Feature: Tests can be collected from arbitrary parts of the codebase. Acceptance criteria Tests can be collected from: 1. features 2. files 3. directories Background: Setup test codebase Given a directory "feature_directory" And the following feature file "test_file_1.feature": """ Feature: The test feature 1. Scenario: Test 1 Given the first step When the second step Then the third step Scenario Outline: Test 2 Given the first "<param1>" When the second "<param2>" Then the third step Examples: text describing the significance of the examples | param1 | param2 | | x | y | Examples: some examples with different significance and a tag | param1 | param2 | | a | b | """ And the file "test_file_1.feature" is read And a directory "feature_directory/nested_directory" And the following feature file "test_file_2.feature": """ Feature: The test feature 2. Scenario: Test 3 Given the first step When the second step Then the third step """ And the file "test_file_2.feature" is read When the directory "feature_directory" is read And the directory "feature_directory/nested_directory" is read Scenario: Tests can be collected from features Then the tests collected from feature "1" are as follows: | Test 1 | | Test 2 | Then the tests collected from feature "2" are as follows: | Test 3 | Scenario: Tests can be collected from files Then the tests collected from file "1" are as follows: | Test 1 | | Test 2 | Then the tests collected from file "2" are as follows: | Test 3 | Scenario: Tests can be collected from directories Then the tests collected from directory "1" are as follows: | Test 1 | | Test 2 | | Test 3 | And the tests collected from directory "2" are as follows: | Test 3 |