module Rink class Namespace def initialize(ns = self.default_ns) replace(ns) end def binding @ns_binding end def ns @namespace end def replace(ns) return ns if ns.eql?(@namespace) @ns_binding = ns.instance_eval { binding } #ns.send(:binding) # this no worky in 1.9 @namespace = ns end def evaluate(code, *filename_lineno) eval code, @ns_binding, *filename_lineno end def default_ns # We want namespace to be any object, and in order to do that, Rink will call namespace#binding. # But by default, the namespace should be TOPLEVEL_BINDING. If we set @namespace to this, # Rink will call TOPLEVEL_BINDING#binding, which is an error. So instead we'll create a singleton # object and override #binding on that object to return TOPLEVEL_BINDING. Effectively, that # singleton object becomes (more-or-less) a proxy into the toplevel object. (Is there a better way?) klass = klass.send(:define_method, :binding) { TOPLEVEL_BINDING } end end end