README This is a generic README generated by jruby-enginize. Please replace with something more meaningful... ;-) GOOGLE APPENGINE DEPLOYMENT !!Attention: As a basic requirement, the JRuby archive "jruby-complete.jar" has to be placed in the "lib" directory of your app and this is way to large to include it in the generator. If you have this file on your disk, copy it over and be sure to rename it to "jruby-complete.jar". If missing, the deployment will download the file for you. Expect a 10 MB download (only done once). Deploy the application with jrake appengine:deploy and open http://{{name}} to have a first test. Be sure to set the version number in "appengine-web.xml" to a new value, when you are experimenting with an unstable version and don't want to risk your users getting exceptions. You can try the new version by opening e.g. http://3.latest.{{name}} and replacing "3" with the version number you want to run. Switch the application to the new version as default (stable version) by opening{{name}} and setting a new default.