require 'Win32API'

module Windows
   module National
      # Code page identifiers.  Used for get_acp_string method. 
      CODE_PAGE = {
         037 => 'IBM EBCDIC = U.S./Canada',
         437 => 'OEM = United States',
         500 => 'IBM EBCDIC - International',  
         708 => 'Arabic - ASMO 708', 
         709 => 'Arabic - ASMO 449+, BCON V4',
         710 => 'Arabic - Transparent Arabic', 
         720 => 'Arabic - Transparent ASMO',
         737 => 'OEM - Greek (formerly 437G)',
         775 => 'OEM - Baltic', 
         850 => 'OEM - Multilingual Latin I',
         852 => 'OEM - Latin II', 
         855 => 'OEM - Cyrillic (primarily Russian)', 
         857 => 'OEM - Turkish', 
         858 => 'OEM - Multilingual Latin I + Euro symbol', 
         860 => 'OEM - Portuguese', 
         861 => 'OEM - Icelandic', 
         862 => 'OEM - Hebrew', 
         863 => 'OEM - Canadian-French', 
         864 => 'OEM - Arabic', 
         865 => 'OEM - Nordic', 
         866 => 'OEM - Russian', 
         869 => 'OEM - Modern Greek', 
         870 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Multilingual/ROECE (Latin-2)', 
         874 => 'ANSI/OEM - Thai (same as 28605, ISO 8859-15)', 
         875 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Modern Greek', 
         932 => 'ANSI/OEM - Japanese, Shift-JIS', 
         936 => 'ANSI/OEM - Simplified Chinese (PRC, Singapore)', 
         949 => 'ANSI/OEM - Korean (Unified Hangul Code)', 
         950 => 'ANSI/OEM - Traditional Chinese (Taiwan; Hong Kong SAR, PRC)',  
         1026 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Turkish (Latin-5)', 
         1047 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Latin 1/Open System', 
         1140 => 'IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada (037 + Euro symbol)', 
         1141 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Germany (20273 + Euro symbol)', 
         1142 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway (20277 + Euro symbol)', 
         1143 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden (20278 + Euro symbol)', 
         1144 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Italy (20280 + Euro symbol)', 
         1145 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain (20284 + Euro symbol)', 
         1146 => 'IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom (20285 + Euro symbol)', 
         1147 => 'IBM EBCDIC - France (20297 + Euro symbol)', 
         1148 => 'IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro symbol)', 
         1149 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic (20871 + Euro symbol)', 
         1200 => 'Unicode UCS-2 Little-Endian (BMP of ISO 10646)', 
         1201 => 'Unicode UCS-2 Big-Endian', 
         1250 => 'ANSI - Central European',  
         1251 => 'ANSI - Cyrillic', 
         1252 => 'ANSI - Latin I',  
         1253 => 'ANSI - Greek', 
         1254 => 'ANSI - Turkish', 
         1255 => 'ANSI - Hebrew', 
         1256 => 'ANSI - Arabic', 
         1257 => 'ANSI - Baltic', 
         1258 => 'ANSI/OEM - Vietnamese', 
         1361 => 'Korean (Johab)', 
         10000 => 'MAC - Roman', 
         10001 => 'MAC - Japanese', 
         10002 => 'MAC - Traditional Chinese (Big5)', 
         10003 => 'MAC - Korean', 
         10004 => 'MAC - Arabic', 
         10005 => 'MAC - Hebrew', 
         10006 => 'MAC - Greek I', 
         10007 => 'MAC - Cyrillic', 
         10008 => 'MAC - Simplified Chinese (GB 2312)', 
         10010 => 'MAC - Romania', 
         10017 => 'MAC - Ukraine', 
         10021 => 'MAC - Thai', 
         10029 => 'MAC - Latin II', 
         10079 => 'MAC - Icelandic', 
         10081 => 'MAC - Turkish', 
         10082 => 'MAC - Croatia', 
         12000 => 'Unicode UCS-4 Little-Endian', 
         12001 => 'Unicode UCS-4 Big-Endian', 
         20000 => 'CNS - Taiwan',  
         20001 => 'TCA - Taiwan', 
         20002 => 'Eten - Taiwan',  
         20003 => 'IBM5550 - Taiwan',  
         20004 => 'TeleText - Taiwan',  
         20005 => 'Wang - Taiwan',  
         20105 => 'IA5 IRV International Alphabet No. 5 (7-bit)', 
         20106 => 'IA5 German (7-bit)', 
         20107 => 'IA5 Swedish (7-bit)',
         20108 => 'IA5 Norwegian (7-bit)', 
         20127 => 'US-ASCII (7-bit)', 
         20261 => 'T.61',
         20269 => 'ISO 6937 Non-Spacing Accent',
         20273 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Germany', 
         20277 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway', 
         20278 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden',
         20280 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Italy', 
         20284 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain',
         20285 => 'IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom', 
         20290 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Japanese Katakana Extended', 
         20297 => 'IBM EBCDIC - France', 
         20420 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Arabic', 
         20423 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Greek', 
         20424 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Hebrew', 
         20833 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Korean Extended', 
         20838 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Thai', 
         20866 => 'Russian - KOI8-R', 
         20871 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic', 
         20880 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Russian)', 
         20905 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Turkish', 
         20924 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Open System (1047 + Euro symbol)', 
         20932 => 'JIS X 0208-1990 & 0121-1990', 
         20936 => 'Simplified Chinese (GB2312)', 
         21025 => 'IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Serbian, Bulgarian)', 
         21027 => '(deprecated)', 
         21866 => 'Ukrainian (KOI8-U)', 
         28591 => 'ISO 8859-1 Latin I', 
         28592 => 'ISO 8859-2 Central Europe', 
         28593 => 'ISO 8859-3 Latin 3',  
         28594 => 'ISO 8859-4 Baltic', 
         28595 => 'ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic', 
         28596 => 'ISO 8859-6 Arabic', 
         28597 => 'ISO 8859-7 Greek', 
         28598 => 'ISO 8859-8 Hebrew', 
         28599 => 'ISO 8859-9 Latin 5', 
         28605 => 'ISO 8859-15 Latin 9', 
         29001 => 'Europa 3', 
         38598 => 'ISO 8859-8 Hebrew', 
         50220 => 'ISO 2022 Japanese with no halfwidth Katakana', 
         50221 => 'ISO 2022 Japanese with halfwidth Katakana', 
         50222 => 'ISO 2022 Japanese JIS X 0201-1989', 
         50225 => 'ISO 2022 Korean',  
         50227 => 'ISO 2022 Simplified Chinese', 
         50229 => 'ISO 2022 Traditional Chinese', 
         50930 => 'Japanese (Katakana) Extended', 
         50931 => 'US/Canada and Japanese', 
         50933 => 'Korean Extended and Korean', 
         50935 => 'Simplified Chinese Extended and Simplified Chinese', 
         50936 => 'Simplified Chinese', 
         50937 => 'US/Canada and Traditional Chinese', 
         50939 => 'Japanese (Latin) Extended and Japanese', 
         51932 => 'EUC - Japanese', 
         51936 => 'EUC - Simplified Chinese', 
         51949 => 'EUC - Korean', 
         51950 => 'EUC - Traditional Chinese', 
         52936 => 'HZ-GB2312 Simplified Chinese',  
         54936 => 'Windows XP: GB18030 Simplified Chinese (4 Byte)',  
         57002 => 'ISCII Devanagari', 
         57003 => 'ISCII Bengali', 
         57004 => 'ISCII Tamil', 
         57005 => 'ISCII Telugu', 
         57006 => 'ISCII Assamese', 
         57007 => 'ISCII Oriya', 
         57008 => 'ISCII Kannada', 
         57009 => 'ISCII Malayalam', 
         57010 => 'ISCII Gujarati', 
         57011 => 'ISCII Punjabi', 
         65000 => 'Unicode UTF-7', 
         65001 => 'Unicode UTF-8'
      LANG_NEUTRAL      = 0x00
      LANG_INVARIANT    = 0x7f

      LANG_AFRIKAANS    = 0x36
      LANG_ALBANIAN     = 0x1c
      LANG_ARABIC       = 0x01
      LANG_ARMENIAN     = 0x2b
      LANG_ASSAMESE     = 0x4d
      LANG_AZERI        = 0x2c
      LANG_BASQUE       = 0x2d
      LANG_BELARUSIAN   = 0x23
      LANG_BENGALI      = 0x45
      LANG_BOSNIAN      = 0x1a
      LANG_BULGARIAN    = 0x02
      LANG_CATALAN      = 0x03
      LANG_CHINESE      = 0x04
      LANG_CROATIAN     = 0x1a
      LANG_CZECH        = 0x05
      LANG_DANISH       = 0x06
      LANG_DIVEHI       = 0x65
      LANG_DUTCH        = 0x13
      LANG_ENGLISH      = 0x09
      LANG_ESTONIAN     = 0x25
      LANG_FAEROESE     = 0x38
      LANG_FARSI        = 0x29
      LANG_FINNISH      = 0x0b
      LANG_FRENCH       = 0x0c
      LANG_GALICIAN     = 0x56
      LANG_GEORGIAN     = 0x37
      LANG_GERMAN       = 0x07
      LANG_GREEK        = 0x08
      LANG_GUJARATI     = 0x47
      LANG_HEBREW       = 0x0d
      LANG_HINDI        = 0x39
      LANG_HUNGARIAN    = 0x0e
      LANG_ICELANDIC    = 0x0f
      LANG_INDONESIAN   = 0x21
      LANG_ITALIAN      = 0x10
      LANG_JAPANESE     = 0x11
      LANG_KANNADA      = 0x4b
      LANG_KASHMIRI     = 0x60
      LANG_KAZAK        = 0x3f
      LANG_KONKANI      = 0x57
      LANG_KOREAN                     = 0x12
      LANG_KYRGYZ                     = 0x40
      LANG_LATVIAN                    = 0x26
      LANG_LITHUANIAN                 = 0x27
      LANG_MACEDONIAN                 = 0x2f
      LANG_MALAY                      = 0x3e
      LANG_MALAYALAM                  = 0x4c
      LANG_MALTESE                    = 0x3a
      LANG_MANIPURI                   = 0x58
      LANG_MAORI                      = 0x81
      LANG_MARATHI                    = 0x4e
      LANG_MONGOLIAN                  = 0x50
      LANG_NEPALI                     = 0x61
      LANG_NORWEGIAN                  = 0x14
      LANG_ORIYA                      = 0x48
      LANG_POLISH                     = 0x15
      LANG_PORTUGUESE                 = 0x16
      LANG_PUNJABI                    = 0x46
      LANG_QUECHUA                    = 0x6b
      LANG_ROMANIAN                   = 0x18
      LANG_RUSSIAN                    = 0x19
      LANG_SAMI                       = 0x3b
      LANG_SANSKRIT                   = 0x4f
      LANG_SERBIAN                    = 0x1a
      LANG_SINDHI                     = 0x59
      LANG_SLOVAK                     = 0x1b
      LANG_SLOVENIAN                  = 0x24
      LANG_SOTHO                      = 0x6c
      LANG_SPANISH                    = 0x0a
      LANG_SWAHILI                    = 0x41
      LANG_SWEDISH                    = 0x1d
      LANG_SYRIAC                     = 0x5a
      LANG_TAMIL                      = 0x49
      LANG_TATAR                      = 0x44
      LANG_TELUGU                     = 0x4a
      LANG_THAI                       = 0x1e
      LANG_TSWANA                     = 0x32
      LANG_TURKISH                    = 0x1f
      LANG_UKRAINIAN                  = 0x22
      LANG_URDU                       = 0x20
      LANG_UZBEK                      = 0x43
      LANG_VIETNAMESE                 = 0x2a
      LANG_WELSH                      = 0x52
      LANG_XHOSA                      = 0x34
      LANG_ZULU                       = 0x35
      SUBLANG_NEUTRAL                 = 0x00    # language neutral
      SUBLANG_DEFAULT                 = 0x01    # user default
      SUBLANG_SYS_DEFAULT             = 0x02    # system default

      SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA     = 0x01    # Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ             = 0x02    # Arabic (Iraq)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT            = 0x03    # Arabic (Egypt)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA            = 0x04    # Arabic (Libya)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA          = 0x05    # Arabic (Algeria)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO          = 0x06    # Arabic (Morocco)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA          = 0x07    # Arabic (Tunisia)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN             = 0x08    # Arabic (Oman)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN            = 0x09    # Arabic (Yemen)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA            = 0x0a    # Arabic (Syria)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN           = 0x0b    # Arabic (Jordan)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON          = 0x0c    # Arabic (Lebanon)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT           = 0x0d    # Arabic (Kuwait)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE              = 0x0e    # Arabic (U.A.E)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN          = 0x0f    # Arabic (Bahrain)
      SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR            = 0x10    # Arabic (Qatar)
      SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN             = 0x01    # Azeri (Latin)
      SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC          = 0x02    # Azeri (Cyrillic)
      SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN = 0x05 # Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina - Latin)
      SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL     = 0x01    # Chinese (Taiwan)
      SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED      = 0x02    # Chinese (PR China)
      SUBLANG_CHINESE_HONGKONG        = 0x03    # Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R., P.R.C.)
      SUBLANG_CHINESE_SINGAPORE       = 0x04    # Chinese (Singapore)
      SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU           = 0x05    # Chinese (Macau S.A.R.)
      SUBLANG_CROATIAN_CROATIA        = 0x01    # Croatian (Croatia)
      SUBLANG_CROATIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN = 0x04 # Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina - Latin)
      SUBLANG_DUTCH                   = 0x01    # Dutch
      SUBLANG_DUTCH_BELGIAN           = 0x02    # Dutch (Belgian)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US              = 0x01    # English (USA)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_UK              = 0x02    # English (UK)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_AUS             = 0x03    # English (Australian)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CAN             = 0x04    # English (Canadian)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_NZ              = 0x05    # English (New Zealand)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_EIRE            = 0x06    # English (Irish)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA    = 0x07    # English (South Africa)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA         = 0x08    # English (Jamaica)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN       = 0x09    # English (Caribbean)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE          = 0x0a    # English (Belize)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD        = 0x0b    # English (Trinidad)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE        = 0x0c    # English (Zimbabwe)
      SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES     = 0x0d    # English (Philippines)
      SUBLANG_FRENCH                  = 0x01    # French
      SUBLANG_FRENCH_BELGIAN          = 0x02    # French (Belgian)
      SUBLANG_FRENCH_CANADIAN         = 0x03    # French (Canadian)
      SUBLANG_FRENCH_SWISS            = 0x04    # French (Swiss)
      SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG       = 0x05    # French (Luxembourg)
      SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO           = 0x06    # French (Monaco)
      SUBLANG_GERMAN                  = 0x01    # German
      SUBLANG_GERMAN_SWISS            = 0x02    # German (Swiss)
      SUBLANG_GERMAN_AUSTRIAN         = 0x03    # German (Austrian)
      SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG       = 0x04    # German (Luxembourg)
      SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN    = 0x05    # German (Liechtenstein)
      SUBLANG_ITALIAN                 = 0x01    # Italian
      SUBLANG_ITALIAN_SWISS           = 0x02    # Italian (Swiss)
      SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_SASIA          = 0x02    # Kashmiri (South Asia)
      SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA          = 0x02    # For app compatibility only
      SUBLANG_KOREAN                  = 0x01    # Korean (Extended Wansung)
      SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN              = 0x01    # Lithuanian
      SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA          = 0x01    # Malay (Malaysia)
      SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM = 0x02    # Malay (Brunei Darussalam)
      SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA            = 0x02    # Nepali (India)
      SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL        = 0x01    # Norwegian (Bokmal)
      SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK       = 0x02    # Norwegian (Nynorsk)
      SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE              = 0x02    # Portuguese
      SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN    = 0x01    # Portuguese (Brazilian)
      SUBLANG_QUECHUA_BOLIVIA         = 0x01    # Quechua (Bolivia)
      SUBLANG_QUECHUA_ECUADOR         = 0x02    # Quechua (Ecuador)
      SUBLANG_QUECHUA_PERU            = 0x03    # Quechua (Peru)
      SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_NORWAY    = 0x01    # Northern Sami (Norway)
      SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_SWEDEN    = 0x02    # Northern Sami (Sweden)
      SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_FINLAND   = 0x03    # Northern Sami (Finland)
      SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_NORWAY        = 0x04    # Lule Sami (Norway)
      SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_SWEDEN        = 0x05    # Lule Sami (Sweden)
      SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_NORWAY    = 0x06    # Southern Sami (Norway)
      SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_SWEDEN    = 0x07    # Southern Sami (Sweden)
      SUBLANG_SAMI_SKOLT_FINLAND      = 0x08    # Skolt Sami (Finland)
      SUBLANG_SAMI_INARI_FINLAND      = 0x09    # Inari Sami (Finland)
      SUBLANG_SERBIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN =   0x06 # Serbian (Bosnia and Herzegovina - Latin)
      SUBLANG_SERBIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_CYRILLIC = 0x07 # Serbian (Bosnia and Herzegovina - Cyrillic)
      SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN            = 0x02    # Serbian (Latin)
      SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC         = 0x03    # Serbian (Cyrillic)
      SUBLANG_SOTHO_NORTHERN_SOUTH_AFRICA = 0x01    # Northern Sotho (South Africa)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH                 = 0x01    # Spanish (Castilian)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_MEXICAN         = 0x02    # Spanish (Mexican)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN          = 0x03    # Spanish (Modern)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA       = 0x04    # Spanish (Guatemala)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA      = 0x05    # Spanish (Costa Rica)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA          = 0x06    # Spanish (Panama)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC = 0x07  # Spanish (Dominican Republic)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA       = 0x08    # Spanish (Venezuela)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA        = 0x09    # Spanish (Colombia)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU            = 0x0a    # Spanish (Peru)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA       = 0x0b    # Spanish (Argentina)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR         = 0x0c    # Spanish (Ecuador)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE           = 0x0d    # Spanish (Chile)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY         = 0x0e    # Spanish (Uruguay)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY        = 0x0f    # Spanish (Paraguay)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA         = 0x10    # Spanish (Bolivia)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR     = 0x11    # Spanish (El Salvador)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS        = 0x12    # Spanish (Honduras)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA       = 0x13    # Spanish (Nicaragua)
      SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO     = 0x14    # Spanish (Puerto Rico)
      SUBLANG_SWEDISH                 = 0x01    # Swedish
      SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND         = 0x02    # Swedish (Finland)
      SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN           = 0x01    # Urdu (Pakistan)
      SUBLANG_URDU_INDIA              = 0x02    # Urdu (India)
      SUBLANG_UZBEK_LATIN             = 0x01    # Uzbek (Latin)
      SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC          = 0x02    # Uzbek (Cyrillic)
      LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE         = 0x80000000
      LOCALE_USE_CP_ACP             = 0x40000000
      LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER          = 0x20000000

      LOCALE_ILANGUAGE              = 0x00000001
      LOCALE_SLANGUAGE              = 0x00000002
      LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE           = 0x00001001
      LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME        = 0x00000003
      LOCALE_SNATIVELANGNAME        = 0x00000004

      LOCALE_ICOUNTRY               = 0x00000005
      LOCALE_SCOUNTRY               = 0x00000006
      LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY            = 0x00001002
      LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME        = 0x00000007
      LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME        = 0x00000008

      LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE       = 0x00000009   # default language id
      LOCALE_IDEFAULTCOUNTRY        = 0x0000000A   # default country code
      LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE       = 0x0000000B   # default oem code page
      LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE   = 0x00001004   # default ansi code page
      LOCALE_IDEFAULTMACCODEPAGE    = 0x00001011   # default mac code page

      LOCALE_SLIST                  = 0x0000000C   # list item separator
      LOCALE_IMEASURE               = 0x0000000D   # 0 = metric, 1 = US

      LOCALE_SDECIMAL               = 0x0000000E   # decimal separator
      LOCALE_STHOUSAND              = 0x0000000F   # thousand separator
      LOCALE_SGROUPING              = 0x00000010   # digit grouping
      LOCALE_IDIGITS                = 0x00000011   # number of fractional digits
      LOCALE_ILZERO                 = 0x00000012   # leading zeros for decimal
      LOCALE_INEGNUMBER             = 0x00001010   # negative number mode
      LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS          = 0x00000013   # native ascii 0-9

      LOCALE_SCURRENCY              = 0x00000014   # local monetary symbol
      LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL            = 0x00000015   # intl monetary symbol
      LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP         = 0x00000016   # monetary decimal separator
      LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP        = 0x00000017   # monetary thousand separator
      LOCALE_SMONGROUPING           = 0x00000018   # monetary grouping
      LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS            = 0x00000019   # # local monetary digits
      LOCALE_IINTLCURRDIGITS        = 0x0000001A   # # intl monetary digits
      LOCALE_ICURRENCY              = 0x0000001B   # positive currency mode
      LOCALE_INEGCURR               = 0x0000001C   # negative currency mode

      LOCALE_SDATE                  = 0x0000001D   # date separator
      LOCALE_STIME                  = 0x0000001E   # time separator
      LOCALE_SSHORTDATE             = 0x0000001F   # short date format string
      LOCALE_SLONGDATE              = 0x00000020   # long date format string
      LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT            = 0x00001003   # time format string
      LOCALE_IDATE                  = 0x00000021   # short date format ordering
      LOCALE_ILDATE                 = 0x00000022   # long date format ordering
      LOCALE_ITIME                  = 0x00000023   # time format specifier
      LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN          = 0x00001005   # time marker position
      LOCALE_ICENTURY               = 0x00000024   # century format specifier (short date)
      LOCALE_ITLZERO                = 0x00000025   # leading zeros in time field
      LOCALE_IDAYLZERO              = 0x00000026   # leading zeros in day field (short date)
      LOCALE_IMONLZERO              = 0x00000027   # leading zeros in month field (short date)
      LOCALE_S1159                  = 0x00000028   # AM designator
      LOCALE_S2359                  = 0x00000029   # PM designator

      LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE          = 0x00001009   # type of calendar specifier
      LOCALE_IOPTIONALCALENDAR      = 0x0000100B   # additional calendar types specifier
      LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK        = 0x0000100C   # first day of week specifier
      LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR       = 0x0000100D   # first week of year specifier

      LOCALE_SDAYNAME1              = 0x0000002A   # long name for Monday
      LOCALE_SDAYNAME2              = 0x0000002B   # long name for Tuesday
      LOCALE_SDAYNAME3              = 0x0000002C   # long name for Wednesday
      LOCALE_SDAYNAME4              = 0x0000002D   # long name for Thursday
      LOCALE_SDAYNAME5              = 0x0000002E   # long name for Friday
      LOCALE_SDAYNAME6              = 0x0000002F   # long name for Saturday
      LOCALE_SDAYNAME7              = 0x00000030   # long name for Sunday
      LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME1        = 0x00000031   # abbreviated name for Monday
      LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME2        = 0x00000032   # abbreviated name for Tuesday
      LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME3        = 0x00000033   # abbreviated name for Wednesday
      LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME4        = 0x00000034   # abbreviated name for Thursday
      LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME5        = 0x00000035   # abbreviated name for Friday
      LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME6        = 0x00000036   # abbreviated name for Saturday
      LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME7        = 0x00000037   # abbreviated name for Sunday
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME1            = 0x00000038   # long name for January
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME2            = 0x00000039   # long name for February
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME3            = 0x0000003A   # long name for March
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME4            = 0x0000003B   # long name for April
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME5            = 0x0000003C   # long name for May
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME6            = 0x0000003D   # long name for June
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME7            = 0x0000003E   # long name for July
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME8            = 0x0000003F   # long name for August
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME9            = 0x00000040   # long name for September
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME10           = 0x00000041   # long name for October
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME11           = 0x00000042   # long name for November
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME12           = 0x00000043   # long name for December
      LOCALE_SMONTHNAME13           = 0x0000100E   # long name for 13th month (if exists)
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1      = 0x00000044   # abbreviated name for January
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME2      = 0x00000045   # abbreviated name for February
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME3      = 0x00000046   # abbreviated name for March
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME4      = 0x00000047   # abbreviated name for April
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME5      = 0x00000048   # abbreviated name for May
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME6      = 0x00000049   # abbreviated name for June
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME7      = 0x0000004A   # abbreviated name for July
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME8      = 0x0000004B   # abbreviated name for August
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME9      = 0x0000004C   # abbreviated name for September
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME10     = 0x0000004D   # abbreviated name for October
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME11     = 0x0000004E   # abbreviated name for November
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME12     = 0x0000004F   # abbreviated name for December
      LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME13     = 0x0000100F   # abbreviated name for 13th month (if exists)

      LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN          = 0x00000050   # positive sign
      LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN          = 0x00000051   # negative sign
      LOCALE_IPOSSIGNPOSN           = 0x00000052   # positive sign position
      LOCALE_INEGSIGNPOSN           = 0x00000053   # negative sign position
      LOCALE_IPOSSYMPRECEDES        = 0x00000054   # mon sym precedes pos amt
      LOCALE_IPOSSEPBYSPACE         = 0x00000055   # mon sym sep by space from pos amt
      LOCALE_INEGSYMPRECEDES        = 0x00000056   # mon sym precedes neg amt
      LOCALE_INEGSEPBYSPACE         = 0x00000057   # mon sym sep by space from neg amt

      LOCALE_FONTSIGNATURE          = 0x00000058   # font signature
      LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME        = 0x00000059   # ISO abbreviated language name
      LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME       = 0x0000005A   # ISO abbreviated country name

      LOCALE_IDEFAULTEBCDICCODEPAGE = 0x00001012   # default ebcdic code page
      LOCALE_IPAPERSIZE             = 0x0000100A   # 1 = letter, 5 = legal, 8 = a3, 9 = a4
      LOCALE_SENGCURRNAME           = 0x00001007   # english name of currency
      LOCALE_SNATIVECURRNAME        = 0x00001008   # native name of currency
      LOCALE_SYEARMONTH             = 0x00001006   # year month format string
      LOCALE_SSORTNAME              = 0x00001013   # sort name
      LOCALE_IDIGITSUBSTITUTION     = 0x00001014   # 0 = context, 1 = none, 2 = national

      TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS   = 0x00000001  # do not use minutes or seconds
      TIME_NOSECONDS            = 0x00000002  # do not use seconds
      TIME_NOTIMEMARKER         = 0x00000004  # do not use time marker
      TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT    = 0x00000008  # always use 24 hour format

      DATE_SHORTDATE            = 0x00000001  # use short date picture
      DATE_LONGDATE             = 0x00000002  # use long date picture
      DATE_USE_ALT_CALENDAR     = 0x00000004  # use alternate calendar (if any)

      DATE_YEARMONTH            = 0x00000008  # use year month picture
      DATE_LTRREADING           = 0x00000010  # add marks for left to right reading order layout
      DATE_RTLREADING           = 0x00000020  # add marks for right to left reading order layout

      SORT_DEFAULT                    = 0x0     # sorting default

      SORT_JAPANESE_XJIS              = 0x0     # Japanese XJIS order
      SORT_JAPANESE_UNICODE           = 0x1     # Japanese Unicode order

      SORT_CHINESE_BIG5               = 0x0     # Chinese BIG5 order
      SORT_CHINESE_PRCP               = 0x0     # PRC Chinese Phonetic order
      SORT_CHINESE_UNICODE            = 0x1     # Chinese Unicode order
      SORT_CHINESE_PRC                = 0x2     # PRC Chinese Stroke Count order
      SORT_CHINESE_BOPOMOFO           = 0x3     # Traditional Chinese Bopomofo order
      SORT_KOREAN_KSC                 = 0x0     # Korean KSC order
      SORT_KOREAN_UNICODE             = 0x1     # Korean Unicode order

      SORT_GERMAN_PHONE_BOOK          = 0x1     # German Phone Book order

      SORT_HUNGARIAN_DEFAULT          = 0x0     # Hungarian Default order
      SORT_HUNGARIAN_TECHNICAL        = 0x1     # Hungarian Technical order

      SORT_GEORGIAN_TRADITIONAL       = 0x0     # Georgian Traditional order
      SORT_GEORGIAN_MODERN            = 0x1     # Georgian Modern order

      LANG_SYSTEM_DEFAULT   = 2048
      LANG_USER_DEFAULT     = 1024
      LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT   = 1024
      GetACP        ='kernel32', 'GetACP', 'V', 'I')
      GetDateFormat ='kernel32', 'GetDateFormat', 'LLPPPI', 'I')
      def GetACP()
      def GetDateFormat(locale, flags, date, format, datestr, size), flags, date, format, datestr, size)
      # Convenience method for converting the results of the GetACP()
      # function to a human readable string.
      def get_acp_string
      # Equivalent of the MAKELCID macro in WinNT.h
      def MAKELCID(srtid, lgid)
         srtid << 16 | lgid
      # Equivalent of the MAKELANGID macro in WinNT.h
      def MAKELANGID(p, s)
         s << 10 | p