_model_file(name, fields) model_path = app_root_path('app/models/', "#{name.to_s.underscore}.rb") return false if File.exist?(model_path) model_contents = DM_MODEL.gsub(/!NAME!/, name.to_s.downcase.camelize) field_tuples = fields.collect { |value| value.split(":") } field_tuples.collect! { |field, kind| kind =~ /datetime/i ? [field, 'DateTime'] : [field, kind] } # fix datetime column_declarations = field_tuples.collect { |field, kind|"property :#{field}, #{kind.camelize}" }.join("\n ") model_contents.gsub!(/!FIELDS!/, column_declarations) create_file(model_path, model_contents) end DM_MIGRATION = (<<-MIGRATION).gsub(/^ {10}/, '') migration !VERSION!, :!FILENAME! do up do !UP! end down do !DOWN! end end MIGRATION DM_MODEL_UP_MG = (<<-MIGRATION).gsub(/^ {6}/, '') create_table :!TABLE! do column :id, Integer, :serial => true !FIELDS! end MIGRATION DM_MODEL_DOWN_MG = (<<-MIGRATION).gsub(/^ {10}/, '') drop_table :!TABLE! MIGRATION def create_model_migration(migration_name, name, columns) output_model_migration(migration_name, name, columns, :column_format => lambda { |field, kind| "column :#{field}, #{kind.camelize}" }, :base => DM_MIGRATION, :up => DM_MODEL_UP_MG, :down => DM_MODEL_DOWN_MG) end DM_CHANGE_MG = (<<-MIGRATION).gsub(/^ {6}/, '') modify_table :!TABLE! do !COLUMNS! end MIGRATION def create_migration_file(migration_name, name, columns) output_migration_file(migration_name, name, columns, :base => DM_MIGRATION, :change_format => DM_CHANGE_MG, :add => lambda { |field, kind| "add_column :#{field}, #{kind.camelize}" }, :remove => lambda { |field, kind| "drop_column :#{field}" } ) end end end end end end