require 'tmpdir' require 'terminal-table' require 'emoji_regex' require 'fastlane_core/itunes_transporter' require 'fastlane_core/build_watcher' require 'fastlane_core/ipa_upload_package_builder' require_relative 'manager' module Pilot # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class BuildManager < Manager def upload(options) # Only need to login before upload if no apple_id was given # 'login' will be deferred until before waiting for build processing should_login_in_start = options[:apple_id].nil? start(options, should_login: should_login_in_start) UI.user_error!("No ipa or pkg file given") if config[:ipa].nil? && config[:pkg].nil? if config[:ipa] && config[:pkg] UI.important("WARNING: Both `ipa` and `pkg` options are defined either explicitly or with default_value (build found in directory)") UI.important("Uploading `ipa` is preferred by default. Set `app_platform` to `osx` to force uploading `pkg`") end check_for_changelog_or_whats_new!(options) UI.success("Ready to upload new build to TestFlight (App: #{fetch_app_id})...") dir = Dir.mktmpdir platform = fetch_app_platform ipa_path = options[:ipa] if ipa_path && platform != 'osx' asset_path = ipa_path package_path = fetch_app_id, ipa_path: ipa_path, package_path: dir, platform: platform) else pkg_path = options[:pkg] asset_path = pkg_path package_path = fetch_app_id, pkg_path: pkg_path, package_path: dir, platform: platform) end transporter = transporter_for_selected_team(options) result = transporter.upload(package_path: package_path, asset_path: asset_path, platform: platform) unless result transporter_errors = transporter.displayable_errors file_type = platform == "osx" ? "pkg" : "ipa" UI.user_error!("Error uploading #{file_type} file: \n #{transporter_errors}") end UI.success("Successfully uploaded the new binary to App Store Connect") # We will fully skip waiting for build processing *only* if no changelog is supplied # Otherwise we may partially wait until the build appears so the changelog can be set, and then bail. return_when_build_appears = false if config[:skip_waiting_for_build_processing] if config[:changelog].nil? UI.important("`skip_waiting_for_build_processing` used and no `changelog` supplied - skipping waiting for build processing") return else UI.important("`skip_waiting_for_build_processing` used and `changelog` supplied - will wait until build appears on App Store Connect, update the changelog and then skip the rest of the remaining of the processing steps.") return_when_build_appears = true end end # Calling login again here is needed if login was not called during 'start' login unless should_login_in_start if config[:skip_waiting_for_build_processing].nil? UI.message("If you want to skip waiting for the processing to be finished, use the `skip_waiting_for_build_processing` option") UI.message("Note that if `skip_waiting_for_build_processing` is used but a `changelog` is supplied, this process will wait for the build to appear on App Store Connect, update the changelog and then skip the remaining of the processing steps.") end latest_build = wait_for_build_processing_to_be_complete(return_when_build_appears) distribute(options, build: latest_build) end def has_changelog_or_whats_new?(options) # Look for legacy :changelog option has_changelog = !options[:changelog].nil? # Look for :whats_new in :localized_build_info unless has_changelog infos_by_lang = options[:localized_build_info] || [] infos_by_lang.each do |k, v| next if has_changelog v ||= {} has_changelog = v.key?(:whats_new) || v.key?('whats_new') end end return has_changelog end def check_for_changelog_or_whats_new!(options) if !has_changelog_or_whats_new?(options) && options[:distribute_external] == true if UI.interactive? options[:changelog] = UI.input("No changelog provided for new build. You can provide a changelog using the `changelog` option. For now, please provide a changelog here:") else UI.user_error!("No changelog provided for new build. Please either disable `distribute_external` or provide a changelog using the `changelog` option") end end end def wait_for_build_processing_to_be_complete(return_when_build_appears = false) platform = fetch_app_platform if config[:ipa] && platform != "osx" && !config[:distribute_only] app_version = FastlaneCore::IpaFileAnalyser.fetch_app_version(config[:ipa]) app_build = FastlaneCore::IpaFileAnalyser.fetch_app_build(config[:ipa]) elsif config[:pkg] && !config[:distribute_only] app_version = FastlaneCore::PkgFileAnalyser.fetch_app_version(config[:pkg]) app_build = FastlaneCore::PkgFileAnalyser.fetch_app_build(config[:pkg]) else app_version = config[:app_version] app_build = config[:build_number] end latest_build = FastlaneCore::BuildWatcher.wait_for_build_processing_to_be_complete( app_id:, platform: platform, app_version: app_version, build_version: app_build, poll_interval: config[:wait_processing_interval], timeout_duration: config[:wait_processing_timeout_duration], return_when_build_appears: return_when_build_appears, return_spaceship_testflight_build: false, select_latest: config[:distribute_only], wait_for_build_beta_detail_processing: true ) unless latest_build.app_version == app_version && latest_build.version == app_build UI.important("Uploaded app #{app_version} - #{app_build}, but received build #{latest_build.app_version} - #{latest_build.version}.") end return latest_build end def distribute(options, build: nil) start(options) if config[:apple_id].to_s.length == 0 && config[:app_identifier].to_s.length == 0 config[:app_identifier] = UI.input("App Identifier: ") end # Get latest uploaded build if no build specified if build.nil? app_version = config[:app_version] build_number = config[:build_number] if build_number.nil? if app_version.nil? UI.important("No build specified - fetching latest build") else UI.important("No build specified - fetching latest build for version #{app_version}") end end platform = build ||= Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Build.all(app_id:, version: app_version, build_number: build_number, sort: "-uploadedDate", platform: platform, limit: Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Platform::ALL.size).first end # Verify the build has all the includes that we need # and fetch a new build if not if build && (! || !build.build_beta_detail || !build.pre_release_version) UI.important("Build did include information for app, build beta detail and pre release version") UI.important("Fetching a new build with all the information needed") build = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Build.get(build_id: end # Error out if no build if build.nil? UI.user_error!("No build to distribute!") end # Update beta app meta info # 1. Demo account required # 2. App info # 3. Localized app info # 4. Localized build info # 5. Auto notify enabled with config[:notify_external_testers] update_beta_app_meta(options, build) return if config[:skip_submission] if options[:reject_build_waiting_for_review] reject_build_waiting_for_review(build) end if options[:expire_previous_builds] expire_previous_builds(build) end if !build.ready_for_internal_testing? && options[:skip_waiting_for_build_processing] # Meta can be uploaded for a build still in processing # Returning before distribute if skip_waiting_for_build_processing # because can't distribute an app that is still processing return end distribute_build(build, options) type = options[:distribute_external] ? 'External' : 'Internal' UI.success("Successfully distributed build to #{type} testers 🚀") end def list(options) start(options) if config[:apple_id].to_s.length == 0 && config[:app_identifier].to_s.length == 0 config[:app_identifier] = UI.input("App Identifier: ") end # Get processing builds build_deliveries = do |build_delivery| [ build_delivery.cf_build_short_version_string, build_delivery.cf_build_version ] end # Get processed builds builds = app.get_builds(includes: "betaBuildMetrics,preReleaseVersion", sort: "-uploadedDate").map do |build| [ build.app_version, build.version, (build.beta_build_metrics || []).map(&:install_count).compact.reduce(:+) ] end # Only show table if there are any build deliveries unless build_deliveries.empty? puts( title: "#{} Processing Builds".green, headings: ["Version #", "Build #"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(build_deliveries) )) end puts( title: "#{} Builds".green, headings: ["Version #", "Build #", "Installs"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(builds) )) end def update_beta_app_meta(options, build) # If demo_account_required is a parameter, it should added into beta_app_review_info unless options[:demo_account_required].nil? options[:beta_app_review_info] = {} if options[:beta_app_review_info].nil? options[:beta_app_review_info][:demo_account_required] = options[:demo_account_required] end if should_update_beta_app_review_info(options) update_review_detail(build, options[:beta_app_review_info]) end if should_update_localized_app_information?(options) update_localized_app_review(build, options[:localized_app_info]) elsif should_update_app_test_information?(options) default_info = {} default_info[:feedback_email] = options[:beta_app_feedback_email] if options[:beta_app_feedback_email] default_info[:description] = options[:beta_app_description] if options[:beta_app_description] begin update_localized_app_review(build, {}, default_info: default_info) UI.success("Successfully set the beta_app_feedback_email and/or beta_app_description") rescue => ex UI.user_error!("Could not set beta_app_feedback_email and/or beta_app_description: #{ex}") end end if should_update_localized_build_information?(options) update_localized_build_review(build, options[:localized_build_info]) elsif should_update_build_information?(options) begin update_localized_build_review(build, {}, default_info: { whats_new: options[:changelog] }) UI.success("Successfully set the changelog for build") rescue => ex UI.user_error!("Could not set changelog: #{ex}") end end if options[:notify_external_testers].nil? UI.important("Using App Store Connect's default for notifying external testers (which is true) - set `notify_external_testers` for full control") else update_build_beta_details(build, { auto_notify_enabled: options[:notify_external_testers] }) end end def self.truncate_changelog(changelog) max_changelog_bytes = 4000 if changelog changelog_bytes = changelog.unpack('C*').length if changelog_bytes > max_changelog_bytes UI.important("Changelog will be truncated since it exceeds Apple's #{max_changelog_bytes}-byte limit. It currently contains #{changelog_bytes} bytes.") new_changelog = '' new_changelog_bytes = 0 max_changelog_bytes -= 3 # Will append '...' later. changelog.chars.each do |char| new_changelog_bytes += char.unpack('C*').length break if new_changelog_bytes >= max_changelog_bytes new_changelog += char end changelog = new_changelog + '...' end end changelog end def self.emoji_regex # EmojiRegex::RGIEmoji is now preferred over EmojiRegex::Regex which is deprecated as of 3.2.0 # return defined?(EmojiRegex::RGIEmoji) ? EmojiRegex::RGIEmoji : EmojiRegex::Regex end def self.strip_emoji(changelog) if changelog && changelog =~ emoji_regex changelog.gsub!(emoji_regex, "") UI.important("Emoji symbols have been removed from the changelog, since they're not allowed by Apple.") end changelog end def self.strip_less_than_sign(changelog) if changelog && changelog.include?("<") changelog.delete!("<") UI.important("Less than signs (<) have been removed from the changelog, since they're not allowed by Apple.") end changelog end def self.sanitize_changelog(changelog) changelog = strip_emoji(changelog) changelog = strip_less_than_sign(changelog) truncate_changelog(changelog) end private def describe_build(build) row = [build.train_version, build.build_version, build.install_count] return row end def should_update_beta_app_review_info(options) !options[:beta_app_review_info].nil? end def should_update_build_information?(options) options[:changelog].to_s.length > 0 end def should_update_app_test_information?(options) options[:beta_app_description].to_s.length > 0 || options[:beta_app_feedback_email].to_s.length > 0 end def should_update_localized_app_information?(options) !options[:localized_app_info].nil? end def should_update_localized_build_information?(options) !options[:localized_build_info].nil? end def reject_build_waiting_for_review(build) waiting_for_review_build = { "betaAppReviewSubmission.betaReviewState" => "WAITING_FOR_REVIEW" }, includes: "betaAppReviewSubmission,preReleaseVersion").first unless waiting_for_review_build.nil? UI.important("Another build is already in review. Going to remove that build and submit the new one.") UI.important("Deleting beta app review submission for build: #{waiting_for_review_build.app_version} - #{waiting_for_review_build.version}") waiting_for_review_build.beta_app_review_submission.delete! UI.success("Deleted beta app review submission for previous build: #{waiting_for_review_build.app_version} - #{waiting_for_review_build.version}") end end def expire_previous_builds(build) builds_to_expire = do |asc_build| == end builds_to_expire.each(&:expire!) end # If App Store Connect API token, use token. # If itc_provider was explicitly specified, use it. # If there are multiple teams, infer the provider from the selected team name. # If there are fewer than two teams, don't infer the provider. def transporter_for_selected_team(options) # Use JWT auth api_token = Spaceship::ConnectAPI.token api_key = if options[:api_key].nil? && !api_token.nil? # Load api key info if user set api_key_path, not api_key { key_id: api_token.key_id, issuer_id: api_token.issuer_id, key: api_token.key_raw } elsif !options[:api_key].nil? api_key = options[:api_key].transform_keys(&:to_sym).dup # key is still base 64 style if api_key is loaded from option api_key[:key] = Base64.decode64(api_key[:key]) if api_key[:is_key_content_base64] api_key end unless api_token.nil? api_token.refresh! if api_token.expired? return, nil, false, nil, api_token.text, altool_compatible_command: true, api_key: api_key) end # Otherwise use username and password tunes_client = Spaceship::ConnectAPI.client ? Spaceship::ConnectAPI.client.tunes_client : nil generic_transporter =[:username], nil, false, options[:itc_provider], altool_compatible_command: true, api_key: api_key) return generic_transporter if options[:itc_provider] || tunes_client.nil? return generic_transporter unless tunes_client.teams.count > 1 begin team = tunes_client.teams.find { |t| t['providerId'].to_s == tunes_client.team_id } name = team['name'] provider_id = generic_transporter.provider_ids[name] UI.verbose("Inferred provider id #{provider_id} for team #{name}.") return[:username], nil, false, provider_id, altool_compatible_command: true, api_key: api_key) rescue => ex STDERR.puts(ex.to_s) UI.verbose("Couldn't infer a provider short name for team with id #{tunes_client.team_id} automatically: #{ex}. Proceeding without provider short name.") return generic_transporter end end def distribute_build(uploaded_build, options) UI.message("Distributing new build to testers: #{uploaded_build.app_version} - #{uploaded_build.version}") # This is where we could add a check to see if encryption is required and has been updated uploaded_build = set_export_compliance_if_needed(uploaded_build, options) if options[:submit_beta_review] && (options[:groups] || options[:distribute_external]) if uploaded_build.ready_for_beta_submission? uploaded_build.post_beta_app_review_submission else UI.message("Build #{uploaded_build.app_version} - #{uploaded_build.version} already submitted for review") end end if options[:groups] app = beta_groups = do |group| options[:groups].include?( end unless beta_groups.empty? uploaded_build.add_beta_groups(beta_groups: beta_groups) end end if options[:distribute_external] && options[:groups].nil? # Legacy Spaceship::TestFlight API used to have a `default_external_group` that would automatically # get selected but this no longer exists with Spaceship::ConnectAPI UI.user_error!("You must specify at least one group using the `:groups` option to distribute externally") end true end def set_export_compliance_if_needed(uploaded_build, options) if uploaded_build.uses_non_exempt_encryption.nil? uses_non_exempt_encryption = options[:uses_non_exempt_encryption] attributes = { usesNonExemptEncryption: uses_non_exempt_encryption } Spaceship::ConnectAPI.patch_builds(build_id:, attributes: attributes) UI.important("Export compliance has been set to '#{uses_non_exempt_encryption}'. Need to wait for build to finishing processing again...") UI.important("Set 'ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption' in the 'Info.plist' to skip this step and speed up the submission") loop do build = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Build.get(build_id: return build unless build.missing_export_compliance? UI.message("Waiting for build #{} to process export compliance") sleep(5) end else return uploaded_build end end def update_review_detail(build, info) info = info.transform_keys(&:to_sym) attributes = {} attributes[:contactEmail] = info[:contact_email] if info.key?(:contact_email) attributes[:contactFirstName] = info[:contact_first_name] if info.key?(:contact_first_name) attributes[:contactLastName] = info[:contact_last_name] if info.key?(:contact_last_name) attributes[:contactPhone] = info[:contact_phone] if info.key?(:contact_phone) attributes[:demoAccountName] = info[:demo_account_name] if info.key?(:demo_account_name) attributes[:demoAccountPassword] = info[:demo_account_password] if info.key?(:demo_account_password) attributes[:demoAccountRequired] = info[:demo_account_required] if info.key?(:demo_account_required) attributes[:notes] = info[:notes] if info.key?(:notes) Spaceship::ConnectAPI.patch_beta_app_review_detail(app_id:, attributes: attributes) end def update_localized_app_review(build, info_by_lang, default_info: nil) info_by_lang = info_by_lang.transform_keys(&:to_sym) if default_info info_by_lang.delete(:default) else default_info = info_by_lang.delete(:default) end # Initialize hash of lang codes with info_by_lang keys localizations_by_lang = {} info_by_lang.each_key do |key| localizations_by_lang[key] = nil end # Validate locales exist localizations = app.get_beta_app_localizations localizations.each do |localization| localizations_by_lang[localization.locale.to_sym] = localization end # Create or update localized app review info localizations_by_lang.each do |lang_code, localization| info = info_by_lang[lang_code] info = default_info unless info update_localized_app_review_for_lang(app, localization, lang_code, info) if info end end def update_localized_app_review_for_lang(app, localization, locale, info) attributes = {} attributes[:feedbackEmail] = info[:feedback_email] if info.key?(:feedback_email) attributes[:marketingUrl] = info[:marketing_url] if info.key?(:marketing_url) attributes[:privacyPolicyUrl] = info[:privacy_policy_url] if info.key?(:privacy_policy_url) attributes[:tvOsPrivacyPolicy] = info[:tv_os_privacy_policy_url] if info.key?(:tv_os_privacy_policy_url) attributes[:description] = info[:description] if info.key?(:description) if localization Spaceship::ConnectAPI.patch_beta_app_localizations(localization_id:, attributes: attributes) else attributes[:locale] = locale if locale Spaceship::ConnectAPI.post_beta_app_localizations(app_id:, attributes: attributes) end end def update_localized_build_review(build, info_by_lang, default_info: nil) info_by_lang = info_by_lang.transform_keys(&:to_sym) if default_info info_by_lang.delete(:default) else default_info = info_by_lang.delete(:default) end # Initialize hash of lang codes with info_by_lang keys localizations_by_lang = {} info_by_lang.each_key do |key| localizations_by_lang[key] = nil end # Validate locales exist localizations = build.get_beta_build_localizations localizations.each do |localization| localizations_by_lang[localization.locale.to_sym] = localization end # Create or update localized app review info localizations_by_lang.each do |lang_code, localization| info = info_by_lang[lang_code] info = default_info unless info update_localized_build_review_for_lang(build, localization, lang_code, info) if info end end def update_localized_build_review_for_lang(build, localization, locale, info) attributes = {} attributes[:whatsNew] = self.class.sanitize_changelog(info[:whats_new]) if info.key?(:whats_new) if localization Spaceship::ConnectAPI.patch_beta_build_localizations(localization_id:, attributes: attributes) else attributes[:locale] = locale if locale Spaceship::ConnectAPI.post_beta_build_localizations(build_id:, attributes: attributes) end end def update_build_beta_details(build, info) attributes = {} attributes[:autoNotifyEnabled] = info[:auto_notify_enabled] if info.key?(:auto_notify_enabled) build_beta_detail = build.build_beta_detail if build_beta_detail Spaceship::ConnectAPI.patch_build_beta_details(build_beta_details_id:, attributes: attributes) else if attributes[:autoNotifyEnabled] UI.important("Unable to auto notify testers as the build did not include beta detail information - this is likely a temporary issue on TestFlight.") end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end