# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = %q{db2s3} s.version = "0.2.1" s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version= s.authors = ["Xavier Shay"] s.date = %q{2009-03-08} s.description = %q{db2s3 provides rake tasks for backing up and restoring your DB to S3} s.email = %q{contact@rhnh.net} s.files = %w( README Rakefile db2s3.gemspec init.rb lib lib/db2s3.rb lib/db2s3/tasks.rb rails rails/init.rb spec spec/db2s3_spec.rb spec/mysql_drop_schema.sql spec/mysql_schema.sql spec/s3_config.example.rb spec/s3_config.rb spec/spec_helper.rb tasks tasks/tasks.rake ) s.has_rdoc = false s.homepage = %q{http://github.com/xaviershay/db2s3} #s.rdoc_options = ["--inline-source", "--charset=UTF-8"] s.require_paths = ["lib"] #s.rubyforge_project = %q{grit} s.rubygems_version = %q{1.3.0} s.summary = %q{db2s3 provides rake tasks for backing up and restoring your DB to S3} # TODO: WTF does this do if s.respond_to? :specification_version then current_version = Gem::Specification::CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION s.specification_version = 2 end s.add_dependency(%q, [">= 0.5.1"]) end