require 'jwt' require 'yt/config' require 'yt/http_request' # An object-oriented Ruby client for YouTube. # @see module Yt # Provides methods to authenticate a user with the Google OAuth flow. # @see class Auth # @param [Hash] options the options to initialize an instance of Yt::Auth. # @option options [String] :redirect_uri The URI to redirect users to # after they have completed the Google OAuth flow. # @option options [String] :code A single-use authorization code provided # by Google OAuth to obtain an access token to access Google API. def self.create(options = {}) new options.merge(grant_type: :authorization_code) end # @param [Hash] options the options to initialize an instance of Yt::Auth. # @option options [String] :refresh_token A multi-use refresh token to # obtain an access token to access Google API. def self.find_by(options = {}) new options.merge(grant_type: :refresh_token) end # @return [String] the URL where to authenticate with a Google account. # @param [Hash] options the options to initialize an instance of Yt::Auth. # @option options [String] :redirect_uri The URI to redirect users to # after they have completed the Google OAuth flow. # @option options [Boolean] :force whether to force users to re-authenticate # an account that was previously authenticated. # @option options [Array] :scopes The list of scopes that users # are requested to authorize. def self.url_for(options = {}) host = '' path = '/o/oauth2/auth' query = URI.encode_www_form url_params(options) host, path: path, query: query).to_s end # @param [Hash] options the options to initialize an instance of Yt::Auth. # @option options [String] :grant_type # @option options [String] :redirect_uri # @option options [String] :code # @option options [String] :refresh_token def initialize(options = {}) @tokens_body = options @tokens_body[:client_id] = Yt.configuration.client_id @tokens_body[:client_secret] = Yt.configuration.client_secret end # @return [Boolean] whether the authentication was revoked. def revoke !! end # @return [String] the email of an authenticated Google account. def email profile['email'] end # @return [String] the access token of an authenticated Google account. def access_token tokens['access_token'] end # @return [String] the refresh token of an authenticated Google account. def refresh_token tokens['refresh_token'] end # Placeholder method that can be invoked after a refresh token is used # to generate a new access token. Applications can override this method, # for instance to store the new token in a database def access_token_was_refreshed end private def self.url_params(options) {}.tap do |params| params[:client_id] = Yt.configuration.client_id params[:scope] = scope_for(options.fetch :scopes, []) params[:access_type] = :offline params[:approval_prompt] = options[:force] ? :force : :auto params[:redirect_uri] = options[:redirect_uri] params[:response_type] = :code end end def self.scope_for(scopes) [''].concat(scopes).map do |scope| "{scope}" end.join(' ') end # @return [Hash] the tokens of an authenticated Google account. def tokens @tokens ||= end # @return [Hash] the profile of an authenticated Google account. def profile decoded_tokens = JWT.decode tokens['id_token'], nil, false decoded_tokens[0] end def tokens_params {}.tap do |params| params[:host] = '' params[:path] = '/o/oauth2/token' params[:method] = :post params[:request_format] = :form params[:body] = @tokens_body params[:error_message] = ->(body) { error_message_for body } end end def revoke_params {}.tap do |params| params[:host] = '' params[:path] = '/o/oauth2/revoke' params[:params] = {token: refresh_token || access_token} end end def error_message_for(body) key = @tokens_body[:grant_type] '_', ' ' JSON(body)['error_description'] || "Invalid #{key}." end end end