%fieldset %legend Discount .control-group = f.label :code, "Discount Code", :class => 'control-label' .controls = f.text_field :code, :class => 'input' %p.help-block 4-15 characters, not case sensitive .control-group .controls %label.checkbox = f.check_box :active Discount is active and can be used now. %fieldset .control-group = f.label :show_ids, "Shows", :class => 'control-label' .controls = f.select :show_ids, options_for_select(@event.shows.collect {|s| [l(DateTime.parse(s.local_datetime), :format => :day_time), s.id] }, @discount.show_ids), {}, {'data-placeholder' => "All Shows", :class => 'input chosen', :multiple => true} .control-group = f.label :ticket_types, "Ticket Types", :class => 'control-label' .controls = f.select :ticket_types, options_for_select(@ticket_type_names, @discount.ticket_types.to_a), {}, {'data-placeholder' => "All Prices", :class => 'input chosen', :multiple => true} %fieldset .control-group = f.label :promotion_type, "Promotion Type", :class => 'control-label' .controls %label.radio = f.radio_button :promotion_type, 'DollarsOffTickets', :class => 'promotion-type-radio' X dollars off each ticket %label.radio = f.radio_button :promotion_type, 'BuyOneGetOneFree', :class => 'promotion-type-radio' Buy one get one free %fieldset = f.fields_for :properties, discount.properties do |p| .control-group.promotion-type-properties#DollarsOffTickets{:style => "display: none;"} = p.label :amount, "Amount off each ticket", :class => 'control-label' .controls = p.text_field :amount, :class => 'input-small section-price currency', :value => discount.properties[:amount] .control-group.promotion-type-properties#BuyOneGetOneFree %fieldset .control-group = f.label :minimum_ticket_count, "Minimum purchase of", :class => 'control-label' .controls = f.text_field :minimum_ticket_count, :class => 'input input-mini', :placeholder => "1" tickets. %fieldset %legend Inventory .control-group .controls .radio = radio_button_tag "unlimited_capacity", true, @discount.limit.blank? || @discount.limit == 0 Unlimited discounted tickets per event. .radio = radio_button_tag "unlimited_capacity", false, @discount.limit.present? Only = f.text_field :limit, :class => 'span1', :placeholder => 10 tickets can be sold with this discount per event. - content_for :custom_js do = stylesheet_link_tag 'jquery/chosen' = javascript_include_tag 'jquery-lib/chosen.jquery' :javascript var show_appropriate_properties = function() { touchCurrency(); var promotion_type = $('.promotion-type-radio:checked').attr('value'); $('.promotion-type-properties').hide(); $('.control-group#' + promotion_type).show(); }; $(document).ready(function() { $('.promotion-type-radio').click(function() { show_appropriate_properties(); }); show_appropriate_properties(); $('#unlimited_capacity_true').click(function() { $('#discount_limit').val(''); }); $('#discount_limit').focus(function() { $('#unlimited_capacity_false').attr('checked', 'checked'); }); $('#discount_code').focus(); // use the fancy multi-select $('.chosen').chosen(); });