# Contributing to the Bash Track There are a lot of great resources for contributing to Exercism in general already. Check out the [docs](https://github.com/exercism/docs) repository for a larger overview and some more general purpose instructions. A great way to get started contributing is [porting an exercise from another track](#porting-an-exercise-from-another-language)! It helps you get into the repository, learn your way around, and see how things are structured. ## Getting Set Up In order to run any of the test files (or examples, for that matter), you're going to need Bash. If you're on OSX or Linux, this shouldn't be a problem for you. Additionally, you'll need the Bash test runner that we're using: `bats`. This can be installed via your package manager. For more specifics, see the [tests page of this repository's docs](https://github.com/exercism/bash/blob/master/docs/TESTS.md). ## Porting an Exercise from Another Language Porting an exercise from another language is easy (ish)! You can follow this step-by-step guide (specific for this repository) to get it done. ### Initial Setup Fork the Bash repository on GitHub (which you are currently in). ![Fork button](img/fork-repository.png) Clone the repository to your computer. ```bash $ git clone https://github.com//bash.git $ cd bash ``` Look through the [list of exercises not yet implemented in Bash](http://exercism.io/languages/bash/todo). Once you've found one you like, make sure that someone's not already working on it by checking the [current open pull requests](https://github.com/exercism/bash/pulls). Also double check that the exercise isn't in the list of exercises already implemented in your freshly cloned repository: `path/to/bash/exercises`. Once you've selected an exercise you like, locate its *slug* (unique name) in [the master list of problem specifications](https://github.com/exercism/problem-specifications/tree/master/exercises). Create a directory in your local `exercises` folder with that same slug name. ```bash # Optionally, but probably a good idea, create a new branch for your exercise $ git checkout -b # Create the new exercise directory $ mkdir exercises/ ``` At the very least, you're going to need to create a `README.md`, a test file (`your_exercise_test.sh`), and an example file which, by convention, you should name `example.sh` when you're done. For ease of debugging, you can start by naming your file `your_exercise.sh`. ```bash $ touch README.md $ touch _test.sh $ touch .sh ``` Ensure that both of the shell script files are executeable. ```bash $ chmod a+x _test.sh .sh ``` Many, if not all, of the current exercises have *canonical data* about them that is the same accross all languages. This makes it so you don't have to come up with test cases or informative intro material yourself. You're welcome! Head over to your specific exercise page in the [master list](https://github.com/exercism/problem-specifications/tree/master/exercises) (same link as above). Specifically right now, you're interested in `canonical_data.json`. ![Canonical data example](img/canonical-data-example.png) Currently, you're interested in all of the `"cases"`. Each of these is a test case that you'll have to implement in the specific vernacular of our test-runner, `bats`. Check out [this repository's test documentation](https://github.com/exercism/bash/blob/master/docs/TESTS.md) if you missed the [Getting Set Up](#getting-set-up) section above. ### Generating the Tests Implement each of the test cases (along with any comments or explanations you think are necessary for people who aren't sure of themselves). When in doubt, check out the other, already implemented exercises for an example. Here's an example of implementing the test case shown above. ```bash #!/bin/bash @test 'Say Hi!' { run bash hello_world.sh [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "$output" = "Hello, World" ] } # ... The rest of your tests ``` For each test you create, you should use the `description` value for the test case description. The `property` value is generally used by other languages to specify what the function to be run is called. Use your best judgement and check out how other exercises handle this. If there's just one property, you can just test the script as a whole. If there's multiple properties, consider testing those as either subcommands or flags (e.g. an exercise with an encode and a decode property could be handled by `run bash cyper.sh encode ` or by `run bash cypher.sh -e `). You're the one writing the tests, so you decide. You'll get feedback when you open your pull request anyways, so don't stress too much about it. You can check to see if your example script works by running `bats`. ```bash $ bats hello_world_test.sh ``` ### Implementing an Example Solution If you've been following along so far, your tests should fail. Go ahead and implement your solution in the `.sh` file. Make sure your file has `#!/bin/bash` at the top. Keep running your test file against it until your tests all pass. This process should help ensure that both your tests *and* your example are ship shape! Once your tests and example are complete, rename `.sh` to `example.sh` to match all the other exercises. ### Updating the Config Exercism makes heavy use of configuration files to automate things. Now that you're done with your solution, you can add your problem to `bash/config.json`. Check out the [configuration description](https://github.com/exercism/docs/blob/master/language-tracks/configuration/exercises.md) in the Exercism docs for more info on each item. ```json // config.json { "exercises": [ // ... All the other exercises { "core": false, // True or false, you decide "unlocked_by": "leap", // If core is false, pick a core exercise that // unlocks this one. Something similar, but easier "difficulty": 1, // 1 == easy, 10 == impossible, you decide "slug": "", "topics": [ "control_flow_conditionals", "mathematics" // These can come from the topics list, linked below ], "uuid": "9ac0b041-a7aa-4b0c-952a-d38d35e2cd65" // see below } ] } ``` Possible topics that describe your exercise can come from the [topics master list](https://github.com/exercism/problem-specifications/blob/master/TOPICS.txt), but you're not limited to those. In order to get the `uuid` and check your work, you'll need the configlet, which is a handy tool created to automate some of the more monotonous tasks involved with this. See the [configlet documentation](https://github.com/exercism/configlet) for more info. Make sure you have the most current configlet by running: ```bash $ bin/fetch-configlet ``` Each exercise *for each language* needs a unique ID number — a `uuid`. The configley can help you generate one. ```bash $ bin/configlet uuid ``` Copy/paste the generated value into the `uuid` field of your exercise. Once you're done, it's time to check your work. Run the configlet linter. ```bash $ bin/configlet lint . # If for some reason you're not inside the project directory, instead use $ bin/configlet lint path/to/bash ``` Hopefully it says everything is OK! ### Creating the README There are two ways to create the README: generate it via the configlet, or manually create it. This guide covers them both. #### Using the Configlet The configlet has a generate command that uses Go templating and pulls from the repository's `config` directory as well as each exercise's `.meta` directory. Learn more in the [configlet docs](https://github.com/exercism/configlet). You should just be able to run: ```bash $ bin/configlet generate ``` This should auto-generate a nice README in your exercise directory. If it gives you any issues, no worries! You can always get it done by... #### Doing It Manually Use the `config/exercise_readme.go.tmpl` file as a guide. The README should look something like this: ```markdown # ... Description copied from the master exercise repo (where you got your tests) ... Any additional hints that need provided ... Bash standard material, copied from `docs/EXERCISE_README_INSERT.md` ## Source ... Copy credits from the master exercise repo ## Submitting Incomplete Solutions It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise. ``` ### Cleaning Up 20. If you've been practicing good version control throughout this process, you may have several commits. At this point, you're almost ready to submit your pull request, but you should rebase against the most recent upstream master branch. ```bash # Assuming you've alread 'git added' and 'git commited' # If you don't already have the exercism/bash as your upstream remote: $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/exercism/bash.git # To get the most recent upstream version $ git fetch upstream # Rebase onto the upstream $ git rebase upstream/master ``` 21. Now you're ready to sync up with Github and open your pull request! ```bash $ git push --force-with-lease origin ``` ![Create pull request](img/create-pr.png) Good luck, happy scripting, and thanks for your help!