Given /^a serializer named '(.+)'$/ do |klass| @serializer = klass.to_const end Given /^a stateful Ruby class named '(.*)'$/ do |name| name = name.to_sym ivars = 1 + rand(10) Kernel.__send__(:remove_const, name) if Kernel.const_defined?(name) @stateful_ruby_class = Kernel.__send__(:const_set, name, @stateful_ruby_class) @stateful_ruby_class.instance_eval do define_method(:initialize) do ivars.times do self.instance_variable_set("@instance_variable_#{random_value(Integer)}", random_value(nil, [String])) end end define_method(:==) do |other| result = ( == self.instance_variables.each do |ivar| result &&= (self.instance_variable_get(ivar) == other.instance_variable_get(ivar)) end result end end end When /^I serialize the Ruby value: (.*)$/ do |expression| @ruby_value = eval(expression) @serialized_value = @serializer.dump(@ruby_value) end When /^I unserialize the JSON value: (.*)$/ do |value| @serialized_value = value @ruby_value = @serializer.load(@serialized_value) end When /^I serialize a complex random data structure$/ do @ruby_value = random_value(nil, [String]) @serialized_value = @serializer.dump(@ruby_value) end When /^an eldritch force deletes a key from the serialized value$/ do hash = RightSupport::Data::Serializer::Encoder.load(@serialized_value) hash.delete(hash.keys[rand(hash.keys.size)]) @serialized_value = @serializer.dump(hash) end Then /^the serialized value should be: (.*)$/ do |expression| if (@serialized_value =~ /^\{/) || (expression =~ /^\{/) # Hash: ordering of JSON representation is unimportant; load as pure JSON and compare values RightSupport::Data::Serializer::Encoder.load(@serialized_value).should == RightSupport::Data::Serializer::Encoder.load(expression) else # Any other data: exact comparison @serialized_value.should == expression end end Then /^the serialized value should round-trip cleanly$/ do case @ruby_value when Float # Floating-point numbers lose some precision due to truncation @serializer.load(@serialized_value).should be_within(0.000001).of(@ruby_value) when Time # Times are stored with accuracy ~ 1 sec @serializer.load(@serialized_value).to_i.should == @ruby_value.to_i else # Everything else should compare identical @serializer.load(@serialized_value).should == @ruby_value end end Then /^the serialized value should have no invalid characters$/ do if @serialized_value.respond_to?(:valid_encoding?) # modern Rubies @serialized_value.valid_encoding?.should be_true else # Ruby 1.8 raised = false begin iconv ='UTF-8', 'UTF-8') iconv.iconv(@serialized_value) rescue Exception => e raised = true end raised.should be_false end end When /^the serialized value should fail to round\-trip$/ do @serializer.load(@serialized_value).should_not == @ruby_value end Then /^the serialized value should be a JSON (.*)$/ do |json_type| case json_type when 'object' @serialized_value.should =~ /^\{.*\}$/ when 'string' @serialized_value.should =~ /^".*"$/ when 'number' @serialized_value.should =~ /^".*"$/ when 'true', 'false', 'null' @serialized_value.should == json_type else raise NotImplementedError, "Unknown JSON type" end end Then /^the serialized value should have a suitable _ruby_class$/ do @serialized_value.should =~ /"_ruby_class":"#{Regexp.escape(}"/ end Then /^the unserialized object should be an? (.*)$/ do |class_name| klass = class_name.to_const klass.should_not be_nil @ruby_value.should be_a(klass) end Then /^the unserialized object should have a "(.*)" attribute with value: (.*)$/ do |attr, value| attr = attr.to_sym value = eval(value) @ruby_value.should respond_to(attr) @ruby_value.__send__(attr).should == value end