require 'securerandom' require 'rsolr' require 'zk' require 'rsolr/cloud' module Fluent class SolrOutput < BufferedOutput Fluent::Plugin.register_output('solr', self) DEFAULT_COLLECTION = 'collection1' DEFAULT_IGNORE_UNDEFINED_FIELDS = false DEFAULT_STRING_FIELD_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH = -1 DEFAULT_TAG_FIELD = 'tag' DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FIELD = 'event_timestamp' DEFAULT_FLUSH_SIZE = 100 DEFAULT_COMMIT_WITH_FLUSH = true MODE_STANDALONE = 'Standalone' MODE_SOLRCLOUD = 'SolrCloud' include Fluent::SetTagKeyMixin config_set_default :include_tag_key, false include Fluent::SetTimeKeyMixin config_set_default :include_time_key, false config_param :url, :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'The Solr server url (for example http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1).' config_param :zk_host, :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'The ZooKeeper connection string that SolrCloud refers to (for example localhost:2181/solr).' config_param :collection, :string, :default => DEFAULT_COLLECTION, :desc => 'The SolrCloud collection name (default collection1).' config_param :defined_fields, :array, :default => nil, :desc => 'The defined fields in the Solr schema.xml. If omitted, it will get fields via Solr Schema API.' config_param :ignore_undefined_fields, :bool, :default => DEFAULT_IGNORE_UNDEFINED_FIELDS, :desc => 'Ignore undefined fields in the Solr schema.xml.' config_param :string_field_value_max_length, :integer, :default => DEFAULT_STRING_FIELD_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH, :desc => 'Field value max length.' config_param :unique_key_field, :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'A field name of unique key in the Solr schema.xml. If omitted, it will get unique key via Solr Schema API.' config_param :tag_field, :string, :default => DEFAULT_TAG_FIELD, :desc => 'A field name of fluentd tag in the Solr schema.xml (default event_timestamp).' config_param :timestamp_field, :string, :default => DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FIELD, :desc => 'A field name of event timestamp in the Solr schema.xml (default event_timestamp).' config_param :flush_size, :integer, :default => DEFAULT_FLUSH_SIZE, :desc => 'A number of events to queue up before writing to Solr (default 100).' config_param :commit_with_flush, :bool, :default => DEFAULT_COMMIT_WITH_FLUSH, :desc => 'Send commit command to Solr with flush (default true).' def initialize super end def configure(conf) super end def start super @mode = nil if ! @url.nil? then @mode = MODE_STANDALONE elsif ! @zk_host.nil? @mode = MODE_SOLRCLOUD end @solr = nil @zk = nil if @mode == MODE_STANDALONE then @solr = RSolr.connect :url => @url elsif @mode == MODE_SOLRCLOUD then @zk = cloud_connection = @solr =, read_timeout: 60, open_timeout: 60) end end def shutdown super unless @zk.nil? then @zk.close end end def format(tag, time, record) [tag, time, record].to_msgpack end def write(chunk) documents = [] @fields = @defined_fields.nil? ? get_fields : @defined_fields @unique_key = @unique_key_field.nil? ? get_unique_key : @unique_key_field chunk.msgpack_each do |tag, time, record| unless record.has_key?(@unique_key) then record.merge!({@unique_key => SecureRandom.uuid}) end unless record.has_key?(@tag_field) then record.merge!({@tag_field => tag}) end if record.has_key?(@timestamp_field) then begin event_timestamp_dt = DateTime.strptime(record[@timestamp_field], "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z").to_s record.merge!({@timestamp_field => Time.parse(event_timestamp_dt.to_s).utc.strftime('%FT%TZ')}) rescue record.merge!({@timestamp_field =>'%FT%TZ')}) end else record.merge!({@timestamp_field =>'%FT%TZ')}) end if @ignore_undefined_fields then record.each_key do |key| unless @fields.include?(key) then record.delete(key) end end end if @string_field_value_max_length >= 0 then record.each_key do |key| if record[key].instance_of?(Array) then values = [] record[key].each do |value| if value.instance_of?(String) then if value.length > @string_field_value_max_length then log.warn "#{key} is too long (#{value.length}, max is #{@string_field_value_max_length})." values.push(value.slice(0, @string_field_value_max_length)) else values.push(value) end end end record[key] = values elsif record[key].instance_of?(String) then if record[key].length > @string_field_value_max_length then log.warn "#{key} is too long (#{record[key].length}, max is #{@string_field_value_max_length})." record[key] = record[key].slice(0, @string_field_value_max_length) end end end end documents << record if documents.count >= @flush_size update documents documents.clear end end update documents unless documents.empty? end def update(documents) if @mode == MODE_STANDALONE then @solr.add documents, :params => {:commit => @commit_with_flush} log.debug "Added #{documents.count} document(s) to Solr" elsif @mode == MODE_SOLRCLOUD then @solr.add documents, collection: @collection, :params => {:commit => @commit_with_flush} log.debug "Added #{documents.count} document(s) to Solr" end rescue Exception => e log.warn "An error occurred while indexing: #{e.message}" end def get_unique_key response = nil if @mode == MODE_STANDALONE then response = @solr.get 'schema/uniquekey' elsif @mode == MODE_SOLRCLOUD then response = @solr.get 'schema/uniquekey', collection: @collection end unique_key = response['uniqueKey'] log.debug "Unique key: #{unique_key}" return unique_key rescue Exception => e log.warn "An error occurred while getting unique key: #{e.message}" end def get_fields response = nil if @mode == MODE_STANDALONE then response = @solr.get 'schema/fields' elsif @mode == MODE_SOLRCLOUD then response = @solr.get 'schema/fields', collection: @collection end fields = [] response['fields'].each do |field| fields.push(field['name']) end log.debug "Fields: #{fields}" return fields rescue Exception => e log.warn "An error occurred while getting fields: #{e.message}" end end end