module Alchemy module Admin module EssencesHelper include Alchemy::EssencesHelper include Alchemy::Admin::ContentsHelper # Renders the Content editor partial from the given Content. # For options see -> render_essence def render_essence_editor(content, options = {}, html_options = {}) render_essence(content, :editor, {:for_editor => options}, html_options) end # Renders the Content editor partial from essence_type. # # Options are: # * element (Element) - the Element the contents are in (obligatory) # * type (String) - the type of Essence (obligatory) # * options (Hash): # ** :position (Integer) - The position of the Content inside the Element. I.E. for getting the n-th EssencePicture. Default is 1 (the first) # ** :all (String) - Pass :all to get all Contents of that name. Default false # * editor_options (Hash) - Will be passed to the render_essence_editor partial renderer # def render_essence_editor_by_type(element, essence_type, options = {}, editor_options = {}) return warning('Element is nil', t("no_element_given")) if element.blank? return warning('EssenceType is blank', t("No EssenceType given")) if essence_type.blank? defaults = { :position => 1, :all => false } options = defaults.merge(options) essence_type = Alchemy::Content.normalize_essence_type(essence_type) return_string = "" if options[:all] contents = element.contents.find_all_by_essence_type_and_name(essence_type, options[:all]) contents.each do |content| return_string << render_essence_editor(content, editor_options) end else content = element.contents.find_by_essence_type_and_position(essence_type, options[:position]) return_string = render_essence_editor(content, editor_options) end return_string end # Renders the Content editor partial from the given Element by position (e.g. 1). # For options see -> render_essence def render_essence_editor_by_position(element, position, options = {}) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Alchemy CMS: render_essence_editor_by_position is not supported anymore and will be removed.' if element.blank? warning('Element is nil') return "" end content = element.contents.find_by_position(position) if content.nil? render_missing_content(element, position, options) else render_essence_editor(content, options) end end # Renders the Content editor partial found in views/contents/ for the content with name inside the passed Element. # For options see -> render_essence # # Content creation on the fly: # # If you update the elements.yml file after creating an element this helper displays a error message with an option to create the content. # def render_essence_editor_by_name(element, name, options = {}, html_options = {}) if element.blank? return warning('Element is nil', t("no_element_given")) end content = element.content_by_name(name) if content.nil? render_missing_content(element, name, options) else render_essence_editor(content, options, html_options) end end # Renders the EssenceText editor partial with a form select for storing page urlnames # # === Options: # # :only [Hash] # Pagelayout names. Only pages with this page_layout will be displayed inside the select. # :page_attribute [Symbol] # The Page attribute which will be stored. # :global [Boolean] # Display only global pages. Default is false. # def page_selector(element, content_name, options = {}, select_options = {}) default_options = { :page_attribute => :id, :global => false, :prompt => t('Choose page') } options = default_options.merge(options) pages = Page.where({ :language_id => session[:language_id], :layoutpage => options[:global] == true, :public => options[:global] == false }) pages = pages.where({:page_layout => options[:only]}) if options[:only].present? content = element.content_by_name(content_name) options.update( :select_values => pages_for_select(pages, content ? content.essence.body : nil, options[:prompt], options[:page_attribute]) ) if content.nil? render_missing_content(element, content_name, options) else render_essence_editor(content, options) end end def render_missing_content(element, name, options) render :partial => 'alchemy/admin/contents/missing', :locals => {:element => element, :name => name, :options => options} end end end end