### Building an activity feed
#### Common solutions using a relational design
# When faced with this application requirement, the most common approach by
# far have been to create an *activities* table, and rows in this table would
# reference a *user*. Activities would typically be generated for each
# follower (or friend) when a certain user performs an action, like posting a
# new status update.
#### Problems
# The biggest issue with this design, is that the *activities* table will
# quickly get very huge, at which point you would need to shard it on
# *user_id*. Also, inserting thousands of entries per second would quickly
# bring your database to its knees.
#### Ohm Solution
# As always we need to require `Ohm`.
require "ohm"
# We create a `User` class, with a `set` for all the other users he
# would be `following`, and another `set` for all his `followers`.
class User < Ohm::Model
set :followers, User
set :following, User
# Because a `User` literally has a `list` of activities, using a Redis
# `list` to model the activities would be a good choice. We default to
# getting the first 100 activities, and use
# [lrange](http://code.google.com/p/redis/wiki/LrangeCommand) directly.
def activities(start = 0, limit = 100)
key[:activities].lrange(start, start + limit)
# Broadcasting a message to all the `followers` of a user would simply
# be prepending the message for each if his `followers`. We also use
# the Redis command
# [lpush](http://code.google.com/p/redis/wiki/RpushCommand) directly.
def broadcast(str)
followers.each do |user|
# Given that *Jane* wants to follow *John*, we simply do the following
# steps:
# 1. *John* is added to *Jane*'s `following` list.
# 2. *Jane* is added to *John*'s `followers` list.
def follow(other)
following << other
other.followers << self
#### Testing
# We'll use cutest for our testing framework.
require "cutest"
# The database is flushed before each test.
prepare { Ohm.flush }
# We define two users, `john` and `jane`, and yield them so all
# other tests are given access to these 2 users.
setup do
john = User.create
jane = User.create
[john, jane]
# Let's verify our model for `follow`. When `jane` follows `john`,
# the following conditions should hold:
# 1. The followers list of `john` is comprised *only* of `jane`.
# 2. The list of users `jane` is following is comprised *only* of `john`.
test "jane following john" do |john, jane|
assert [john] == jane.following.to_a
assert [jane] == john.followers.to_a
# Broadcasting a message should simply notify all the followers of the
# `broadcaster`.
test "john broadcasting a message" do |john, jane|
john.broadcast("Learning about Redis and Ohm")
assert jane.activities.include?("Learning about Redis and Ohm")
#### Total Denormalization: Adding HTML
# This may be a real edge case design decision, but for some scenarios this
# may work. The beauty of this solution is that you only have to generate the
# output once, and successive refreshes of the end user will help you save
# some CPU cycles.
# This example of course assumes that the code that generates this does all
# the conditional checks (possibly changing the point of view like *Me:*
# instead of *John says:*).
test "broadcasting the html directly" do |john, jane|
snippet = 'John says: How\'s it going ' +
assert jane.activities.include?(snippet)
#### Saving Space
# In most cases, users don't really care about keeping their entire activity
# history. This application requirement would be fairly trivial to implement.
# Let's reopen our `User` class and define a new broadcast method.
class User
# We define a constant where we set the maximum number of activity entries.
MAX = 10
# Using `MAX` as the reference, we check if the number of activities exceeds
# `MAX`, and use
# [ltrim](http://code.google.com/p/redis/wiki/LtrimCommand) to truncate
# the activities.
def broadcast(str)
followers.each do |user|
if user.key[:activities].llen > MAX
user.key[:activities].ltrim(0, MAX - 1)
# Now let's verify that this new behavior is enforced.
test "pushing 11 activities maintains the list to 10" do |john, jane|
11.times { john.broadcast("Flooding your feed!") }
assert 10 == jane.activities.size
#### Conclusion
# As you can see, choosing a more straightforward approach (in this case,
# actually having a list per user, instead of maintaining a separate
# `activities` table) will greatly simplify the design of your system.
# As a final note, keep in mind that the Ohm solution would still need
# sharding for large datasets, but that would be again trivial to implement
# using [redis-rb](http://github.com/ezmobius/redis-rb)'s distributed support
# and sharding it against the *user_id*.