# Hanami::Helpers View helpers for Ruby applications ## Status [![Gem Version](http://img.shields.io/gem/v/hanami-helpers.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/hanami-helpers) [![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/hanami/helpers/master.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/hanami/helpers?branch=master) [![Coverage](http://img.shields.io/coveralls/hanami/helpers/master.svg)](https://coveralls.io/r/hanami/helpers) [![Code Climate](http://img.shields.io/codeclimate/github/hanami/helpers.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/hanami/helpers) [![Dependencies](http://img.shields.io/gemnasium/hanami/helpers.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/hanami/helpers) [![Inline Docs](http://inch-ci.org/github/hanami/helpers.svg)](http://inch-ci.org/github/hanami/helpers) ## Contact * Home page: http://hanamirb.org * Mailing List: http://hanamirb.org/mailing-list * API Doc: http://rdoc.info/gems/hanami-helpers * Bugs/Issues: https://github.com/hanami/helpers/issues * Support: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/hanami * Chat: https//chat.hanamirb.org ## Rubies __Hanami::Helpers__ supports Ruby (MRI) 2.3+ and JRuby ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'hanami-helpers' ``` And then execute: ```shell $ bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ```shell $ gem install hanami-helpers ``` ## Usage `Hanami::Helpers` offers a set of utilities to enrich web views. ### HTML helper HTML5 markup generator (`#html`). View: ```ruby module Users class Show include Hanami::Helpers def sidebar html.aside(id: 'sidebar') do p "Languages", class: 'title' ul do li "Italian" li "English" end end end end end ``` Template: ```erb <%= sidebar %> ``` Output: ```html ``` ### Form Helper Form generator for HTML5 (`#form_for`) #### Template Usage Template: ```erb <%= form_for :book, routes.books_path do text_field :title submit 'Create' end %> ``` Output: ```html
``` #### View Usage View: ```ruby module Books class New include Hanami::Helpers def form form_for :book, routes.books_path do text_field :title submit 'Create' end end end end ``` Template: ```erb <%= form %> ``` Output: ```html ``` #### Reuse Code Views: ```ruby module Books class New include Hanami::Helpers def form Form.new(:book, routes.books_path) end def submit_label 'Create' end end class Edit include Hanami::Helpers def form Form.new(:book, routes.book_path(id: book.id), {book: book}, {method: :patch}) end def submit_label 'Update' end end end ``` Templates: ```erb # books/new.html.erb <%= render partial: 'books/form' %> ``` ```erb # books/edit.html.erb <%= render partial: 'books/form' %> ``` ```erb # books/_form.html.erb <%= form_for form, class: 'form-horizontal' do text_field :title submit submit_label end %> ``` Output for new: ```html ``` Output for edit: ```html ``` ### Escape helper HTML (`#h`), HTML attribute (`#ha`) and URL (`#hu`) escape helpers. View: ```ruby module Users class Show include Hanami::Helpers def home_page_link %(#{ h(user.website_name) }) end def code_snippet raw user.code_snippet end end end ``` Template: ```erb <%= home_page_link %> <%= code_snippet %> ``` Output: ```html My Blogputs "Hello, World!"
### Routing Helper
Hanami and Hanami::Router integration (`#routes`).
module Home
class Index
include Hanami::Helpers
def link_to_home
<%= link_to_home %>
### Number Formatting Helper
Format numbers (`#format_number`).
module Home
class Index
include Hanami::Helpers
def visitors_count
format_number '1000'
<%= visitors_count %>
``` Output: ```html1,000
``` ## Philosophy All the Hanami helpers are modules to include. Most of the time they inject **private** methods. This restriction prevents helper methods to be used on the outside (eg. in a template). We want to encourage developers to use **meaningful** and **simple APIs** in their templates. ### Bad style example ```ruby module Users class Show include Hanami::Helpers end end ``` ```erb <%= format_number user.followers_count %> ``` This style increases the complexity of the template and it makes testing hard. ### Good style example ```ruby module Users class Show include Hanami::Helpers def followers_count format_number user.followers_count end end end ``` ```erb <%= followers_count %> ``` This simplifies the markup. In order to test the value that will be printed becomes easier: `Users::Show#followers_count`. ## Versioning __Hanami::Helpers__ uses [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](http://semver.org) ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/hanami/helpers/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request ## Copyright Copyright © 2014-2017 Luca Guidi – Released under MIT License This project was formerly known as Lotus (`lotus-helpers`).