# encoding: utf-8 begin require 'cri' rescue LoadError => e $stderr.puts e $stderr.puts "If you are using a Gemfile, make sure that the Gemfile contains nanoc ('gem \"nanoc\"')." exit 1 end module Nanoc::CLI module Commands end autoload 'ANSIStringColorizer', 'nanoc/cli/ansi_string_colorizer' autoload 'Logger', 'nanoc/cli/logger' autoload 'CommandRunner', 'nanoc/cli/command_runner' autoload 'CleaningStream', 'nanoc/cli/cleaning_stream' autoload 'StreamCleaners', 'nanoc/cli/stream_cleaners' autoload 'ErrorHandler', 'nanoc/cli/error_handler' # Deprecated; use CommandRunner instead # TODO [in nanoc 4.0] remove me autoload 'Command', 'nanoc/cli/command_runner' # @return [Boolean] true if debug output is enabled, false if not # # @since 3.2.0 def self.debug? @debug || false end # @param [Boolean] boolean true if debug output should be enabled, # false if it should not # # @return [void] # # @since 3.2.0 def self.debug=(boolean) @debug = boolean end # Invokes the nanoc commandline tool with the given arguments. # # @param [Array] args An array of commandline arguments # # @return [void] def self.run(args) Nanoc::CLI::ErrorHandler.handle_while do self.setup self.root_command.run(args) end end # @return [Cri::Command] The root command, i.e. the commandline tool itself def self.root_command @root_command end # Adds the given command to the collection of available commands. # # @param [Cri::Command] cmd The command to add # # @return [void] def self.add_command(cmd) self.root_command.add_command(cmd) end protected # Makes the commandline interface ready for use. # # @return [void] def self.setup self.setup_cleaning_streams self.setup_commands self.load_custom_commands end # Sets up the root command and base subcommands. # # @return [void] def self.setup_commands # Reinit @root_command = nil # Add root command filename = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/cli/commands/nanoc.rb" @root_command = self.load_command_at(filename) # Add help command help_cmd = Cri::Command.new_basic_help self.add_command(help_cmd) # Add other commands cmd_filenames = Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/cli/commands/*.rb'] cmd_filenames.each do |filename| next if File.basename(filename, '.rb') == 'nanoc' cmd = self.load_command_at(filename) self.add_command(cmd) end end # Loads site-specific commands in `commands/`. # # @return [void] def self.load_custom_commands self.recursive_contents_of('commands').each do |filename| # Create command command = Nanoc::CLI.load_command_at(filename) # Get supercommand pieces = filename.gsub(/^commands\/|\.rb$/, '').split('/') pieces = pieces[0, pieces.size-1] || [] root = Nanoc::CLI.root_command supercommand = pieces.inject(root) do |cmd, piece| cmd.nil? ? nil : cmd.command_named(piece) end # Add to supercommand if supercommand.nil? raise "Cannot load command at #{filename} because its supercommand cannot be found" end supercommand.add_command(command) end end # Loads the command in the file with the given filename. # # @param [String] filename The name of the file that contains the command # # @return [Cri::Command] The loaded command def self.load_command_at(filename, command_name=nil) # Load code = File.read(filename) cmd = Cri::Command.define(code, filename) # Set name command_name ||= File.basename(filename, '.rb') cmd.modify { name command_name } # Done cmd end # @return [Array] The directory contents def self.recursive_contents_of(path) return [] unless File.directory?(path) files, dirs = *Dir[path + '/*'].sort.partition { |e| File.file?(e) } dirs.each { |d| files.concat self.recursive_contents_of(d) } files end # Wraps the given stream in a cleaning stream. The cleaning streams will # have the proper stream cleaners configured. # # @param [IO] io The stream to wrap # # @return [::Nanoc::CLI::CleaningStream] def self.wrap_in_cleaning_stream(io) cio = ::Nanoc::CLI::CleaningStream.new(io) if !self.enable_utf8?(io) cio.add_stream_cleaner(Nanoc::CLI::StreamCleaners::UTF8) end if !self.enable_ansi_colors?(io) cio.add_stream_cleaner(Nanoc::CLI::StreamCleaners::ANSIColors) end cio end # Wraps `$stdout` and `$stderr` in appropriate cleaning streams. # # @return [void] def self.setup_cleaning_streams $stdout = self.wrap_in_cleaning_stream($stdout) $stderr = self.wrap_in_cleaning_stream($stderr) end # @return [Boolean] true if UTF-8 support is present, false if not def self.enable_utf8?(io) return true if !io.tty? %w( LC_ALL LC_CTYPE LANG ).any? { |e| ENV[e] =~ /UTF/ } end # @return [Boolean] true if color support is present, false if not def self.enable_ansi_colors?(io) return false if !io.tty? begin require 'Win32/Console/ANSI' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/ rescue LoadError return false end return true end end