# encoding: utf-8

describe <%= project.type %>::<%= policy.type %> do

  # The specification checks whether the policy object is valid or not,
  # depending on values of its attributes.

  # default attributes for a valid policy
<% attributes.each do |item| -%>
  # let(:<%= item.name %>) { @todo }
<% end -%>

  subject do
<% attributes.each do |item| -%>
      <%= item.name %>: <%= item.name %>,
<% end -%>
<% attributes.each do |item| -%>

  describe "#<%= item.name %>" do

    it "is initialized" do
      expect(subject.<%= item.name %>).to eq <%= item.name %>

  end # describe #<%= item.name %>
<% end -%>

  describe "#valid?" do

    context "when @todo: describe the context" do

      it { is_expected.to be_valid }

    end # context
  <% attributes.each do |item| -%>

    context "when the #<%= item.name %> is @todo" do

      # before { allow(subject).to receive(:<%= item.name %>) { @todo } }
      it { is_expected.to be_invalid }

    end # context
  <% end -%>

  end # describe #valid?

end # describe <%= policy.type %>