# NOTE: run bin/format-filters after changing this file opal_filter "BasicObject" do fails "BasicObject raises NoMethodError for nonexistent methods after #method_missing is removed" # NoMethodError: undefined method `tmp' for # fails "BasicObject#initialize does not accept arguments" # NoMethodError: undefined method `class' for # fails "BasicObject#instance_eval class variables lookup does not have access to class variables in the receiver class when called with a String" # Expected NameError (/uninitialized class variable @@cvar/) but no exception was raised ("value_defined_in_receiver_scope" was returned) fails "BasicObject#instance_eval class variables lookup gets class variables in the caller class when called with a String" # Expected "value_defined_in_receiver_scope" == "value_defined_in_caller_scope" to be truthy but was false fails "BasicObject#instance_eval class variables lookup sets class variables in the caller class when called with a String" # NameError: uninitialized class variable @@cvar in BasicObjectSpecs::InstEval::CVar::Set::CallerScope fails "BasicObject#instance_eval constants lookup when a String given looks in the caller class next" # Expected "ReceiverParent" == "Caller" to be truthy but was false fails "BasicObject#instance_eval constants lookup when a String given looks in the caller outer scopes next" # Expected "ReceiverParent" == "CallerScope" to be truthy but was false fails "BasicObject#instance_eval constants lookup when a String given looks in the receiver singleton class first" # Expected "Receiver" == "singleton_class" to be truthy but was false fails "BasicObject#instance_eval converts filename argument with #to_str method" # Expected "" == "15" to be truthy but was false fails "BasicObject#instance_eval converts string argument with #to_str method" # NoMethodError: undefined method `encoding' for # fails "BasicObject#instance_eval evaluates string with given filename and linenumber" # Expected [""] == ["a_file", "10"] to be truthy but was false fails "BasicObject#instance_eval evaluates string with given filename and negative linenumber" # Expected [""] == ["b_file", "-98"] to be truthy but was false fails "BasicObject#instance_eval has access to the caller's local variables" # Expected nil == "value" to be truthy but was false fails "BasicObject#instance_eval raises ArgumentError if returned value is not Integer" # Expected TypeError (/can't convert Object to Integer/) but got: RuntimeError () fails "BasicObject#instance_eval raises ArgumentError if returned value is not String" # Expected TypeError (/can't convert Object to String/) but got: NoMethodError (undefined method `encoding' for #) fails "BasicObject#instance_eval raises TypeError for frozen objects when tries to set receiver's instance variables" # Expected FrozenError (can't modify frozen NilClass: nil) but no exception was raised (42 was returned) fails "BasicObject#instance_eval raises an ArgumentError when a block and normal arguments are given" # Expected ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 0)) but got: ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (2 for 0)) fails "BasicObject#instance_eval raises an ArgumentError when more than 3 arguments are given" # Expected ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 1..3)) but got: ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (0 for 1..3)) fails "BasicObject#instance_eval raises an ArgumentError when no arguments and no block are given" # Expected ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1..3)) but got: ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (0 for 1..3)) fails "BasicObject#instance_exec raises a LocalJumpError unless given a block" # Expected LocalJumpError but got: ArgumentError (no block given) fails "BasicObject#method_missing for an instance sets the receiver of the raised NoMethodError" # No behavior expectation was found in the example fails "BasicObject#singleton_method_added when singleton_method_added is undefined calls #method_missing" # Expected [] == [["singleton_method_added", "foo"], ["singleton_method_added", "bar"], ["singleton_method_added", "baz"]] to be truthy but was false fails "BasicObject#singleton_method_added when singleton_method_added is undefined raises NoMethodError for a metaclass" # Expected NoMethodError (/undefined method `singleton_method_added' for/) but no exception was raised ("foo" was returned) fails "BasicObject#singleton_method_added when singleton_method_added is undefined raises NoMethodError for a singleton instance" # Expected NoMethodError (/undefined method `singleton_method_added' for #