module Zapata RETURN_TYPES = %i(missing raw const_send sym float str int ivar true false const nil) FINAL_TYPES = Zapata::RETURN_TYPES + %i(array hash) DIVE_TYPES = %i(args begin block defined? nth_ref splat kwsplat class block_pass sclass masgn or and irange erange when and return array kwbegin yield while dstr ensure pair) ASSIGN_TYPES = %i(ivasgn lvasgn or_asgn casgn optarg) DEF_TYPES = %i(def defs) HARD_TYPES = %i(if dsym resbody mlhs next self break zsuper super retry rescue match_with_lvasgn case op_asgn regopt regexp) TYPES_BY_SEARCH_FOR = { klass: %i(class), var: ASSIGN_TYPES, def: DEF_TYPES, send: %i(send), } PRIMITIVE_TYPES = { Def: %i(def), Defs: %i(defs), Send: %i(send), Array: %i(args array), Hash: %i(hash), Ivar: %i(ivar), Lvar: %i(lvar), Klass: %i(class), Sklass: %i(sclass), Modul: %i(module), Const: %i(const), Optarg: %i(optarg), Arg: %i(arg), Basic: RETURN_TYPES, Casgn: %i(casgn), Var: ASSIGN_TYPES, }.freeze class Diver class << self attr_accessor :current_moduls, :current_klass, :current_sklass, :access_level def search_for(what) @search_for = what @current_moduls ||= [] end def dive(code) return unless code return, :hard_type) if HARD_TYPES.include?(code.type) if (klass = primitive_klass(code)) result = DB.create(result) if search_for_types.include?(code.type) end deeper_dives(code) result ||, nil) end def primitive_klass(code) primitive_type = find_primitive_type(code) return unless primitive_type "Zapata::Primitive::#{primitive_type}".constantize end def find_primitive_type(code) klass_pair = PRIMITIVE_TYPES.detect do |_, types| types.include?(code.type) end return unless klass_pair klass_pair.first end def search_for_types TYPES_BY_SEARCH_FOR[@search_for] end def deeper_dives(code) return unless DIVE_TYPES.include?(code.type) code.to_a.compact.each do |part| dive(part) end end end end end