if __FILE__ == $0 $:.unshift '..' $:.unshift '../../lib' $puppetbase = "../.." end require 'puppet' require 'puppettest' require 'test/unit' # $Id: transactions.rb 871 2006-02-07 05:58:00Z luke $ class TestTransactions < Test::Unit::TestCase include FileTesting def ingroup(gid) require 'etc' begin group = Etc.getgrgid(gid) rescue => detail puts "Could not retrieve info for group %s: %s" % [gid, detail] return nil end return @groups.include?(group.name) end def setup super @groups = %x{groups}.chomp.split(/ /) unless @groups.length > 1 p @groups raise "You must be a member of more than one group to test this" end end def teardown stopservices #print "\n\n" if Puppet[:debug] super end def newfile(hash = {}) tmpfile = tempfile() File.open(tmpfile, "w") { |f| f.puts rand(100) } # XXX now, because os x apparently somehow allows me to make a file # owned by a group i'm not a member of, i have to verify that # the file i just created is owned by one of my groups # grrr unless ingroup(File.stat(tmpfile).gid) Puppet.info "Somehow created file in non-member group %s; fixing" % File.stat(tmpfile).gid require 'etc' firstgr = @groups[0] unless firstgr.is_a?(Integer) str = Etc.getgrnam(firstgr) firstgr = str.gid end File.chown(nil, firstgr, tmpfile) end @@tmpfiles.push tmpfile hash[:name] = tmpfile assert_nothing_raised() { return Puppet.type(:file).create(hash) } end def newservice assert_nothing_raised() { return Puppet.type(:service).create( :name => "sleeper", :type => "init", :path => File.join($puppetbase,"examples/root/etc/init.d"), :hasstatus => true, :check => [:running] ) } end def newexec(file) assert_nothing_raised() { return Puppet.type(:exec).create( :name => "touch %s" % file, :path => "/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin", :returns => 0 ) } end # modify a file and then roll the modifications back def test_filerollback transaction = nil file = newfile() states = {} check = [:group,:mode] file[:check] = check assert_nothing_raised() { file.retrieve } assert_nothing_raised() { check.each { |state| assert(file[state]) states[state] = file[state] } } component = newcomp("file",file) require 'etc' groupname = Etc.getgrgid(File.stat(file.name).gid).name assert_nothing_raised() { # Find a group that it's not set to group = @groups.find { |group| group != groupname } unless group raise "Could not find suitable group" end file[:group] = group file[:mode] = "755" } trans = assert_events([:file_changed, :file_changed], component) file.retrieve assert_rollback_events(trans, [:file_changed, :file_changed], "file") assert_nothing_raised() { file.retrieve } states.each { |state,value| assert_equal( value,file.is(state), "File %s remained %s" % [state, file.is(state)] ) } end # start a service, and then roll the modification back # Disabled, because it wasn't really worth the effort. def disabled_test_servicetrans transaction = nil service = newservice() component = newcomp("service",service) assert_nothing_raised() { service[:running] = 1 } service.retrieve assert(service.insync?, "Service did not start") system("ps -ef | grep ruby") trans = assert_events([:service_started], component) service.retrieve assert_rollback_events(trans, [:service_stopped], "service") end # test that services are correctly restarted and that work is done # in the right order def test_refreshing transaction = nil file = newfile() execfile = File.join(tmpdir(), "exectestingness") exec = newexec(execfile) states = {} check = [:group,:mode] file[:check] = check @@tmpfiles << execfile component = newcomp("both",file,exec) # 'subscribe' expects an array of arrays exec[:subscribe] = [[file.class.name,file.name]] exec[:refreshonly] = true assert_nothing_raised() { file.retrieve exec.retrieve } check.each { |state| states[state] = file[state] } assert_nothing_raised() { file[:mode] = "755" } trans = assert_events( [:file_changed], component) assert(FileTest.exists?(execfile), "Execfile does not exist") File.unlink(execfile) assert_nothing_raised() { file[:group] = @groups[1] } trans = assert_events([:file_changed], component) assert(FileTest.exists?(execfile), "Execfile does not exist") end def test_zrefreshAcrossTwoComponents transaction = nil file = newfile() execfile = File.join(tmpdir(), "exectestingness2") @@tmpfiles << execfile exec = newexec(execfile) states = {} check = [:group,:mode] file[:check] = check fcomp = newcomp("file",file) ecomp = newcomp("exec",exec) component = newcomp("both",fcomp,ecomp) # 'subscribe' expects an array of arrays #component[:require] = [[file.class.name,file.name]] ecomp[:subscribe] = [[fcomp.class.name,fcomp.name]] exec[:refreshonly] = true trans = assert_events([], component) assert_nothing_raised() { file[:group] = @groups[1] file[:mode] = "755" } trans = assert_events([:file_changed, :file_changed], component) end end