module Hijri class Date include Comparable attr_accessor :day, :month, :year MONTHNAMES_EN = %w(Muharram Safar Rabia-Awwal Rabia-Thani Jumaada-Awal Jumaada-Thani Rajab Sha'ban Ramadan Shawwal Dhul-Qi'dah Dhul-Hijjah) DAYNAMES = %w(as-Sabt al-Ahad al-Ithnayn ath-Thalaathaa al-Arba'aa' al-Khamis al-Jumu'ah) class << self def today date = date.to_hijri end end def initialize(year=1, month=1, day=1) @year, @month, @day = year, month, day end def islamic_leap_year? return (((((11 * self.year) + 14) % 30) < 11) ? true : false) end def last_day_of_islamic_month # Last day in month during year on the Islamic calendar. return ((self.month % 2 == 1) || (self.month == 12 && islamic_leap_year?) ? 30 : 29) end def to_s "#{@year}-#{sprintf('%02d', @month)}-#{sprintf('%02d', @day)}" end def <=>(date) # Make sure the date is a Hijri::Date instance date = date.to_hijri if self.to_s == date.to_s return 0 elsif @year > date.year || (@year == date.year && @month > date.month) || (@year == date.year && @month == date.month && @day > return 1 else return -1 end end def to_abs month_days = 29 * (month - 1) # days on this year nonleap_year_days = 354 * (year - 1) leap_year_days = (3 + (11 * year)) / 30.0 this_year = (month / 2.0).to_i return (day + month_days + this_year + nonleap_year_days + leap_year_days + Hijri::ISLAMIC_EPOCH).to_i end def to_greo *Converter.hijri_to_greo(self) end # Just to have a consistent Interface. def to_hijri self end end end