require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet-strings/yard' describe PuppetStrings::Yard::Handlers::Ruby::RsapiHandler do subject { YARD::Parser::SourceParser.parse_string(source, :ruby) YARD::Registry.all(:puppet_type) } describe 'parsing source without a type definition' do let(:source) { 'puts "hi"' } it 'no types should be in the registry' do expect(subject.empty?).to eq(true) end end describe 'parsing a type with a missing description' do let(:source) { <<-SOURCE Puppet::ResourceApi.register_type( name: 'database' ) SOURCE } it 'should log a warning' do expect{ subject }.to output(/\[warn\]: Missing a description for Puppet resource type 'database' at \(stdin\):1\./).to_stdout_from_any_process end end describe 'parsing a type with a valid docstring assignment' do let(:source) { <<-SOURCE Puppet::ResourceApi.register_type( name: 'database', docs: 'An example database server resource type.', ) SOURCE } it 'should correctly detect the docstring' do expect(subject.size).to eq(1) object = subject.first expect(object.docstring).to eq('An example database server resource type.') end end describe 'parsing a type with a docstring which uses ruby `%Q` notation' do let(:source) { <<-'SOURCE' test = 'hello world!' Puppet::ResourceApi.register_type( name: 'database', docs: %Q{This is a multi-line doc in %Q with #{test}}, ) SOURCE } it 'should strip the `%Q{}` and render the interpolation expression literally' do expect(subject.size).to eq(1) object = subject.first expect(object.docstring).to eq("This is a multi-line\ndoc in %Q with \#{test}") end end describe 'parsing a type definition' do let(:source) { <<-SOURCE # @!puppet.type.param [value1, value2] dynamic_param Documentation for a dynamic parameter. # @! [foo, bar] dynamic_prop Documentation for a dynamic property. Puppet::ResourceApi.register_type( name: 'database', docs: 'An example database server resource type.', features: ['remote-resource'], attributes: { ensure: { type: 'Enum[present, absent, up, down]', desc: 'What state the database should be in.', default: 'up', }, address: { type: 'String', desc: 'The database server name.', behaviour: :namevar, }, encrypt: { type: 'Boolean', desc: 'Whether or not to encrypt the database.', default: false, behaviour: :parameter, }, encryption_key: { type: 'Optional[String]', desc: 'The encryption key to use.', behaviour: :parameter, }, backup: { type: 'Enum[daily, monthly, never]', desc: 'How often to backup the database.', default: 'never', behaviour: :parameter, }, file: { type: 'String', desc: 'The database file to use.', }, log_level: { type: 'Enum[debug, warn, error]', desc: 'The log level to use.', default: 'warn', }, }, ) SOURCE } it 'should register a type object' do expect(subject.size).to eq(1) object = subject.first expect(object).to be_a(PuppetStrings::Yard::CodeObjects::Type) expect(object.namespace).to eq(PuppetStrings::Yard::CodeObjects::Types.instance) expect( eq(:database) expect(object.docstring).to eq('An example database server resource type.') expect(object.docstring.tags.size).to eq(1) tags = object.docstring.tags(:api) expect(tags.size).to eq(1) expect(tags[0].text).to eq('public') expect( eq(['dynamic_prop', 'ensure', 'file', 'log_level']) expect( eq(4) expect([0].name).to eq('dynamic_prop') expect([0].docstring).to eq('Documentation for a dynamic property.') expect([0].isnamevar).to eq(false) expect([0].values).to eq(%w(foo bar)) expect([1].name).to eq('ensure') expect([1].docstring).to eq('What state the database should be in.') expect([1].isnamevar).to eq(false) expect([1].default).to eq('up') expect([1].data_type).to eq('Enum[present, absent, up, down]') expect([1].aliases).to eq({}) expect([2].name).to eq('file') expect([2].docstring).to eq('The database file to use.') expect([2].isnamevar).to eq(false) expect([2].default).to be_nil expect([2].data_type).to eq('String') expect([2].aliases).to eq({}) expect([3].name).to eq('log_level') expect([3].docstring).to eq('The log level to use.') expect([3].isnamevar).to eq(false) expect([3].default).to eq('warn') expect([3].data_type).to eq('Enum[debug, warn, error]') expect([3].aliases).to eq({}) expect(object.parameters.size).to eq(5) expect(object.parameters[0].name).to eq('dynamic_param') expect(object.parameters[0].docstring).to eq('Documentation for a dynamic parameter.') expect(object.parameters[0].isnamevar).to eq(false) expect(object.parameters[0].values).to eq(%w(value1 value2)) expect(object.parameters[1].name).to eq('address') expect(object.parameters[1].docstring).to eq('The database server name.') expect(object.parameters[1].isnamevar).to eq(true) expect(object.parameters[1].default).to be_nil expect(object.parameters[1].data_type).to eq('String') expect(object.parameters[1].aliases).to eq({}) expect(object.parameters[2].name).to eq('encrypt') expect(object.parameters[2].docstring).to eq('Whether or not to encrypt the database.') expect(object.parameters[2].isnamevar).to eq(false) expect(object.parameters[2].default).to eq(false) expect(object.parameters[2].data_type).to eq("Boolean") expect(object.parameters[2].aliases).to eq({}) expect(object.parameters[3].name).to eq('encryption_key') expect(object.parameters[3].docstring).to eq('The encryption key to use.') expect(object.parameters[3].isnamevar).to eq(false) expect(object.parameters[3].default).to be_nil expect(object.parameters[3].data_type).to eq("Optional[String]") expect(object.parameters[3].aliases).to eq({}) expect(object.parameters[4].name).to eq('backup') expect(object.parameters[4].docstring).to eq('How often to backup the database.') expect(object.parameters[4].isnamevar).to eq(false) expect(object.parameters[4].default).to eq('never') expect(object.parameters[4].data_type).to eq("Enum[daily, monthly, never]") end end describe 'parsing a type with a summary' do context 'when the summary has fewer than 140 characters' do let(:source) { <<-SOURCE Puppet::ResourceApi.register_type( name: 'database', docs: '@summary A short summary.', ) SOURCE } it 'should parse the summary' do expect{ subject }.to output('').to_stdout_from_any_process expect(subject.size).to eq(1) summary = subject.first.tags(:summary) expect(summary.first.text).to eq('A short summary.') end end context 'when the summary has more than 140 characters' do let(:source) { <<-SOURCE Puppet::ResourceApi.register_type( name: 'database', docs: '@summary A short summary that is WAY TOO LONG. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this is not what a summary is for! It should be fewer than 140 characters!!', ) SOURCE } it 'should log a warning' do expect{ subject }.to output(/\[warn\]: The length of the summary for puppet_type 'database' exceeds the recommended limit of 140 characters./).to_stdout_from_any_process end end end end