require 'skylight' require 'rails' module Skylight # @api private class Railtie < Rails::Railtie config.skylight = # The environments in which skylight should be enabled config.skylight.environments = ['production'] # The path to the configuration file config.skylight.config_path = "config/skylight.yml" # The probes to load # net_http is on by default # Also available: excon, redis config.skylight.probes = ['net_http'] initializer 'skylight.configure' do |app| # Load probes even when agent is inactive to catch probe related bugs sooner load_probes config = load_skylight_config(app) if activate? if config if Instrumenter.start!(config) app.middleware.insert 0, Middleware, config: config "[SKYLIGHT] [#{Skylight::VERSION}] Skylight agent enabled" else "[SKYLIGHT] [#{Skylight::VERSION}] Unable to start" end else Rails.logger.warn "[SKYLIGHT] [#{Skylight::VERSION}] No configuration found; disabling Skylight agent" end elsif Rails.env.development? log_warning config, "[SKYLIGHT] [#{Skylight::VERSION}] Running Skylight in development mode. No data will be reported until you deploy your app.\n" \ "(To disable this message, set `alert_log_file` in your config.)" elsif !Rails.env.test? log_warning config, "[SKYLIGHT] [#{Skylight::VERSION}] You are running in the #{Rails.env} environment but haven't added it to config.skylight.environments, so no data will be sent to" end end private def log_warning(config, msg) if config config.alert_logger.warn(msg) else Rails.logger.warn(msg) end end def existent_paths(paths) paths.respond_to?(:existent) ? paths.existent : { |f| File.exists?(f) } end def load_skylight_config(app) path = config_path(app) path = nil unless File.exist?(path) unless tmp = app.config.paths['tmp'].first Rails.logger.error "[SKYLIGHT] [#{Skylight::VERSION}] tmp directory missing from rails configuration" return nil end config = Config.load(path, Rails.env.to_s, ENV) config['root'] = Rails.root configure_logging(config, app) config['daemon.sockdir_path'] ||= tmp config['normalizers.render.view_paths'] = existent_paths(app.config.paths["app/views"]) + [Rails.root.to_s] config.validate! config rescue ConfigError => e Rails.logger.error "[SKYLIGHT] [#{Skylight::VERSION}] #{e.message}; disabling Skylight agent" nil end def configure_logging(config, app) if logger = app.config.skylight.logger config.logger = logger else # Configure the log file destination if log_file = app.config.skylight.log_file config['log_file'] = log_file elsif !config.key?('log_file') config['log_file'] = File.join(Rails.root, 'log/skylight.log') end # Configure the log level if level = app.config.skylight.log_level config['log_level'] = level elsif !config.key?('log_level') if level = app.config.log_level config['log_level'] = level end end end end def config_path(app) File.expand_path(config.skylight.config_path, app.root) end def environments Array(config.skylight.environments).map { |e| e && e.to_s }.compact end def activate? environments.include?(Rails.env.to_s) end def load_probes probes = config.skylight.probes || [] probes.each do |p| require "skylight/probes/#{p}" end end end end