shared_examples "API request" do context "without API key" do before(:each) do Europeana::API.api_key = nil end it "sends no HTTP request" do begin subject rescue Europeana::API::Errors::MissingAPIKeyError end expect(a_request(:get, /\/api\/v2/)).not_to have_been_made end end context "with API key" do before(:all) do Europeana::API.api_key = "xyz" end it "returns the response as a Hash" do response = subject expect(response).to be_a(Hash) end context "when the API is unavailable" do before(:each) do Europeana::API.retry_delay = 0 end it "waits then retries" do stub_request(:get, /\/api\/v2/). to_timeout.times(1).then. to_return(:body => '{"success":true}') subject expect(a_request(:get, /\/api\/v2/)).to have_been_made.times(2) end end context "when API response is unsuccessful" do context "with error msg" do it "raises a RequestError with error msg" do stub_request(:get, /\/api\/v2/).to_return(body: '{"success":false,"error":"Something went wrong"}') expect { subject }.to raise_error(Europeana::API::Errors::RequestError, "Something went wrong") end end context "without error msg" do it "raises a RequestError with status code" do stub_request(:get, /\/api\/v2/).to_return(status: 400, body: '{"success":false}') expect { subject }.to raise_error(Europeana::API::Errors::RequestError, "400") end end end context "when API response is invalid JSON" do it "raises a ResponseError" do stub_request(:get, /\/api\/v2/).to_return(:body => 'invalid JSON') expect { subject }.to raise_error(Europeana::API::Errors::ResponseError) end end end end