module Voucherify module Utils def self.round_money(value) value.round(2) end def self.validate_percent_discount(discount) if !(discount.is_a? Numeric) || !discount.between?(0, 100) raise 'Invalid voucher, percent discount should be between 0-100.' end end def self.validate_amount_discount(discount) if !(discount.is_a? Numeric) || discount < 0 raise 'Invalid voucher, amount discount must be bigger than zero.' end end def self.validate_unit_discount(discount) if !(discount.is_a? Numeric) || discount < 0 raise 'Invalid voucher, unit discount must be bigger than zero.' end end def self.calculate_price(base_price, voucher, unit_price = nil) e = 100.0 if voucher[:gift] discount = [voucher[:gift][:balance] / e, base_price].min return round_money(base_price - discount) end if !voucher[:discount] raise 'Unsupported voucher type.' end if voucher[:discount][:type] === 'PERCENT' discount = voucher[:discount][:percent_off] validate_percent_discount(discount); price_discount = base_price * (discount / 100.0) return round_money(base_price - price_discount) elsif voucher[:discount][:type] === 'AMOUNT' discount = voucher[:discount][:amount_off] / e validate_amount_discount(discount) new_price = base_price - discount return round_money(new_price > 0 ? (new_price) : 0) elsif voucher[:discount][:type] === 'UNIT' if !unit_price raise 'Missing unit_price argument.' end discount = voucher[:discount][:unit_off] validate_unit_discount(discount) new_price = base_price - unit_price * discount return round_money(new_price > 0 ? (new_price) : 0) else raise 'Unsupported discount type' end end def self.calculate_discount(base_price, voucher, unit_price = nil) e = 100.0 if voucher[:gift] discount = [voucher[:gift][:balance] / e, base_price].min return round_money(discount) end if !voucher[:discount] raise 'Unsupported voucher type.' end if voucher[:discount][:type] === 'PERCENT' discount = voucher[:discount][:percent_off] validate_percent_discount(discount); price_discount = base_price * (discount / 100.0) return round_money(price_discount) elsif voucher[:discount][:type] === 'AMOUNT' discount = voucher[:discount][:amount_off] / e validate_amount_discount(discount) new_price = base_price - discount return round_money(new_price > 0 ? (discount) : (base_price)) elsif voucher[:discount][:type] === 'UNIT' if !unit_price raise 'Missing unit_price argument.' end discount = voucher[:discount][:unit_off] validate_unit_discount(discount) price_discount = unit_price * discount return round_money(price_discount > base_price ? (base_price) : (price_discount)) else raise 'Unsupported discount type' end end end end