# = Simulated Annealing
# === {}[link:index.html"name="0.1] Library
# == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Module and classes
# * GSL::
# * Siman:: (Module)
# * Params (Class)
# * Efunc (Class)
# * Step (Class)
# * Metric (Class)
# * Print (Class)
# == {}[link:index.html"name="2] Siman Module
# === {}[link:index.html"name="2.1] Singleton method
# ---
# * GSL::Siman.solve(rng, x0_p, efunc, stepper, metric, printer, params)
# This performs a simulated annealing search through a given space.
# The space is specified by providing the functions efunc and metric.
# The simulated annealing steps are generated using the random number generator
# rng and the function stepper. The starting configuration of the
# system should be given by a Vector object x0_p.
# The parameter params controls the run by providing the temperature
# schedule and other tunable parameters to the algorithm.
# On exit the best result achieved during the search is placed in x0_p.
# If the annealing process has been successful this should be a good approximation
# to the optimal point in the space.
# If the function printer is not nil, a debugging log will be printed
# to stdout with the following columns:
# number_of_iterations temperature x x-(x0_p) efunc(x)
# and the output of printer itself. If printer is nil
# then no information is printed.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="3] Example
# #!/usr/bin/env ruby
# require("gsl")
# include GSL::Siman
# N_TRIES = 200
# STEP_SIZE = 10
# K = 1.0
# T_INITIAL = 0.002
# MU_T = 1.005
# T_MIN = 2.0e-6
# params = Siman::Params.alloc(N_TRIES, ITERS_FIXED_T, STEP_SIZE, K, T_INITIAL,
# MU_T, T_MIN)
# efunc = Efunc.alloc { |vx|
# x = vx[0]
# s = (x - 1.0)
# Math::exp(-s*s)*Math::sin(8*x)
# }
# metric = Metric.alloc { |vx, vy|
# (x[0] - y[0]).abs
# }
# step = Step.alloc { |rng, vx, step_size|
# r = rng.uniform
# old_x = vx[0]
# a = r * 2 * step_size - step_size + old_x
# vx[0] = a
# }
# simanprint = Print.alloc { |vx|
# printf("%12g", vx[0])
# }
# x = Vector.alloc([15.5])
# Rng.env_setup()
# rng = Rng.alloc()
# #Siman::solve(rng, x, efunc, step, metric, simanprint, params)
# Siman::solve(rng, x, efunc, step, metric, nil, params)
# p x
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