# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class Card; module Set; class All # Set: All cards (Utils) # module Utils; extend Card::Set def self.source_location; "/Users/ezl5238/dev/decko/gem/card/mod/core/set/all/utils.rb"; end module ClassMethods def merge_list attribs, opts={} unmerged = [] attribs.each do |row| if merge row["name"], row, opts Rails.logger.info "merged #{row['name']}" else unmerged.push row end end if unmerged.empty? Rails.logger.info "successfully merged all!" else unmerged_json = JSON.pretty_generate unmerged report_unmerged_json unmerged_json, opts[:output_file] end unmerged end def report_unmerged_json unmerged_json, output_file if output_file ::File.open output_file, "w" do |f| f.write unmerged_json end else Rails.logger.info "failed to merge:\n\n#{unmerged_json}" end end def merge name, attribs={}, opts={} # puts "merging #{name}" card = fetch name, new: {} return unless mergeable? card, opts[:pristine] resolve_file_attributes! attribs card.safe_update! attribs end private def resolve_file_attributes! attribs %i[image file].each do |attach| next unless attribs[attach].is_a?(String) attribs[attach] = ::File.open(attribs[attach]) end end def mergeable? card, pristine_only return true unless pristine_only !card.pristine? end end # separate name and other attributes def safe_update! attribs separate_name_update! attribs.delete("name") unless new? update! attribs if attribs.present? end def separate_name_update! new_name return if new_name.to_s == name.to_s update! name: new_name end # rubocop:disable Style/GlobalVars def measure desc $times ||= {} res = nil t = Benchmark.measure do res = yield end $times[desc] = $times.key?(desc) ? t + $times[desc] : t puts "#{desc}: #{t}".red res end # rubocop:enable Style/GlobalVars def mod_root modname if (spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name "card-mod-#{modname}") spec.full_gem_path else "#{Cardio.gem_root}/mod/#{modname}" end end delegate :t, to: Cardio module Format; module_parent.send :register_set_format, Card::Format, self; extend Card::Set::AbstractFormat delegate :t, to: Cardio delegate :measure, to: :card end end;end;end;end; # ~~ generated from /Users/ezl5238/dev/decko/gem/card/mod/core/set/all/utils.rb ~~