# encoding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') module ICU class Tournament def spx_signature [name, rounds, start, players.size].join("|") end end class Player def spx_signature [ name, id, points, results.map{ |r| r.round }.join(''), results.map{ |r| r.score }.join(''), results.map{ |r| r.colour || "-" }.join(''), results.map{ |r| r.rateable ? 'T' : 'F' }.join(''), ].join("|") end def spx_signature2 [ results.map{ |r| r.round }.join(''), results.map{ |r| r.score }.join(''), results.map{ |r| r.rateable ? 'T' : 'F' }.join(''), ].join("|") end end end module ICU class Tournament describe SPExport do def samples File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/samples/spx/' end context "documentation example" do before(:each) do @x = <<EXPORT No Name Feder Intl Id Loc Id Rtg Loc Title Total 1 2 3 1 Duck, Daffy IRL 12345 2200 im 2 0:D 3:W 2:D 2 Mouse, Minerva 1234568 1900 1.5 3:D 0:D 1:D 3 Mouse, Mickey USA 1234567 gm 1 2:D 1:L 0:D EXPORT @p = ICU::Tournament::SPExport.new @opt = { :name => "Mickey Mouse Masters", :start => "2012-01-01" } @t = ICU::Tournament::SPExport.new.parse(@x, @opt) end it "should parse without exception" do lambda { @p.parse!(@x, @opt) }.should_not raise_error end it "should parse without error" do @p.parse(@x, @opt) @p.error.should be_nil end it "players should have all the right names and numbers" do @t.player(1).name.should == "Duck, Daffy" @t.player(2).name.should == "Mouse, Minerva" @t.player(3).name.should == "Mouse, Mickey" end it "players should have correct ICU IDs" do @t.player(1).id.should == 12345 @t.player(2).id.should be_nil @t.player(3).id.should be_nil end it "players should have correct FIDE IDs" do @t.player(1).fide_id.should be_nil @t.player(2).fide_id.should == 1234568 @t.player(3).fide_id.should == 1234567 end it "players should have correct ICU ratings" do @t.player(1).rating.should == 2200 @t.player(2).rating.should be_nil @t.player(3).rating.should be_nil end it "players should have correct FIDE ratings" do @t.player(1).fide_rating.should be_nil @t.player(2).fide_rating.should == 1900 @t.player(3).fide_rating.should be_nil end it "players should have correct titles" do @t.player(1).title.should == "IM" @t.player(2).title.should be_nil @t.player(3).title.should == "GM" end it "players should have correct federations" do @t.player(1).fed.should == "IRL" @t.player(2).fed.should be_nil @t.player(3).fed.should == "USA" end it "players should have correct scores" do @t.player(1).points.should == 2.0 @t.player(2).points.should == 1.5 @t.player(3).points.should == 1.0 end it "players should have correct ranks" do @t.player(1).rank.should == 1 @t.player(2).rank.should == 2 @t.player(3).rank.should == 3 end it "players should have correct results" do @t.player(1).spx_signature2.should == '123|DWD|FTT' @t.player(2).spx_signature2.should == '123|DDD|TFT' @t.player(3).spx_signature2.should == '123|DLD|TTF' end end context "serialisation" do before(:each) do name = "Bangor Masters" start = "2009-11-09" @t = ICU::Tournament.new(name, start) @t.add_player(ICU::Player.new('Bobby', 'Fischer', 10)) @t.add_player(ICU::Player.new('Garry', 'Kasparov', 20)) @t.add_player(ICU::Player.new('Mark', 'Orr', 30, :id => 1350, :fide_id => 2500035, :fed => 'IRL', :rating => 2200, :fide_rating => 2250)) @t.add_result(ICU::Result.new(1, 10, 'D', :opponent => 30)) @t.add_result(ICU::Result.new(2, 20, 'W', :opponent => 30)) @t.add_result(ICU::Result.new(3, 20, 'L', :opponent => 10)) @p = ICU::Tournament::SPExport.new @x = @t.serialize('SPExport') @r = @p.parse(@x, :name => name, :start => start) end it "should round trip" do @p.error.should be_nil @r.spx_signature.should == "Bangor Masters|3|2009-11-09|3" @r.player(1).spx_signature.should == "Fischer, Bobby||1.5|123|DLW|---|TFT" @r.player(2).spx_signature.should == "Kasparov, Garry||1.0|123|LWL|---|FTT" @r.player(3).spx_signature.should == "Orr, Mark|1350|0.5|123|DLL|---|TTF" end it "should show all columns by default" do @x.should match(/^No\s*Name\s*Feder\s*Intl Id\s*Loc Id\s*Rtg\s*Loc\s*Title\s*Total\s*1\s*2\s*3\s*/) @x.should match(/1\s*Fischer,\s*Bobby\s*1\.5\s*3:D\s*0?:L?\s*2:W\s*/) end it "can have custom columns" do @x = @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => []) @x.should match(/^No\s*Name\s*1\s*2\s*3\s*/) @x = @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => [:points]) @x.should match(/^No\s*Name\s*Total\s*1\s*2\s*3\s*/) @x = @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => [:points, :id]) @x.should match(/^No\s*Name\s*Loc Id\s*Total\s*1\s*2\s*3\s*/) @x = @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => [:points, :id, :fed]) @x.should match(/^No\s*Name\s*Feder\s*Loc Id\s*Total\s*1\s*2\s*3\s*/) @x = @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => [:points, :id, :fed, "fed", :rubbish, "fide_id"]) @x.should match(/^No\s*Name\s*Feder\s*Intl Id\s*Loc Id\s*Total\s*1\s*2\s*3\s*/) @x = @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => [:fed, "fide_id", :points, :id, :rating]) @x.should match(/^No\s*Name\s*Feder\s*Intl Id\s*Loc Id\s*Loc\s*Total\s*1\s*2\s*3\s*/) @x = @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => [:fed, :fide_id, "fide_rating", :points, :id, :rating]) @x.should match(/^No\s*Name\s*Feder\s*Intl Id\s*Loc Id\s*Rtg\s*Loc\s*Total\s*1\s*2\s*3\s*/) @x.should match(/3\s*Orr,\s*Mark\s*IRL\s*2500035\s*1350\s*2250\s*2200\s*0.5\s*1:D\s*2:L\s*:\s*/) end it "the :only and :except options are logical opposites" do @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => [:points, :id, "fed"]).should == @t.serialize('SPExport', :except => [:fide_id, :rating, "fide_rating", :title]) @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => ["points"]).should == @t.serialize('SPExport', :except => ["fide_id", :rating, :fide_rating, :title, :id, :fed]) @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => [:rating, :fide_rating, :title, :id, :fed, :points]).should == @t.serialize('SPExport', :except => [:fide_id]) @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => %w{rating fide_rating fide_id title id fed points}).should == @t.serialize('SPExport', :except => []) @t.serialize('SPExport', :only => []).should == @t.serialize('SPExport', :except => [:rating, :fide_rating, :fide_id, :title, :id, :fed, :points]) @t.serialize('SPExport', :except => []).should == @t.serialize('SPExport') end end context "invisible bonuses" do before(:each) do @x = <<EXPORT No Name Total 1 2 3 1 Daffy Duck 2.0 0: 3:W 2:D 2 Mouse, Minerva 1.5 3:D 0: 1:D 3 Mouse, Mickey 1.0 2:D 1:L 0:D EXPORT @p = ICU::Tournament::SPExport.new @t = @p.parse!(@x, :name => "Mickey Mouse Masters", :start => "2012-01-01") end it "players should have correct results" do @t.player(1).spx_signature2.should == '123|DWD|FTT' @t.player(2).spx_signature2.should == '123|DDD|TFT' @t.player(3).spx_signature2.should == '123|DLD|TTF' end end context "extreme invisible bonuses example" do before(:each) do @x = <<EXPORT No Name Total 1 2 3 1 Daffy Duck 2.5 : : : 2 Mouse, Minerva 2.0 : : : 3 Mouse, Mickey 1.0 : : : EXPORT @p = ICU::Tournament::SPExport.new @t = @p.parse!(@x, :name => "Mickey Mouse Masters", :start => "2012-01-01") end it "players should have correct results" do @t.player(1).spx_signature2.should == '123|WWD|FFF' @t.player(2).spx_signature2.should == '123|WDD|FFF' @t.player(3).spx_signature2.should == '123|DDL|FFF' end end context "preservation of original names" do before(:each) do @x = <<EXPORT No Name Total 1 2 3 1 daffy duck 2.0 0: 3:W 2:D 2 MOUSE, minerva 1.5 3:D 0: 1:D 3 mouse, MICKEY 1.0 2:D 1:L 0:D EXPORT @p = ICU::Tournament::SPExport.new @t = @p.parse!(@x, :name => "Mickey Mouse Masters", :start => "2012-01-01") end it "players should have canonicalised names" do @t.player(1).name.should == 'Duck, Daffy' @t.player(2).name.should == 'Mouse, Minerva' @t.player(3).name.should == 'Mouse, Mickey' end it "players should have original names" do @t.player(1).original_name.should == 'daffy duck' @t.player(2).original_name.should == 'MOUSE, minerva' @t.player(3).original_name.should == 'mouse, MICKEY' end end context "odds and ends" do before(:each) do @x = <<EXPORT No Name Total 1 2 3 1 Daffy Duck 2.0 0:= 3:+ 2:d 2 Mouse, Minerva 1.0 3:= : 1:D 3 Mouse, Mickey 1.0 2:= 1:- 0:D EXPORT @p = ICU::Tournament::SPExport.new @t = @p.parse!(@x, :name => "Mickey Mouse Masters", :start => "2012-01-01") end it "players should have all the right names and numbers" do @t.player(1).name.should == "Duck, Daffy" @t.player(2).name.should == "Mouse, Minerva" @t.player(3).name.should == "Mouse, Mickey" end it "players should have correct results" do @t.player(1).spx_signature2.should == '123|DWD|FFT' @t.player(2).spx_signature2.should == '123|DLD|FFT' @t.player(3).spx_signature2.should == '123|DLD|FFF' end it "players should have correct ranks given default name tie-break" do @t.player(1).rank.should == 1 @t.player(2).rank.should == 3 @t.player(3).rank.should == 2 end end context "strings and encoding" do before(:each) do @p = ICU::Tournament::SPExport.new @x = <<EXPORT No Name Total 1 2 1 Dück, Dâffy 1.5 2:W 2:D 2 Möuse, Mickéy 0.5 1:L 1:D EXPORT @opt = { :name => "Test", :start => "2011-02-05" } end it "UTF-8" do t = @p.parse(@x, @opt) @p.error.should be_nil t.player(1).name.should == "Dück, Dâffy" t.player(2).name.should == "Möuse, Mickéy" end it "Latin-1" do t = @p.parse(@x.encode("ISO-8859-1"), @opt) @p.error.should be_nil t.player(1).name.should == "Dück, Dâffy" t.player(2).name.should == "Möuse, Mickéy" end end context "errors" do before(:each) do @p = ICU::Tournament::SPExport.new @opt = { :name => "Test", :start => "2011-02-05" } end it "correct example" do data = <<EXPORT No Name Total 1 2 1 Duck, Daffy 1.5 2:W 2:D 2 Mouse, Mickey 0.5 1:L 1:D EXPORT lambda { @p.parse!(data, @opt) }.should_not raise_error end it "no header" do data = <<EXPORT 1 Duck, Daffy 1.5 2:W 2:D 2 Mouse, Mickey 0.5 1:L 1:L EXPORT lambda { @p.parse!(data, @opt) }.should raise_error(/header/) end it "invalid header" do data = <<EXPORT Xx Name Total 1 2 1 Duck, Daffy 1.5 2:W 2:D 2 Mouse, Mickey 0.5 1:L 1:D EXPORT lambda { @p.parse!(data, @opt) }.should raise_error(/header/) end it "missing round 1" do data = <<EXPORT No Name Total 2 3 1 Duck, Daffy 1.5 2:W 2:D 2 Mouse, Mickey 0.0 1:L 1:L EXPORT lambda { @p.parse!(data, @opt) }.should raise_error(/round 1/) end it "missing round 2" do data = <<EXPORT No Name Total 1 3 1 Duck, Daffy 1.5 2:W 2:D 2 Mouse, Mickey 0.0 1:L 1:L EXPORT lambda { @p.parse!(data, @opt) }.should raise_error(/round 2/) end it "incorrect total" do data = <<EXPORT No Name Total 1 2 1 Duck, Daffy 1.5 2:W 2:D 2 Mouse, Mickey 1.0 1:L 1:D EXPORT lambda { @p.parse!(data, @opt) }.should raise_error(/total/) end it "mismatched results" do data = <<EXPORT No Name Total 1 2 1 Duck, Daffy 1.5 2:W 2:D 2 Mouse, Mickey 0.0 1:L 1:L EXPORT lambda { @p.parse!(data, @opt) }.should raise_error(/result/) end it "invalid attribute, title for example)" do data = <<EXPORT No Name Title Total 1 2 1 Duck, Daffy mg 1.5 2:W 2:D 2 Mouse, Mickey 0.5 1:L 1:D EXPORT lambda { @p.parse!(data, @opt) }.should raise_error(/title/) end end context "Gonzaga Challengers 2010 file" do before(:each) do @p = ICU::Tournament::SPExport.new @t = @p.parse_file(samples + 'gonzaga_challengers_2010.txt', :name => "Gonzaga Chess Classic 2010 Challengers Section", :start => "2010-01-29") @s = open(samples + 'gonzaga_challengers_2010.txt') { |f| f.read } end it "should parse and have the right basic details" do @p.error.should be_nil @t.spx_signature.should == "Gonzaga Chess Classic 2010 Challengers Section|6|2010-01-29|56" end it "should have correct details for selected players" do @t.player(2).spx_signature.should == "Mullooly, Neil M.|6438|6.0|123456|WWWWWW|------|TTTTTT" # winner @t.player(4).spx_signature.should == "Gallagher, Mark|12138|4.0|123456|WLWWWL|------|FTTTTT" # had one bye @t.player(45).spx_signature.should == "Catre, Loredan||3.5|123456|WDLWLW|------|FTTTFT" # had two byes @t.player(56).spx_signature.should == "McDonnell, Cathal||0.0|123456|LLLLLL|------|FFFFFF" # last, all defaults end it "should have consistent ranks" do @t.players.map{ |p| p.rank }.sort.join('').should == (1..@t.players.size).to_a.join('') end end end end end