module SimpleStateMachine module RSpec module Helpers def Doc(name=nil, &block) klass = do include ::MongoMapper::Document set_collection_name "test#{rand(20)}" if name class_eval "def; '#{name}' end" class_eval "def self.to_s; '#{name}' end" end end klass.class_eval(&block) if block_given? klass.collection.remove klass end def EDoc(name=nil, &block) klass = do include ::MongoMapper::EmbeddedDocument if name class_eval "def; '#{name}' end" class_eval "def self.to_s; '#{name}' end" end end klass.class_eval(&block) if block_given? klass end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :have_timestamps do |name, states = []| description { "have keys created_at/updated_at of type Time" } match do |actual| keys ={|key_name, key| ["created_at", "updated_at"].include?(key_name) && key.type==Time} keys.size == 2 end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :have_simple_state_machine do |name, states = []| description { "define a state machine \"#{name}\" with #{states.join(",")} states" } match do |actual| actual.states[name].eql?(states) end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :have_scope do |name, options = {}| query =, options) description do s = "have a scope #{name} with" s << " #{query.criteria.source} criterias" if query.criteria.source.present? s << " and " if query.criteria.source.present? && query.options.source.present? s << " #{query.options.source.inspect} options" if query.options.source.present? s end match do |actual| actual.class.scopes[name] && actual.class.scopes[name].call.criteria == query.criteria && actual.class.scopes[name].call.options == query.options end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :have_key do |name, klass, options = {}| description do s = "have key #{name} of class #{}" s << " with #{options[:default]} as default value" if options.has_key?(:default) s end match do |actual| key = actual.keys.detect{|key_name, key| key_name==name.to_s && key.type==klass} valid = !!key valid &&= key.last.default_value.eql?(options[:default]) if options.has_key?(:default) valid end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :have_index do |*keys| description{ "have an index on #{keys.join(", ")}" } match do |actual| indexes = actual.collection.index_information.values.collect{|h| h["key"].keys} indexes.include? keys.collect(&:to_s) end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :have_many do |name, options = {}| description do s = "have many " s << "embedded " if options[:embedded] s << "#{name}" s << " of class #{options[:class].name}" if options[:class] s << " ordered by '#{options[:order]}'" if options[:order] s end match do |actual, matcher| do |association_name, assocation| valid = association_name==name.to_s && assocation.type==:many valid &&= assocation.klass==options[:class] if options[:class] valid &&= !!options[:embedded]==actual.embedded_associations.include?(assocation) valid &&= !!options[:order]==assocation.query_options[:order] if options[:order] valid end end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :have_one do |name, options = {}| description do s = "have one " s << "embedded " if options[:embedded] s << "#{name}" s << " of class #{options[:class].name}" if options[:class] s end match do |actual, matcher| do |association_name, assocation| valid = association_name==name.to_s && assocation.type==:one valid &&= assocation.klass==options[:class] if options[:class] valid &&= !!options[:embedded]==actual.embedded_associations.include?(assocation) valid end end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :belong_to do |name, options = {}| description do s = "belong to #{name}" s << " of class #{options[:class].name}" if options[:class] s end match do |actual, matcher| do |association_name, assocation| valid = association_name==name.to_s && assocation.type==:belongs_to valid &&= assocation.klass==options[:class] if options[:class] valid end end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :validate_presence_of do |field, options = {}| description do s = "validate presence of #{field}" s << " while still allowing nil" if options[:allow_nil] s << " for #{options[:groups]} validations" if options[:groups] s end match do |actual, matcher| validation_method = options[:groups] ? :"valid_for_#{options[:groups]}?" : :valid? actual.send "#{field}=", "" actual.send validation_method valid = !actual.errors[field].empty? if actual.keys[field] && actual.keys[field].default_value.nil? actual.send "#{field}=", nil actual.send validation_method valid && !!options[:allow_nil]==actual.errors[field].empty? end valid end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :validate_length_of do |field, options = {}| min, max = options[:within].first, options[:within].last description do "validate length of #{field} within #{min}..#{max}" end match do |actual, matcher| actual.send "#{field}=", min.times.collect{"a"}.join actual.valid? valid = !actual.errors[field].include?("is invalid") actual.send "#{field}=", (min-1).times.collect{"a"}.join actual.valid? valid &&= actual.errors[field].include?("is invalid") actual.send "#{field}=", (max+1).times.collect{"a"}.join actual.valid? valid &&= actual.errors[field].include?("is invalid") valid end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :validate_inclusion_of do |field, options = {}| min, max = options[:within].first, options[:within].last description do "validate inclusion of #{field} within #{min}..#{max}" end match do |actual, matcher| actual.send "#{field}=", min actual.valid? valid = !actual.errors[field].include?("is not in the list") actual.send "#{field}=", min.pred actual.valid? valid &&= actual.errors[field].include?("is not in the list") actual.send "#{field}=", max.succ actual.valid? valid && actual.errors[field].include?("is not in the list") end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :validate_confirmation_of do |field| description { "validate confirmation of #{field}" } match do |actual, matcher| field_confirmation = "#{field}_confirmation" actual.send "#{field}=", "aaaa" actual.send "#{field_confirmation}=", "aaaa" actual.valid? valid = !actual.errors[field].include?("doesn't match confirmation") actual.send "#{field}=", "aaaa" actual.send "#{field}=", "bbbb" actual.valid? valid && actual.errors[field].include?("doesn't match confirmation") end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :validate_uniqueness_of do |field, options = {}| description do s = "validate uniqueness of #{field}" s << " case sensitive" if options[:case_sensitive] s << " case insensitive" unless options[:case_sensitive] s << " allowing blank value" if options[:allow_blank] s << " allowing nil value" if options[:allow_nil] s end match do |actual, matcher| existing = actual.class.first raise "you need to create at least one record before we can check for uniqueness" unless existing actual.attributes = existing.attributes.reject{|k,v| k == "_id" } actual.valid? valid = actual.errors[field].include?("has already been taken") actual.send "#{field}=", actual.send(field).swapcase actual.valid? if options[:case_sensitive] valid &&= !actual.errors[field].include?("has already been taken") else valid &&= actual.errors[field].include?("has already been taken") end if options[:allow_blank] actual.send "#{field}=", "" actual.valid? valid &&= !actual.errors[field].include?("has already been taken") end if options[:allow_nil] actual.send "#{field}=", nil actual.valid? valid &&= !actual.errors[field].include?("has already been taken") end valid end end ::RSpec::Matchers.define :validate_config_with do |key, klass| description{ "validate presence of #{key} of class #{klass} in config" } match do |actual, matcher| actual.config.delete key actual.valid? valid = actual.errors[:config].include? "#{key} is required" actual.config[key] = actual.valid? valid &&= actual.errors[:config].include? "#{key} should be #{klass}" value = mock value.stub(:kind_of?).with(klass).and_return true actual.config[key] = value actual.valid? valid &&= actual.errors[:config].none?{|error| error.starts_with?("#{key} ")} valid end end end end end