namespace :perf do task :rails_load do ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "production" ENV['RACK_ENV'] = ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ENV["DISABLE_SPRING"] = "true" ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] ||= "foofoofoo" ENV['LOG_LEVEL'] ||= "FATAL" require 'rails' puts "Booting: #{Rails.env}" %W{ . lib test config }.each do |file| $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(file) end require 'application' Rails.env = ENV["RAILS_ENV"] DERAILED_APP = Rails.application if DERAILED_APP.respond_to?(:initialized?) DERAILED_APP.initialize! unless DERAILED_APP.initialized? else DERAILED_APP.initialize! unless DERAILED_APP.instance_variable_get(:@initialized) end if ENV["DERAILED_SKIP_ACTIVE_RECORD"] && defined? ActiveRecord if defined? ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.create_current else # Rails 3.2 raise "No valid database for #{ENV['RAILS_ENV']}, please create one" unless end ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths = DERAILED_APP.paths['db/migrate'].to_a ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = true ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths, nil) end DERAILED_APP.config.consider_all_requests_local = true end task :rack_load do puts "You're not using Rails" puts "You need to tell derailed how to boot your app" puts "In your perf.rake add:" puts puts "namespace :perf do" puts " task :rack_load do" puts " # DERAILED_APP = your code here" puts " end" puts "end" end task :setup do if DerailedBenchmarks.gem_is_bundled?("railties") Rake::Task["perf:rails_load"].invoke else Rake::Task["perf:rack_load"].invoke end TEST_COUNT = (ENV['TEST_COUNT'] || ENV['CNT'] || 1_000).to_i PATH_TO_HIT = ENV["PATH_TO_HIT"] || ENV['ENDPOINT'] || "/" puts "Endpoint: #{ PATH_TO_HIT.inspect }" HTTP_HEADER_PREFIX = "HTTP_".freeze RACK_HTTP_HEADERS = { |key| key.starts_with?(HTTP_HEADER_PREFIX) } HTTP_HEADERS = RACK_HTTP_HEADERS.keys.inject({}) do |hash, rack_header_name| # e.g. "HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET" -> "Accept-Charset" header_name = rack_header_name[HTTP_HEADER_PREFIX.size..-1].split("_").map(&:downcase).map(&:capitalize).join("-") hash[header_name] = RACK_HTTP_HEADERS[rack_header_name] hash end puts "HTTP headers: #{HTTP_HEADERS}" unless HTTP_HEADERS.empty? CURL_HTTP_HEADER_ARGS = { |http_header_name, value| "-H \"#{http_header_name}: #{value}\"" }.join(" ") require 'rack/test' require 'rack/file' DERAILED_APP = DerailedBenchmarks.add_auth(DERAILED_APP) if server = ENV["USE_SERVER"] @port = (3000..3900).to_a.sample puts "Port: #{ @port.inspect }" puts "Server: #{ server.inspect }" thread = do Rack::Server.start(app: DERAILED_APP, :Port => @port, environment: "none", server: server) end sleep 1 def call_app(path = File.join("/", PATH_TO_HIT)) cmd = "curl #{CURL_HTTP_HEADER_ARGS} 'http://localhost:#{@port}#{path}' -s --fail 2>&1" response = `#{cmd}` raise "Bad request to #{cmd.inspect} Response:\n#{ response.inspect }" unless $?.success? end else @app = def call_app response = @app.get(PATH_TO_HIT, RACK_HTTP_HEADERS) raise "Bad request: #{ response.body }" unless response.status == 200 response end end end desc "hits the url TEST_COUNT times" task :test => [:setup] do require 'benchmark' { |x|"#{TEST_COUNT} requests") { TEST_COUNT.times { call_app } } } end desc "stackprof" task :stackprof => [:setup] do # [:wall, :cpu, :object] begin require 'stackprof' rescue LoadError raise "Add stackprof to your gemfile to continue `gem 'stackprof', group: :development`" end TEST_COUNT = (ENV["TEST_COUNT"] ||= "100").to_i file = "tmp/#{}-stackprof-cpu-myapp.dump" :cpu, out: file) do Rake::Task["perf:test"].invoke end cmd = "stackprof #{file}" puts "Running `#{cmd}`. Execute `stackprof --help` for more info" puts `#{cmd}` end task :kernel_require_patch do require 'derailed_benchmarks/core_ext/kernel_require.rb' end desc "show memory usage caused by invoking require per gem" task :mem => [:kernel_require_patch, :setup] do puts "## Impact of `require ` on RAM" puts puts "Showing all `require ` calls that consume #{ENV['CUT_OFF']} MiB or more of RSS" puts "Configure with `CUT_OFF=0` for all entries or `CUT_OFF=5` for few entries" puts "Note: Files only count against RAM on their first load." puts " If multiple libraries require the same file, then" puts " the 'cost' only shows up under the first library" puts call_app TOP_REQUIRE.print_sorted_children end desc "outputs memory usage over time" task :mem_over_time => [:setup] do require 'get_process_mem' puts "PID: #{}" ram = @keep_going = true begin unless ENV["SKIP_FILE_WRITE"] ruby = `ruby -v`.chomp FileUtils.mkdir_p("tmp") file ="tmp/#{}-#{ruby}-memory-#{TEST_COUNT}-times.txt", 'w') file.sync = true end ram_thread = do while @keep_going mb = ram.mb STDOUT.puts mb file.puts mb unless ENV["SKIP_FILE_WRITE"] sleep 5 end end TEST_COUNT.times { call_app } ensure @keep_going = false ram_thread.join file.close unless ENV["SKIP_FILE_WRITE"] end end task :ram_over_time do Kernel.warn("The ram_over_time task is deprecated. Use mem_over_time") Rake::Task["perf:ram_over_time"].invoke end desc "iterations per second" task :ips => [:setup] do require 'benchmark/ips' Benchmark.ips do |x|"ips") { call_app } end end desc "outputs data while app is called TEST_COUNT times" task :gc => [:setup] do GC::Profiler.enable TEST_COUNT.times { call_app } GC::Profiler.disable end desc "outputs allocated object diff after app is called TEST_COUNT times" task :allocated_objects => [:setup] do call_app GC.start GC.disable start = ObjectSpace.count_objects TEST_COUNT.times { call_app } finish = ObjectSpace.count_objects GC.enable finish.each do |k,v| puts k => (v - start[k]) / TEST_COUNT.to_f end end desc "profiles ruby allocation" task :objects => [:setup] do require 'memory_profiler' call_app GC.start num = Integer(ENV["TEST_COUNT"] || 1) opts = {} opts[:ignore_files] = /#{ENV['IGNORE_FILES_REGEXP']}/ if ENV['IGNORE_FILES_REGEXP'] opts[:allow_files] = "#{ENV['ALLOW_FILES']}" if ENV['ALLOW_FILES'] puts "Running #{num} times" report = do num.times { call_app } end report.pretty_print end desc "heap analyzer" task :heap => [:setup] do require 'objspace' file_name = "tmp/#{}-heap.dump" FileUtils.mkdir_p("tmp") ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start puts "Running #{ TEST_COUNT } times" TEST_COUNT.times { call_app } GC.start puts "Heap file generated: #{ file_name.inspect }" ObjectSpace.dump_all(output:, 'w')) require 'heapy' puts "" puts "Run `$ heapy --help` for more options" puts "" puts "Also try uploading #{file_name.inspect} to" end end