i love you :)
whew! i am relieved you guys are not #dwts zombies..it wud have bn so disallusioning. :)
#ff --- he can rap :)
positive thinking!! :) never give up smiling! :)
i would find it disdainful, i'm sure. same goes with a haiku about twitter. :)
< follow :)
i love leaving a movie theater feeling motivated to continue working on my craft. <-- tp movies do that! :-)
follow me please? i guess getting you to follow me is as hard as getting to tweet me. haha. :)
you should know :d
if i weren't doing precisely that at this very minute, i'd apologize :)
thanks friend!! :)
you can type 60 wpm on an iphone? whoa. that proves it who needs a physical keyboard. :)
#ff twitpic.com/1cks9l <-- this sweetheart :d
played humans being as well :d wah semalem ketiduran, sori ya guys. pagi kebangun lagu wasted (cont)
hahahah, epic! :d
q:you're in college right? what college do you go... a:yep. freshman at usf :) i love it! <3
yes i did..and i had the teens helping me! fun afternoon :-)
awe thanks for the follow girl :)
dear gaga, can you please follow me? :)
lol! i bet she is! i want a doggie but can never make up my mind i know when i get to that point the right one will let me know :)
oh thank gaawwwd! lol :)
i will give u a huge shoutout if u follow-> <--make sure u tell me !!!! :)
#ff <<--get him to 2,000 :)
thank you :)
good evening to you...easter blessings for you & your family :)
it is decidedly so :)
yes you will :) my manager is getting pictures for me to sign for everyone too!
q:yes u r gonna guess lol im bored a:haha okay.. well im good at this game :)
aloooooo...happy bday yaaaaaah :) all best for u :) semangaaaaaaat!!!god bless u abundantly :)
yay for you. congrats!!! :)
i listen to you :)
see you later :)
:) that's awesome! and you do know me :)
you slap your big sis heh! get a new profile pic- no one want's to see that!!! lol : )
lmfao!! this routine might be hazardous to our men..they may need body pads if they're standing in front of any food. =)
thank you darlin!! holy god is my fav too!! =)
=) ayee
*blank stare* & u not slow? smh : )
hahaha thanks for the rt...i'm a mess. i know. :)
welcome to the show :)
had my first return client todayyy! he's so sweet! :)
the swedish bakery already pre-warned me about a 1hr wait tomorrow. hope to make some new andersonville friends. :) #easter
she said as long as i clean the babys room tmrw then i can go with you sunday :d of course i gotta do some slave shit again.
can't wait to meet you somehow . :) #llf
as i spark! :) i get high on ur memory!
i'm good. i have booked a week off and will be staying up all alot through it lol :d
if you want to release sparks fly on her third album! :d
morning my sister, eno n yuka. :) have a good saturday. :)
watching comedy central and eating oreo cakesters :) i am very content.
:d #ff follow this little lady very loving and very smart for a youngin lol
q:im willing nd im able a:u smile, i smile :)
thank you, thank you!!! =)
agreed! :) hope you're having a great weekend...
wow! thank you :)
awww so sweet of you :)
huh ? u man the baby ? :d
thank you for the #followfriday greats mention. i really appreciate it. :-)
thanks! i like to follow you too lots of good posts from you! have a nice weekend :)
arteri blog relaunch scheduled for 16 april 2010 :) new web design by bright lights at midnight. we can't wait to be back online!
ur soo sweet <33333 haha i just listed u =) xx wts up tho?
i will be there :) sober, not starting until late, lol
if you love to love. :)
by the way, nice dalek! :)
our house just shook *whhhooooosssshhhhhhh* *crrrraaaccccckkkkk* sounds outside my window :) #yvrwindstorm2010
glaad you liked it~! haha, :)
oh man, how cool is that? okay, will write it down. if you're interested, i'll interview you on my blog. :)
yall ain't got these yet :) pure moneys oh and thats some cranberry thunders in the back
they are just jealous :)
great tweet :) and cool article! mosquitoooes iiiiin sppppppaaaaaaaace.....http://bit.ly/b9mtu1
can you dm me your cabin #? i want to have it on me so i can make sue to find u. :)
g'night all :)
i'm a second-generation tech geek. i know better than to buy a first-generation gadget. :)
i'll be there early. let me know if you want me to get you an ipad and which one. i'll drop it off on my way home. :-)
thanks for the #ff's :) you're all people i enjoy following
great meeting you as well, emily. i'm sure you'll have to endure me in class some time :)
: )
whaaaa? #timefornewfriends #justsayin :)
hope you all enjoy the long easter weekend! :)
is on vacay till monday! keep it locked for our celeb & music tweets :)
#weirdoosassislike 2 delicious pans of jello :d
you're welcome! :d thanks lisa
i think it got to 75 degrees today!! :) soo nice
where is my little vajayjay of a sister ? we havent hung in what seems like an etern! cant wait to get my hands on her buns :)
so thankful for these young #ff love thoughts. :)
oh but clash of the titans was good! definitely enjoyed it. :d
just came on here to say.. is a loser! :) #thatisall
do they? :d n what u mean u almost got bombarded?
making granma watch the blind side :) & of course still being a baby hog. baker says wuz up
wahoo! it's friday! tgif #muklukateer's!!! :)
... im sort of mean sometimes :)
heehee. :) i'm sure it was autocorrect run amok, but..the image. microclimates indeed!
i love you guys :)
hey wls tweeps: please welcome & follow the latest member of the wls twitter twibe :) #wls
you are always at home with us :d #dwts
someone tell me what their favoritee song on my world 2 is :)
gimme a shoutout, please? :) i love telephone music vid amazing!
can you please follow me? :)
just get me 10 cuz it's not working! so u need to get me to 10,465! :)
hahaha thanks b :) did you see the new layout? www.somayareecefans.com
good one too. :)
remember, this is yet another "season he is the reason".....http://bit.ly/c7bdj4 (a poem by me) make god the reason everyday :)
five guys has to be one of my new favorite meals. my tummy is very happy right now :)
good thing :-)
so excited about dinner tonight! being cooked gyros from scratch, all local products :) *nom nom nom*
actually i can dm you the direct link to the mag... just a moment =)
my previous tweet pls :)
thankyou ^_^
may i ask you, in brisbane..which ''madison'' where u dedicating speechless to? :)
at the movies seeing "why did i get married too" :-)
#ff --- great taste in music && really a great friend i want him back in germany!! :)
getting the hang of it is, that's half the fun anyway :-)
i havent but ill definitely check it out next time :) i went on like everything! no joke! lol
lol but on the bright side i am enjoying the show from my perspective lol thanks pal :-)
looongg day. relaxingg now :) cant wait to go to the planetarium with my baby tomorrow! !!
ha ha...our new next door neighbor just asked me what we were doing...bet his old neighbors never fried chicken on their front porch! :)
gotta get this in is right...eat peeps w/@passaggio unoaked chard./i stand w/chard :)
it's purple! :) just finished with color, now too coat unless i put some pink on top bc it's so dark. hmm.
morgan freeman starred in the old clash of the titans and the new one.. he looks the same exact age in both :)
i have one! my psn name is oneofswords. friend me :)
goodnight future husband i love you haha :)
realizing i have a dress up birthday party tomorrow. excited to put on my patent leather shoes :) (minus the white tights!)
updated my profile picture with the es icon. :)
ok :) awesommee :)
i love it...one of my favorite movies. :)
no...i had never thought of that. great idea though. :-)
happy long weekend taruwits, and enjoy living in bandung for guesses from outside bandung... keep bandung beautiful euy... :)
good morning all!! have a nice weekend and enjoy your rest! :)
pageyy :d selamat pagiii..good morning...
all #vidies dan all arlunerz.. awali hari dengan doa.. :-)
hiiii gaga! :d so happy you tweeted!! really missed your posts! please follow or tweet me!!! i loveee you sooo much!! :'d <33 xoxo
was the movie good? i bet so :)
hehehehe...yes that's a great commercial! love brakes :)
jon lovitz...absolutely brilliant! great stuff as always :d (youtube
oh, don't worry. i'm not really coveting, just admiring. :-)
oh well i'll wait til tomorrow then :)
beautiful photo! btw -enjoyed listening to you at #jmu612 will say hello next time =)
:) go dj!! go music!!! he saved me last week. go dj go dj go last night a dj saved (cont)
all our bags are packed ready to go to bellarocca with rache and raphael :)
yummmm, cookies. oatmeal scotchies? nom nom nom :d
sure! :)..thanks!! :d
at staples ctr, only one party allowed in line for tix so bf let his hot gf come stand by me, her in skin tight liquid leggings i swooped :)
#ff for their continued support.. :)
everyone needs to check out 's live chat starting soon :)
first tweet from new bb bold :)
it's ok to walk instead of running. easier on your back and knees! :-) just go at the fastest pace you can.
great! thanks :)
"hardened criminal". is that a pun? :-) (omg! i never say that! lol)
they're reviving the a-team? how cool! it was sappy & totally impossible in real life, but one of my fav tv shows! :d
late night fifa session!! :-) your so lucky i'm not home....
i know it! but if it has to be a repeat, may as well be this one!!! :d
meu orkut aí: =)
hey guys i ordered a fetty necklace about 3 weeks ago :) it hasnt come in yet but i'm so excited when it dooes!xxxxx
or do i mean today! : ) ugh
ok babe. you can hear get loose, get wild at www.myspace.com/superbromusic
#cheers :)
either he is huge or you are petite. :)
thanks so much, dear :) i'd prefer you go to please it will be signed, too! let me know what you think!
yeah, so, i tried it. and it worked, and now it probably doesnt. no such thing as time wasted, only lessons learned =)
ugh!! i had the best time! totally not planned...felt good to be free and out w/fun friends :) spartacus in 15!
idaho is cold and blustery and rainy. the potatoes are...um...starchy. :d
hey, i was wondering if u cud help xd would you be able to make us a bg? :) it would be much appreciated! urs are awesome!
maybe; maybe not :)
i meant "mare sure" of course. can't even spell today. :)
i love protein, but prefer rugby :)
here's to 12 hours you and i having stronger careers.
be mean to and you gotta deal wit da donut and trust me, it won't be pretty. :)
i have been there before, its cool :)
woot 19,200 but whos counting :)
oh sounds good :)
nah i like weird names! :d ones that do not make sense.
list me please!!!! :)
yay :) it's not my path, but my sister did it for years hope continues to build for u
:) haha awesome! just wish facebook would quit recommending i friend them all.
kicking to the radio tunes from our childhoods... snoop dogg & ace of base. aw yeah!! who's snoop, who is aob? :)
gm. in fact i woke up at 3, do you want to rephrase your question? :)
thank yu :)
lol, ew don't call her my gf. yuck haha. she's coming for you & i'm waiting on the payback. lmao. <3 :d
thank you for your comment on www.facebook.com/jqmusic :) i appreciate your love and support!
good night bitches :) <3
i'm writing. i hope you have a good visit with him. :)
maybe you should start picking out his clothes for him :d
sour patch kids! first they're sour, then they burn and make your tongue numb for a week! :) god bless
yes, i got the message, will have a listen as soon as i can to include over at a future in noise! :)
ty & back 2 u! :) #ff #love »--»
man o man i wonder who is spinning :-) ha ha ha (evil laugh)
thanks! just read your blog and followed it! my new house had marigold walls and 70''pornish' tiles, but i think you beat me! :-)
well us, fans, are lucky to have you guys pring the team and chatting with us on twitter. :) :definitely a good thing!
dame here posted :)
girl i just got home too , worked all day and into the night , 2 weeks straight tomorrow is sleep in time :)
come over and bring with you! lol :)
starting april 8th, i'll be working in north hollywood! walking distance from my house. so excited. :-)
retweet: if you want a shoutout [must be following us though] :)
you are real!! after the live stream i realized how real shit your talkin :) and you are so cute :) btw i love your ceiling ;) ❤
i just saw your timeline i named my lil sis too my hubby watches espn in the morning & over & over :)
#ff sooo give me some people to follow :)
kid rock – bawitdaba!!!!!! (woodstock 99) *sighs happily* i love my blip.fm. :) ♫
retweet: if you want a shoutout [must be following us though] :)
#ff my bestie for ever and ever :d
blind side was good. :)
yeah.....lol. we are such geeks. love the sprint mifi for traveling. :) how is the baby?