# Loot gathered from {#host} or {#service} such as files to prove you were on the system or to crack later to gain # sessions on other machines in the network. class Mdm::Loot < ApplicationRecord # # CONSTANTS # RELATIVE_SEARCH_FIELDS = [ 'ltype', 'name', 'info', 'data' ] # # Associations # # @!attribute exploit_attempt # Exploit attempt where this loot was gathered. # # @return [Mdm::ExploitAttempt] has_one :exploit_attempt, class_name: 'Mdm::ExploitAttempt', inverse_of: :loot # @!attribute [rw] host # The host from which the loot was gathered. # # @return [Mdm::Host] belongs_to :host, class_name: 'Mdm::Host', inverse_of: :loots # @!attribute [rw] module_run # The run of Metasploit content that acquired the loot # # @return [MetasploitDataModels::ModuleRun] belongs_to :module_run, class_name: 'MetasploitDataModels::ModuleRun', foreign_key: :module_run_id, inverse_of: :loots # @!attribute [rw] service # The service running on the {#host} from which the loot was gathered. # # @return [Mdm::Service] belongs_to :service, class_name: 'Mdm::Service', inverse_of: :loots # @!attribute vuln_attempt # Vuln attempt that gathered this loot. # # @return [Mdm::VulnAttempt] has_one :vuln_attempt, class_name: 'Mdm::VulnAttempt', inverse_of: :loot # @!attribute [rw] workspace # The workspace in which the loot is stored and the {#host} exists. # # @return [Mdm::Workspace] belongs_to :workspace, class_name: 'Mdm::Workspace', inverse_of: :loots # # Attributes # # @!attribute [rw] content_type # The mime/content type of the file at {#path}. Used to server the file correctly so browsers understand whether # to render or download the file. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] created_at # When the loot was created. # # @return [DateTime] # @!attribute [rw] data # Loot data not stored in file at {#path}. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] ltype # The type of loot # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] info # Information about the loot. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] name # The name of the loot. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] path # The on-disk path to the loot file. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] updated_at # The last time the loot was updated. # # @return [DateTime] # # Callbacks # before_destroy :delete_file # # Scopes # scope :search, lambda { |*args| joins(:host). where( 'loots.ltype ILIKE ? ' + 'OR loots.name ILIKE ? ' + 'OR loots.info ILIKE ? ' + 'OR loots.data ILIKE ? ' + 'OR COALESCE(hosts.name, CAST(hosts.address AS TEXT)) ILIKE ?', "%#{args[0]}%", "%#{args[0]}%", "%#{args[0]}%", "%#{args[0]}%", "%#{args[0]}%" ) } # # Serializations # serialize :data, MetasploitDataModels::Base64Serializer.new private # Deletes {#path} from disk. # # @todo https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/49023795 # @return [void] def delete_file c = Pro::Client.get rescue nil if c c.loot_delete_file(self[:id]) else ::File.unlink(self.path) rescue nil end end public Metasploit::Concern.run(self) end