module ActiveScaffold::Actions module Show def self.included(base) base.before_filter :show_authorized_filter, :only => :show end def show # rest destroy falls back to rest show in case of disabled javascript # just render action_confirmation message for destroy if params.delete :destroy_action @record = find_if_allowed(params[:id], :read) if params[:id] action_confirmation_respond_to_html(:destroy) else do_show respond_to_action(:show) end end protected def show_respond_to_json render :text => response_object.to_json(:only => show_columns_names + [active_scaffold_config.model.primary_key], :include => association_columns(show_columns_names), :methods => virtual_columns(show_columns_names)), :content_type => Mime::JSON, :status => response_status end def show_respond_to_yaml render :text => Hash.from_xml(response_object.to_xml(:only => show_columns_names + [active_scaffold_config.model.primary_key], :include => association_columns(show_columns_names), :methods => virtual_columns(show_columns_names))).to_yaml, :content_type => Mime::YAML, :status => response_status end def show_respond_to_xml render :xml => response_object.to_xml(:only => show_columns_names + [active_scaffold_config.model.primary_key], :include => association_columns(show_columns_names), :methods => virtual_columns(show_columns_names)), :content_type => Mime::XML, :status => response_status end def show_respond_to_js render :partial => 'show' end def show_respond_to_html render :action => 'show' end def show_columns_names end # A simple method to retrieve and prepare a record for showing. # May be overridden to customize show routine def do_show set_includes_for_columns(:show) if active_scaffold_config.actions.include? :list klass = beginning_of_chain.preload(active_scaffold_preload) @record = find_if_allowed(params[:id], :read, klass) end # The default security delegates to ActiveRecordPermissions. # You may override the method to customize. def show_authorized?(record = nil) (record || self).send(:authorized_for?, :crud_type => :read) end def show_ignore?(record = nil) !send(:authorized_for?, :crud_type => :read) end private def show_authorized_filter link = || raise ActiveScaffold::ActionNotAllowed unless send(link.security_method) end def show_formats (default_formats + active_scaffold_config.formats + end end end