= doc_ready("$('#comment form').validate();")
- content_for :page_scripts do
function comment_added() {
- if options[:show_form]
- if options[:reveal_form]
= link_to_function "Add Comment", "$('#comment .display').slideDown(); $('#comment .reveal').hide();"
.display(style='#{options[:reveal_form] ? "display: none;" : ""}')
= form_for @comment, :url=>"/utility/add_comment", :remote=>true, :honeypot=>true do |f|
= form_check_code
= f.label "Comment"
= f.text_area :body, {:onFocus=>"#{ '$(\'#comment .user_fields\').slideDown();' if options[:extra_reveal] }", :class=>'required'}
= options[:body_help] || "HTML will be removed"
.user_fields(style="#{'display: none;' if options[:extra_reveal]}")
- unless options[:dont_use_name]
= f.label "Your name"
= f.text_field :user_name, :class=>'required'
- unless options[:dont_use_email]
= f.label "Your email"
= f.text_field :user_email, :class=>'required email'
= options[:explain_email] || "Email won't be shown"
- unless options[:dont_use_url]
= f.label "Your website"
= f.text_field :user_url, :class=>'optional'
= f.submit options[:submit_label] || "Submit"
- if options[:show_comments]
- if options[:reveal_existing]
= link_to_function "Show Comments", "$('#comments .display).slideDown(); $('#comments .reveal').hide();"
- comments = load_comments(request.fullpath, options)
- unless options[:no_pagination]
= paginate comments, :param_name=>:cpage
%ul.display(style='#{options[:reveal_existing] ? "display: none;" : ""}')
- comments.each do |comment|
= comment.user_name ? comment.user_name : 'Anonymous'
= time_ago_in_words(comment.created_at)
= comment.body