require 'rubygems' require 'json' require 'socket' require 'net/http' require 'agent/am_objectholder' require 'agent/version' module ManageEngine class APMConfig attr_reader :agenthost,:agentport,:instance_id,:alreadyconnected,:apmhost,:apmport,:license_key,:site24x7, :site24x7url, :hostType,:delayedStart attr_reader :appname,:proxyneeded, :apdex_t, :trans_trace, :trans_trace_t, :sql_capture, :sql_capture_params, :sql_trace_t,:proxy_user,:proxy_pass, :metric_overflow_t, :trace_overflow_t, :dbmetric_overflow_t attr_reader :proxy_host,:proxy_port ,:is_secured, :logs_dir ,:connection_retry,:agent_enabled,:connect_interval,:db_operations,:txn_skip_listen, :url_merge_pattern attr_accessor :app_db,:app_dispatcher,:lastupdatedtime def initialize @obj = ManageEngine::APMObjectHolder.instance #@config = @obj.util.readProperties(@obj.constants.apm_conf) configureFile @agenthost = Socket.gethostname assignConfig @obj.log.setLevel @config["apminsight.log.level"] @instance_id = 0 @agent_enabled = false @alreadyconnected = checkAgentInfo @site24x7 = checkLicenseFile if (@site24x7) @site24x7url = @license_key.start_with?('eu_') ? @obj.constants.site24x7EUurl : @license_key.start_with?('cn_') ? @obj.constants.site24x7CNurl : @license_key.start_with?('au_') ? @obj.constants.site24x7AUurl : @license_key.start_with?('in_') ? @obj.constants.site24x7INurl : @license_key.start_with?('gd_') ? @obj.constants.site24x7GDurl : @license_key.start_with?('jp_') ? @obj.constants.site24x7JPurl : @license_key.start_with?('gd_') ? @obj.constants.site24x7GDurl : @license_key.start_with?('ca_') ? @obj.constants.site24x7CAurl : @license_key.start_with?('sa_') ? @obj.constants.site24x7SAurl : @license_key.start_with?('uk_') ? @obj.constants.site24x7UKurl : @license_key.start_with?('in_hd_') ? @obj.constants.site24x7HDFCurl : @obj.constants.site24x7USurl end @db_operations =["select","insert","update","delete"] urlMergePattern @hostType = getHostType "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" "APP HOME #{File.absolute_path(".")} " "APP HOME #{Dir.pwd} " "Agent Version : #{ManageEngine::APMInsight::VERSION}" "Configuration : " "Hostname : #{@agenthost}" "Host Type: #{@hostType}" "Agent Already Connected : #{@alreadyconnected}" "Agent Enabled : #{@agent_enabled}" "Allowed DB Operations : #{@db_operations}" # @config.each do|key,val| # "#{key} => #{val}" # end "URL Merge Patterns" @url_merge_pattern.each do |key, val| "#{key} => #{val}" end "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" @app_db="dummydb" @app_dispatcher = getDispatcher @lastupdatedtime=File.mtime(@obj.constants.apm_conf).to_i end def configureFile begin if(FileTest.exist?(@obj.constants.apm_conf)) #conf file exists in APPlication Home @obj.log.debug "Config File Exists. It is read from #{@obj.constants.apm_conf}" @config = @obj.util.readProperties(@obj.constants.apm_conf) secureConfFile "#{@obj.constants.apm_conf}" else gemSpecs = Gem.loaded_specs[@obj.constants.s247_apm_gem] if (gemSpecs == nil) gemSpecs = Gem.loaded_specs[@obj.constants.apm_gem] end gem_conf = gemSpecs.full_gem_path #gem_conf = File.join(gem_conf, 'lib') gem_conf = File.join(gem_conf, 'conf') gem_conf = File.join(gem_conf, 'apminsight.conf') #conf file not exists in APPlications Home. So 1. copy it for gem locations if @obj.util.copyFiles gem_conf,@obj.constants.apm_conf #copied sucessfully "Config File copied to application home directory. It is read from #{@obj.constants.apm_conf}" @config = @obj.util.readProperties(@obj.constants.apm_conf) secureConfFile "#{@obj.constants.apm_conf}" else #Problem in copying, so reading props from Conf file in Gem Location @obj.log.warn "Config File not copied. It is read from #{gem_conf}" @config = @obj.util.readProperties(gem_conf) secureConfFile gem_conf end end rescue Exception=>e "[Exception] Problem in Reading Configuration File : \n File : #{@obj.constants.apm_conf}" @obj.log.logException "#{e.message}",e @config = @obj.util.readProperties(gem_conf) ensure end end def secureConfFile(file) begin File.chmod(0600, file) rescue Exception => e @obj.log.warn "Unable to secure the conf file #{file}" end end def checkAgentInfo if FileTest.exist?(@obj.constants.agent_conf) @obj.log.debug "Status : Agent Already Connected" props = @obj.util.readProperties(@obj.constants.agent_conf) instance_id = props[""] if (instance_id == nil || instance_id == "") # If instance id is not found or empty, it means the is being modified by user # Ignore all its entry @obj.log.warn "File: #{@obj.constants.agent_conf} is corrupted. Agent will continue ignoring these values." return false else @instance_id = instance_id end @agent_enabled= @obj.util.getBooleanValue props["agent.enabled"] true else "Status : Agent not connected" false end end def checkLicenseFile @obj.constants.setLicenseKey @license_key if(@license_key.start_with?('APMI_')) "Connecting to App Manager" false else "Connecting to Site24x7" true end end def urlMergePattern @url_merge_pattern = begin if (FileTest.exist?(@obj.constants.mergepattern_conf)) @url_merge_pattern=@obj.util.readProperties(@obj.constants.mergepattern_conf) end rescue Exception => e "[Exception] Problem in Reading Configuration File : \n File : #{@obj.constants.mergepattern_conf}" @obj.log.logException "#{e.message}",e end end def updateAgentInfoFile(props) @instance_id = props[""] @agent_enabled= @obj.util.getBooleanValue props["agent.enabled"] @obj.util.writeProperties(@obj.constants.agent_conf,props) secureConfFile(@obj.constants.agent_conf) end def initValues @apmport=8080 @appname="My Application" @proxyneeded = false @proxy_host="localhost" @proxy_port=80 @proxy_user="" @proxy_pass="" @is_secured=false @logs_dir="./log" @connection_retry = 0 @connect_interval = 60 @apdex_t=0.5 @trans_trace_t=2 @sql_trace_t=3 @metric_overflow_t=250 @dbmetric_overflow_t=500 @trace_overflow_t=30 @site24x7url = @obj.constants.site24x7USurl #default agent communication URL @delayedStart = false end def assignConfig initValues @config.each do |key,value| value = checkAndGetEnvValue(value) case key when "" then @appname=value if (ENV.has_key?('APM_APPLICATION_NAME')) @appname = ENV['APM_APPLICATION_NAME'] end when "" then @apmhost=value when "apm.port" then @apmport=isInteger(@apmport,value) when "license.key" then @license_key=value if (@license_key.empty? && ENV.has_key?('S247_LICENSE_KEY')) @license_key = ENV['S247_LICENSE_KEY'] end when "behind.proxy" then @proxyneeded=@obj.util.getBooleanValue value when "agent.server.port" then @agentport=isInteger(@agentport,value) when "apdex.threshold" then @apdex_t=isFloat(@apdex_t,value) when "transaction.trace.enabled" then @trans_trace=@obj.util.getBooleanValue value when "transaction.trace.threshold" then @trans_trace_t=isFloat(@trans_trace_t,value) when "sql.capture.enabled" then @sql_capture=@obj.util.getBooleanValue value when "transaction.trace.sql.parametrize" then @sql_capture_params=@obj.util.getBooleanValue value when "transaction.trace.sql.stacktrace.threshold" then @sql_trace_t=isFloat(@sql_trace_t,value) when "" then @proxy_host=value when "proxy.server.port" then @proxy_port=isInteger(@proxy_port,value) when "proxy.auth.username" then @proxy_user=value when "proxy.auth.password" then @proxy_pass=@obj.util.decrypt value, @license_key if (@proxy_pass == nil) @proxy_pass = value end when "apm.protocol.https" then @is_secured=@obj.util.getBooleanValue value when "apminsight.log.dir" then @logs_dir=value when "apminsight.log.level" then @obj.log.setLevel value when "agent.connection.retry" then @connection_retry=value #Not in Conf - yet to come when "agent.polling.interval" then @connect_interval=isInteger(@connect_interval, value)#Not in Conf - yet to come when "transaction.skip.listening" then @txn_skip_listen=@obj.util.getArray value.gsub("\s", ""),"," when "metricstore.metric.bucket.size" then @metric_overflow_t = isInteger(@metric_overflow_t, value) when "metricstore.dbmetric.bucket.size" then @dbmetric_overflow_t = isInteger(@dbmetric_overflow_t, value) when "transaction.tracestore.size" then @trace_overflow_t = isInteger(@trace_overflow_t, value) when "agent.delay.start" then @delayedStart=@obj.util.getBooleanValue value end end store_encrypted_data(@config) end #Checks whether the given value is Environment Variable def checkAndGetEnvValue(data) begin value = "#{data}"[/\{(.*)\}/,1] if (value != nil && ENV.has_key?(value)) return data.gsub(/\{.*\}/, ENV[value]) end rescue Exception=>e end return data end def store_encrypted_data config data = config["proxy.auth.password"] if (data != nil && @obj.util.decrypt(data, @license_key) == nil) # checking whether data is already encrypted begin file_contents = "" conf_file =, 'r') do |line| if line.start_with?("proxy.auth.password") file_contents += "proxy.auth.password=" + @obj.util.encrypt(config["proxy.auth.password"], @license_key) else file_contents += line end #file_contents += "\n" end #end of do read loop conf_file.close conf_file =, "w+") conf_file.puts file_contents conf_file.close file_contents = nil # clearing memory rescue Exception=>e @obj.log.logException "Error while encrypting file", e end end # if already encrypted end def getHostType begin # Check for AWS environment url = URI.parse('') # AWS metadata url request = response = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port, :read_timeout => 2) {|http| http.request(request)} if (response.kind_of? Net::HTTPOK) @hostType = "AWS" return @hostType end rescue Exception => e end begin #Check for Azure environment url = URI.parse('') # Azure metadata url request = response = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port, :read_timeout => 2) {|http| http.request(request)} if (response.kind_of? Net::HTTPOK) @hostType = "AZURE" return @hostType end rescue Exception => e end begin # Check for Heroku env. In the backgroud it is using AWS EC2, hence sending as AWS if (ENV.has_key?('DYNO') || ENV.has_key?('STACK')) @hostType = "AWS" return @hostType end rescue Exception => e end @hostType = nil end def getAgentInfo data = agentdata = agentdata = {"application.type"=>"RUBY",""=>@appname,"hostname"=>@agenthost,"port"=>@agentport,"agent.version"=>ManageEngine::APMInsight::MAJOR_VERSION} if (@hostType != nil) agentdata["host.type"]=@hostType end begin fqdn = Addrinfo.getaddrinfo(Socket.gethostname, nil).first.getnameinfo.first if (fqdn != nil) agentdata["fqdn"] = fqdn end rescue Exception=>e @obj.log.warn("Unable to get fqdn value #{e.message}") end data["agent_info"]=agentdata data["environment"]=getEnvData data["custom_config_info"]=getAgentConfigData data end def getEnvData env = begin env["OS"] = Gem::Platform.local.os env["OS Version"] = Gem::Platform.local.version env["OS Arch"] = Gem::Platform.local.cpu env["Ruby Version"] = "#{RUBY_VERSION}" gemSpecs = Gem.loaded_specs[@obj.constants.s247_apm_gem] if (gemSpecs == nil) gemSpecs = Gem.loaded_specs[@obj.constants.apm_gem] end if (gemSpecs != nil) env["Agent Installed Path"] = gemSpecs.full_gem_path end # ENV.to_hash.each do |key, value| # env[key] = value # end env["Application Path"] = "#{Dir.pwd}" rescue Exception=>e @obj.log.warn "Error in capturing env data. #{e.message}" end env end def getAgentConfigData agentconfig = agentconfig["last.modified.time"]=@lastupdatedtime*1000 agentconfig["apdex.threshold"]=@apdex_t agentconfig["sql.capture.enabled"]=0 if @sql_capture agentconfig["sql.capture.enabled"]=1 end agentconfig["transaction.trace.enabled"]=0 if @trans_trace agentconfig["transaction.trace.enabled"]=1 end agentconfig["transaction.trace.threshold"]=@trans_trace_t agentconfig["transaction.trace.sql.parametrize"]=0 if @sql_capture_params agentconfig["transaction.trace.sql.parametrize"]=1 end agentconfig["transaction.trace.sql.stacktrace.threshold"]=@sql_trace_t agentconfig["transaction.tracking.request.interval"]=1 agentconfig end def getDispatcher "Server: #{ENV['SERVER_SOFTWARE']}" dispatcher = "unknown" if defined?(PhusionPassenger) then dispatcher = "passenger" end if defined?(Unicorn) then dispatcher = "unicorn" end if defined?(Rainbows) then dispatcher = "rainbows" end dispatcher end def isInteger default,value if @obj.util.is_integer value value.to_i else "Problem in getting Integer Value #{value} .. So setting default value #{default} " default.to_i end end def isFloat default,value if @obj.util.is_float value value.to_f else default.to_f "Problem in getting Integer Value #{value} .. So setting default value #{default} " end end def update_config configInfo filepath = @obj.constants.apm_conf f = "" begin, 'r') file =,"w+") do |line| line.strip! if (line[0] != ?# and line[0] != ?=) i = line.index('=') if (i) key1 = line[0..i - 1].strip if configInfo.has_key?(key1) file.puts "#{key1}=#{configInfo[key1]}\n" else file.puts "#{line}\n" end else file.puts "#{line}\n" end else file.puts "#{line}\n" end end rescue Exception=>e "Problem in Reading / Writing Property File : #{e.message} " @obj.log.error "#{e.backtrace}" ensure propsFile.close file.close end res = @obj.util.copyFiles f, filepath if res "copyFiles result = #{res}" #delete has to be done end configureFile assignConfig end end#c end#m