# Default Title of Site
title: Jumbo Jekyll Theme
# Description of the site used for default meta description
description: |-
  The Jumbo Jekyll Theme is used across all Linaro static sites.
# Destination of the Jekyll site upon build of site.  
destination: _site
# Default permalink for blog posts
permalink: /blog/:title/ 
# Jumbo Jekyll Theme
theme: jumbo-jekyll-theme
# Syntax highlighter
highlighter: rouge
# Markdown flavour used by Jekyll to parse markdown.
markdown: kramdown
# Default character encoding
encoding: utf-8
# Jekyll configuration for running the site in "Safe" mode.
safe: false
# Files Jekyll will ignore when building the static site.
  - Gemfile
  - Gemfile.lock
  - .gitignore
  - .git
  - .asset-cache
  - _static-site
  - .sass-cache
  - _site

# Sass Configuration for the site styles
    style: compressed
        - assets/css
# Compress HTML using the jekyll-tidy plugin.
    # Toggle compression of HTML
    compress_html: true
    # JS Path added to exclude to stop errors.
    exclude: ["assets/**/*.js"] 
# Permalink style to be used for paginating pages in pagination.html
paginate_path: /blog/:num/
paginate_path_news: /news/:num/
paginate_path_authors: /authors/:num/

# Jekyll Pagination V2 Configuration
    # Default pagination path for Jekyll Posts
    # For other permalinks set in the front matter of the post index page
    permalink: /blog/:num/
    # Enabled or not?
    enabled: true
    # Home many posts to display by default
    per_page: 5
    # Number of pages to show either side of the current page i.e - 1, 2, {3}, 4, 5
        before: 2
        after: 2
    # Reverse the order of paginated pages
    sort_reverse: true
    # Field to sort posts by when paginating
    sort_field: 'date'

# Jekyll pagination v2 autopages configuration.
  enabled: false
 # Jekyll_get plugin configuration. This will not be needed in all jekyll sites
 # only those that are displaying news from the news db or listing Linaro members.
# jekyll_get:
#   data: members
#   json: 'https://github.com/Linaro/db'

# Jekyll defaults - used to set default front matter values to collections and posts
  #  Set a default Social Media Image
  - scope:
      path: ""
      image: /assets/images/social-media-image.png
# Jekyll Assets setup
  # Compress JS Assets - uses the uglifier 
  compression: true
  gzip: true
  # Autoprefixer default settings
      browsers: ["last 2 versions","> 5%","IE 9"]
  # These are the paths to look for assets
    - assets/js/
    - assets/images/
    - assets/css/    
# Jekyll relative links plugin settings    
    process_all_collections: true
    verbose: 1
    - jekyll-seo-tag
    - jekyll-sitemap
    - bootstrap-sass
    - uglifier
    - jekyll-assets
    - jekyll-tidy
    - jekyll-redirect-from
    - autoprefixer-rails
    - jekyll-paginate-v2

# Make sure that Liquid errors stop the build
    error_mode: strict    
    enabled:          true
    remove_originals: false