# AQUA INITIALIZATION # Some object store state in a fundamental way, not in instance variables, that needs to be initialized. # Examples: Array, Numeric types, Hashes, Time ... # You can make any object requiring this initialization savable to aqua by adding the following methods: module Aqua module To def to_aqua( base_object ) hash = { 'class' => self.class.to_s, 'init' => to_aqua_init( base_object ) } if instance_variables.size > 0 hash.merge!({ 'ivars' => base_object._pack_ivars( self ) }) end hash end def to_aqua_init( base_object ) self.to_s end end # To module From def aqua_init( init ) new( init ) end end # From end [ TrueClass, FalseClass, Time, Date, Fixnum, Bignum, Float, Rational, Hash, Array, OpenStruct].each do |klass| klass.class_eval do include Aqua::To extend Aqua::From end end class TrueClass def self.aqua_init( init ) true end end class FalseClass def self.aqua_init( init ) false end end class Date def self.aqua_init( init ) parse( init ) end end class Time def self.aqua_init( init ) parse( init ) end end class Fixnum def self.aqua_init( init ) init.to_i end end class Bignum def self.aqua_init( init ) init.to_i end end class Float def self.aqua_init( init ) init.to_f end end class Rational def to_aqua_init( base_object ) self.to_s.match(/(\d*)\/(\d*)/).to_a.slice(1,2) end def self.aqua_init( init ) Rational( init[0].to_i, init[1].to_i ) end end class Hash def to_aqua_init( base_object ) return_hash = {} self.each do |raw_key, value| key_class = raw_key.class if key_class == Symbol key = ":#{raw_key.to_s}" elsif key_class == String key = raw_key else index = base_object._build_object_key( raw_key ) key = "/OBJECT_#{index}" end return_hash[key] = base_object._pack_object( value ) end return_hash end def self.aqua_init( init ) new.replace( init ) end end class Array def to_aqua_init( base_object ) return_arr = [] self.each do |obj| return_arr << base_object._pack_object( obj ) end return_arr end def self.aqua_init( init ) new.replace( init ) end end class OpenStruct def to_aqua_init( base_object ) instance_variable_get("@table").to_aqua_init( base_object ) end end