rio.Application.require("components/box"); rio.components.Input = rio.Component.create(rio.components.Box, "Input", { requireCss: "input", attrReaders: [ ["className", ""], ["hoverClassName", ""], ["focusClassName", ""], ["placeHolderClassName", "inputPlaceHolder"], ["sync", "blur"], // options are "blur", "type", "none" ["typeSyncDelay", 250], ["tabIndex", 0], ["blurOnEnter", true], ["revertOnEscape", false], ["password", false], ["rioUndo", false], ["readOnly", false], "placeHolderText" ], attrAccessors: [ ["value", ""], ["focus", false], ["enabled", true] ], attrEvents: ["enter", "escape", "keyPress", "keyDown", "keyUp", "focus", "blur"], methods: { buildHtml: function() { var inputHtml = rio.Tag.input("", { href: "", onclick: "return false;", tabIndex: this.getTabIndex(), className: "input", type: this.getPassword() ? "password" : "text" }); inputHtml.addHoverClass(this.getHoverClassName(), this.getFocusClassName()); this.readOnly.bind(function(readOnly) { inputHtml.readOnly = readOnly; }); var placeHolderApplies = function() { return this.getPlaceHolderText() && (this.getValue() == undefined || this.getValue() == ""); }.bind(this); var addPlaceHolderIfNeeded = function() { if (placeHolderApplies()) { inputHtml.addClassName("inputPlaceHolder"); inputHtml.value = this.getPlaceHolderText(); } }.bind(this); this.bind("value", function(value) { if (inputHtml.value == value) { return; } inputHtml.value = value; }); addPlaceHolderIfNeeded(); this.bind("focus", function(focus){ if(focus){ if (!this._nativeFocus) { inputHtml.focus(); } } else { // if this is a native blur we shouldn't follow it up with another call to blur. It will result in weird behavior. if (!this._nativeBlur) { inputHtml.blur(); } } }.bind(this)); this.bind("enabled", function(enabled) { inputHtml.disabled = !enabled; }); inputHtml.observe('blur', function() { addPlaceHolderIfNeeded(); this._nativeBlur = true; this.setFocus(false); this._nativeBlur = false;"blur"); }.bind(this)); inputHtml.observe('focus', function(){ if (placeHolderApplies()) { inputHtml.value = ""; inputHtml.removeClassName("inputPlaceHolder"); } this._nativeFocus = true; this.setFocus(true); this._nativeFocus = false;"focus"); }.bind(this)); inputHtml.observe('change', function() { if (this.getSync() != "none") { this.setValue(inputHtml.value); }"change"); }.bind(this)); inputHtml.observe('keypress', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) { if(this.getBlurOnEnter()) { inputHtml.blur(); } this.setValue(inputHtml.value);'enter'); } if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_ESC && this.getRevertOnEscape()) { inputHtml.value = this.getValue(); inputHtml.blur(); }"keyPress", e); }.bindAsEventListener(this)); inputHtml.observe('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 90 && e.metaKey && !this.getReadOnly()) { if (this.getRioUndo() && (this.getValue() == inputHtml.value)) { if (e.shiftKey) { rio.Undo.redo(); } else { rio.Undo.undo(); } e.stop(); } } if (this.getSync() == "type") { if (!this._syncAfter) { this._syncAfter = new rio.DelayedTask(); } this._syncAfter.delay(this.getTypeSyncDelay(), function() { this.setValue(inputHtml.value); }, this); } if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_ESC) { if (this.getRevertOnEscape()) { inputHtml.value = this.getValue(); inputHtml.blur(); }"escape"); }"keyDown", e); }.bindAsEventListener(this)); inputHtml.observe('keyup', function(e) {"keyUp", e); }.bindAsEventListener(this)); inputHtml.applyStyle(this.boxStyles()); return inputHtml; }, forceFocus: function() { this.setFocus(true); this.html().focus(); }, clear: function() { this.setValue(""); }, cursorEnd: function() { this.setSelectionRange(this.getValue().length, this.getValue().length); }, focusAndHighlight: function() { this.setFocus(true); this.setSelectionRange(0, (this.getValue() || "").length); }, setSelectionRange: function(selectionStart, selectionEnd) { var input = this.html(); if (input.setSelectionRange) { input.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } else if (input.createTextRange) { var range = input.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', selectionEnd); range.moveStart('character', selectionStart);; } } } });